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Messages - Tokata

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Alternative Play / Re: 1v1v1 - 3 Players game
« on: December 10, 2012, 10:04:20 AM »
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sorry for that bad "painting" [-] = free field
  • = fiel with mage

so how did you thought this out to be even=? 1 is nearer to two then to three in this case, or nearer to 3 if you put it 1 field to the right
Or do i miss a point?
as i coudn't play till now i don't know in how far that would matter

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that could work: 3 additional spacecs, each player needs 4 spaces to get to eachother^^

Another option would be this setup
guess the first moves will be something like this
That leaves the third player nearer to each of both oponents but also grants him the option to cast a full action spell^^

Alternative Play / 1v1v1 - 3 Players game
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:44:20 AM »
i wanted to ask if there are any working concepts for a 3 players game... (as we are 3 ppl playing that would be great, because just to watch could get a bit boring^^)

- as far as i thought of it the 3 player game would need a map made of triangles, kinda like the triforce from zelda (just a row of triangles more^^)

Am i totaly wrong with this idea, or is there anyone who already tried 3 players game and can tell something about it?

General Discussion / Re: How to learn the game...
« on: December 10, 2012, 06:19:14 AM »
Well could afford this but the big problem is: I (ok not I personally, but the person who will give me this on christmas^^) got the last copie avivable, didn't find another one^^
Ty for the information about rules and playthrough, i will search for them right away^^

(Atm i just ordered two corespelltomes... but from USA to Europe sending them just costs as much as a spelltome-,-) + not sure if they arrive in time^^

edit: OK while reading the rules i see that my idea of simply adding a field and removing 3 to bring the 3rd mage in a triangle fails cause there is no movement diagnolay... are there any other ideas for 3 player game?

edit²: ok guess i got the rules thanks^^ doesn't seem that complicated... waiting another 14 days will get harder, though :(

General Discussion / How to learn the game...
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:32:51 PM »
first of all: I'm not a native english speaker, so please tolerate if i write something in confusing ways^^

So the situtuation is the following:
On christmas i will drive home and get Magewars, from my hometown i will take two old friends with me to my new town for a boardgame-marathon. (We play 4-6 days in a row, all kinds of boardgames^^) - so usualy, as all the games belong to me, i know the gamerules, played the game and am able to explain everything - not so in magewars.  As i read it takes several houers to read the rules and get into the game, i would like to ask if there is a good way to learn magewars without haveing the components^^

+ As we are three players we would like to play with three players, obvioulsy. As i don't know the rules, i thought about simply adding one square to a corner, remove some fields, so we get at 4x4x4 triangle, in wich every corner start a mage - is there anything else to consider? (+ would one of the mages be in huge disadvantage / advantage in 1on1on1?)

Already thanks for the responses,

Edit: Ps: since we want to play with 3 players, wich extra material do i need? (like quickcast / action tookens etc) ( I plan to prox it with components of my other games^^)

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