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Messages - Ravepig

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Rules Discussion / Re: Summoning Circle Promo
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:56:23 AM »
No, because that is the spawnpoint summoning the creature and not your mage.

Thanks for the clarification- I didn't know if creatures summoned by the spawnpoint were considered summoned by the mage, since it was the mage who summoned the spawnpoint.  ;)

Rules Discussion / Summoning Circle Promo
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:59:11 AM »
the card states whenever a mage summons a creature, he may place it on summoning circle regardless of range or line of site. Does this include creatures summoned by spawnpoints?

General Discussion / Re: Deckbuilding Handbook & Decklists
« on: June 15, 2016, 04:12:35 PM »
Translating Schenkgott might be gold to start.

In general I think I follow the following steps:

Step 1: Pick a mage.

If you are not familiar with the options, look up the mages and their respective tactics and strengths/weaknesses.

Step 2: Pick a theme/strategy/card around which your deck is designed.
It is very important that you choose a card or a theme which your mage will use as the main goal to kill the opponent. After you have decided what you want, you should try to include all cards necessary to support this strategy. Question yourself what is necessary to keep your strategy going. The trick here is to only add cards needed for your strategy. If you add every card that might be helpful than you will have way too many cards.


Warlock, Sectarus: Include a battle forge, enough curses, something to increase the strength of your mage.

Beastmaster, Animal Kinship: You need enough cheap creatures to keep the kinship effects going. Probably a lair to summon them.

Warlord, Talos: Include many outposts so you are sure to summon talos. Try to get a good mix between level 1 and level 2 creatures. In the beginning you are short in mana so the small ones are preferable while after a couple of rounds it is probably better to summon more durable creatures. Include the dwarf panzerguard to guard outposts.

Step 3: Cover your decks weaknesses.

This is probably the hardest step during spellbook creation since it is not always easy to predict possible counters against you. With practice you will become better at this. After you have played with your deck you can always adjust a few cards to improve this.

Some (but far from all) common weaknesses:

Movement/positioning: Especially Solo/buddy builds need enough positioning and movement cards since every hit with your strong creature counts. Cards like force push/teleport/charge/Mongoose Agility/cheetah speed and even walls can help you with this.

Flying: If you don't have many flying creatures and don't plan to use many attack spells it might be wise to either include one flying creature, eagle wings, maim wings or gravikor. Especially druids and necromancers have problems against flyers.

Rushes: If you have a slow startup, make sure you have at least some (cheap) means to protect you at the start of a game. Common used cards are Defend, Intercepting creatures, walls, Brace yourself, and many more.

Mana drainage: Especially swarms have problems with mana and they can be drained even more easily with cards like [mwcard=MW1J21]Suppression Orb[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1J16]Mordok's Obelisk[/mwcard]. Either add more economy cards, a [mwcard=FWJ05]Mana Prism[/mwcard] or make sure to have some means to take out conjurations like that. (1 or 2 rounds)

Step 4: Include a backup strategy

Imagine that your strategy will not work for any reason at all. Think of a secondary tactic you can use if all else fails. Preferably this strategy uses many of the same cards as your main strategy but in a different way. This is of course not always possible.


Spawnpoint is destroyed, no swarm possible: Include one or two very big creatures and change your strategy more into a buddy build.

Your deck is based on tainted or poison and you face a necromancer.

You want to use fire but the opponent is using too much fire protection for you to handle.

Step 5: Include some staple cards.

Not all of these cards are per sé necessary, but make sure you checked anyway.

- Dispel/disperse/etc... A must in every deck.
- Dissolve/Crumble/etc...
- Some Positioning/movement cards
- Walls
- Some fire protection: Without it, the adramelech can potentially destroy you.
- Healing: not every deck needs healing, but just remember bleed. Without healing this can be devistating
- Purify
- Armor: Every mage should add some degree of armor. Defences are very nice, but wall of thornes is unforgiving.
- Means against armor: If the opponent has 4 armor and you are not using spells like "Ghoul rot" your damage output can be very low. Keep in mind that there are cards like defences, Voltaric shield, healing, regeneration, ... that can make this problem even larger. Common spells: Dissolve, Disperse, Acid ball, Rust, or a creature that causes corrodes.
- Some attack spells: Every mage needs a few attack spells. Not every strategy uses a lot of them but reserve at least 8 spellbookpoints for attack spells.

Optional Step 6: Add a card you really want to try out but probably won't need

Since it's still a game designed to have fun, I suggest to have at least a few cards you will almost never use but are just very cool. Granted, it will not improve the strength of your deck in most situations. But if you ever do have the chance to use it, it can give you a huge boost and it is just super fun!

I'm printing this off and handing out copies to my little gaming group. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

General Discussion / Druid vs. Necro
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:11:53 PM »
Since my gaming group recently started playing Mage Wars, I was the only one lucky enough to get my hands on a DVN set. Can we anticipate another printing of this set? My buddies need it, and I would love to have a second set just for the Acid Balls.  :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Spiked Anchor - Forcemaster
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:15:35 PM »
Know this is an older thread, but thought I'd share that I ran this book (with a few minor changes) this past week and I walked away 2 - 0 in a matter of 50 minutes- that's with set-up. Both games lasted all but 20 minutes. This book is killer.

Granted, if I play the same opponent twice with this build, I'll have to change up my strategy some as they surely wouldn't fall for it twice. But even then, I think this book has enough tricks that it would be hard to escape.

Spells / Re: Acid Ball
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:35:49 AM »
Ah- good to know. Well, guess I'll need to get a second DVN set then.

Spells / Acid Ball
« on: May 24, 2016, 08:25:24 AM »
what Spell Tome set can I get additional copies of Acid Ball, and does anybody know how many copies I would get? I've already got 2 Core sets and don't think I need a third.

First things missing I see are:

- heavy DOT builds
- Adramelech fire rush
- wizard with ballista / towers
- conjuration-heavy warlock (goblin builder and construction yard)
- tank dwarf
- necro ichthellids / sacrificial altar / growing ravenous ghoul
- wall of thorn push (is more a move bit maybe fits here if it is a core-idea of a book)
- all flying / all ethereal
- necro poison / tainted
- and of course the not working dragonbook and the also not working gate to hell book :)

I feel like some books are more depending on some synergies, others are build around single cards and some are more flexible around a Playstlye. And most mix them.

All i all I like the idea of collecting well known metas.

Not to derail this conversation, but where do the Ballista cards come from? I've purchased every expansion and don't have this card but would like to!!!

General Discussion / Re: New to the game!
« on: May 19, 2016, 02:51:23 PM »
Hey everyone my name is Dashie. My wife and myself are new to the game and have played a few apprentice games and we are looking into starting to build our own books. We only have the core set so I was wandering what our next few purchases should be. What expansions should we grab and should we be buying the spell compendium or whatever they are called? Any advice would be great. Thanks.

Miniature Market has everything so cheap that after I started playing a few months ago, I just wound up buying a second core set and one of all expansions within a matter of a few weeks. I also bought two of the Academy sets with one to keep together for play and the second set to include with Arena (if you play with any regularity, the investment for everything is 100% worth it IMO).

Druid vs. Necro is my favorite expansion (coming from a newbie perspective). But then my buddy is having a lot of trouble finding one for a reasonable price since it seems like that set is out of print for the time being.

I look at it like any creature only has so much life to give. So if they were damaged or maybe they're just a small creature, it makes sense to me that only the remaining life could heal you.

That being said, vampirism doesn't feel like a very good card. It's a card that only works when melee attacking a living creature. If you put it on your mage, you must attack to get the effect. Regrowth is much better because it's a passive trait, costs less mana, and is equal spb for dark mages.

It makes sense thematically.  And I'm not looking for a criticism of [mwcard=MW1E40] Vampirism[/mwcard] given that this applies to [mwcard=MW1C26] Necropian Vampiress[/mwcard], [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC02] Blood Demon[/mwcard] and others.

Life and damage are two distinct things in Mage Wars.  Strictly from a rules perspective, this ruling seems weird in a game that goes to great lengths to distinguish between damage and life - e.g. having trackers for each on your mage board, where the objective of the game is to get your opponent's damage to meet or exceed his/her life total, and having various game effects that either affect the life total of an object or apply damage to an object (or "heal" by removing damage, rather than by increasing life).  From a rules perspective, why would the Vampiric trait care about the amount of life the target creature has?  Why isn't it strictly related to damage?  Even the first sentence of the Codex entry talks about damage exclusively.  Then it goes on to mention that excess damage in an overkill situation doesn't count.  Wouldn't Vampiric have already triggered and resolved before you check to see if the creature has been destroyed or not (e.g. during damage and effects step)?  Or is damage really applied one point at a time, checking to see whether or not the creature has been destroyed after each point of damage gets applied to prevent excess damage from ever being dealt?

It would seem that excess damage can (at least temporarily) apply to a creature.  Here's a clip from the current rule book:

Quote from: Rules to 4th printing
Life and Damage

All creatures and conjurations have a Life value. Life is the maximum amount of damage the object can take before being destroyed. If the object suffers damage equal to or greater than its Life value, it is destroyed. Record damage to your Mage using your Mage status board, and record damage to other objects with damage counters.

Damage and Life are tracked separately for all creatures and conjurations, including Mages. Note that various spells and abilities can change an object’s Life value without changing the amount of damage it has taken.

This same thing happened to me in my game last week. I actually ruled in the opposite (per the rules). From my perspective, I envisioned a wounded creature bleeding out... if the vampire creature attacks, s/he is going to be limited to what the wounded creature has to give. I get your logic, but I suppose the way the rules are written makes more sense to me.

Rules Discussion / Re: Basic question about Defense
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:19:47 AM »
That's what I gathered after reading more about the Force Master- so this is good news for me. My buddy's favorite creature is the Holy Knight with defense (Can't think of his name) and the way we've played basically gives him unlimited defenses until a successful one. Thank you for the clarification!

Rules Discussion / Basic question about Defense
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:53:07 PM »
So, we've only been playing for a few months now and after building my first Force Master book I'm pretty sure we've been playing Defense wrong and am hoping for clarification.

For creatures with defense, we took the number of uses to mean that the Ready marker is flipped to the Used side after a successful roll on the D12. But after closer inspection, it would seem that that the defense is used whenever the actual D12 is rolled whether successful or not. Is this accurate?

World and Lore / Re: Official MW Lore: Battle Lines, Part 1
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:50:02 PM »
Love it! Wish there was more. This was very short.

By the way, when will part V of the Organized play story be available on the website?


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Raincloud and druid vs. Warlock
« on: May 16, 2016, 10:33:15 AM »
Great help- Thanks, guys!

Strategy and Tactics / Raincloud and druid vs. Warlock
« on: May 15, 2016, 10:13:53 PM »
Two questions:

1) I've seen a couple druid decks with Raincloud. To what purpose does this serve as most vine creatures have Regen. Is raincloud in this instance worth the condition removal? Just curious if I'm missing something.

2) I've had great luck with the druid thus far but haven't gone against a warlock yet. My buddy indicated he's in process of building a warlock book. Don't want to turn down a challenge. Any advice on a an anti-warlock druid build to offset the fire weakness?

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