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Messages - Maverick

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Gorilla
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:32:37 AM »
Sounds mana intensive and a heavy investment for a single creature. I would drop the bulls endurance and replace it with a bear strength to increase his offensive output. The tree is nice if you are synergising it with other creatures but if you plan to focus so heavily on the gorilla it also seems mana intensive. Healing spells will probably give you more bang for the buck and you can save the mana until you actually need it. You could also give him a defense which would effectively double his hit-points if your opponent is not running a swarm build. Also keep in mind he is a land based living creature without any form of immunity which makes him vulnerable to every control spell in the game so he may not be a basket worth so many eggs. Just my two cents. ;)

« on: September 01, 2014, 12:22:00 AM »

This looks pretty interesting. Think I'll make my own version of this. Why are the walls arcane?

Mostly because I needed to assign a type. I figured as there were a LOT of special stipulations on the wall text wise and as Arcane is the least likely to have cards come out that would modify or effect a wall it fits. Granted there are specific rules that prevent people from modifying the wall but if there is a rule people will attempt to find an exception.

I don't understand. Why do your wall tokens have to have a school?

Because walls in this game use cards as opposed to tokens and I wished to stick with that theme. I have no way to know what relationships this rules variant will have with future expansions so I did my best to future proof it as well. Feel free to change that in your games if you do not agree with it.

« on: August 29, 2014, 09:11:51 PM »
This looks pretty interesting. Think I'll make my own version of this. Why are the walls arcane?

Mostly because I needed to assign a type. I figured as there were a LOT of special stipulations on the wall text wise and as Arcane is the least likely to have cards come out that would modify or effect a wall it fits. Granted there are specific rules that prevent people from modifying the wall but if there is a rule people will attempt to find an exception.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Johktari Weapon
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:46:10 PM »
I like the idea of every other round the ranged weapon being readied. Alternatively they could have it cost mana to actually shoot the weapon making it no different then an attack spell in that regard. Thematically a crossbow is a hard sell for me though. Perhaps a spear thrower, blow gun, or sling? Maybe a spear thrower, blow gun AND a sling? One for the higher damage, one for the weaken or cripple effect, one for the slam condition. I think all of the examples should have a range of 1 however. Give creatures a chance to hinder her by double moving.

As is the Johktari does not appeal to me even slightly. She is the only mage I have not built a book for. I almost did  when I first got her and got as far as reading the two bow equipment cards. Saw it was a full action to shoot and discarded the concept. Have never looked back which makes me sad.

Rules Discussion / Re: Rune of Power with the Horn of Gothos?
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:02:54 PM »
Sadness. Thanks for the quick replies everyone! You are awesome!

Rules Discussion / Rune of Power with the Horn of Gothos?
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:48:44 AM »
Does the Rune of Power work with the Horn of Gothos? I am contemplating a Dwarf warlord that uses the Horn of Gothos with the Ring of Command for cheap full battlefield command spells. Anyone rules savvy know the answer?   :o

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:43:22 AM »
Main reason I think he will be holy/war is the sheer number of holy soldiers. I suppose he could be holy and merely have an effect that synergies with soldier creatures. Hmm...

General Discussion / Re: OP Kit 6
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:57:05 PM »
Well, it is a very small picture but one can say:

1. Alternative Bear Strength (YAY!!!)
2. Armor Leviathan Scale Armor
3. Cougar? Kumanjaran Leopard
4. Attack Sunfire Burst

Well, i cant be more happy :)

Fixed that for you ;)

Any way you can get us a bigger picture or the stats for these as well? :)

Ideally single elimination would be best however promos will be awarded to all who attend. If our group gets too big for me to have enough new promos on hand we can look into alternate awards (winner gets one of each of the new promos ect.) We may occasionally do game variants instead (ie. 2 vs 2). As this is all pretty new I am flexible to what the attendees want. The key thing here is to have a variety of opponents getting together to play some Mage Wars. September 13th is the next planned day for the event.

CORRECTION: September 27th I will be unable to attend due to a military obligation. The other two players will be encouraged to attend in my absence. I am still planning to attend on the 13th myself.

« on: August 28, 2014, 10:13:33 PM »
In a lot of meta-games there is not a whole lot of time for build up before the enemy mage and possibly a few creatures are in your face. So inspired by walls and the card Gravikor I have come up with this play variant. The basic lure of this variant is that the wall has to be destroyed before you can attack the other mage. This gives extra time to establish infrastructure for a more epic battle when the two mages eventually collide. As the wall has no armor swarm books and large creature books are equally viable for it's destruction. WARNING This variant will extend average play time considerably.


Both players start in their respective corners as normal following all normal rules of play for the basic game.

There will be 3 walls bisecting the arena into two equal sides. The walls are conjurations of the Arcane school and will have no armor but will each have 20 life. The effective spell level will be 10 and the effective mana cost will be 30.

This wall has the added text that it blocks passage and line of sight for all traits that would circumvent them (ie. creatures with the flying trait, climbing trait, or anything else that may come out in the future).

The walls are unable to be affected by any enchantments, incantations, or creature abilities (ie. no using cards or creature abilities to modify its values or repair it). Special note: Effect rolls on attacks still function normally (ie. Burn).

Attacks and effects with the indirect trait cannot be targeted at opponent controlled objects or effects on the opposite side of the wall (No using Archers Watchtowers or similar effects for early game aggression).

Upon being destroyed the wall is instead Obliterated (no effects will be able to ever bring it back from the discard pile).

At least one segment of the wall must be destroyed before a mage or an object or spell they control can effect, damage, or cause loss of life to the enemy mage or any objects or spells under their control (ie. Alter of Pestilence or Mordoks Obelisk have no effect on enemy controlled cards until a segment of wall is destroyed).


1. Have a turn timer and obliterate the wall when the pre-agreed upon turn concludes. (ie. After the second players turn ends on turn 5).

2. When one section of the wall is obliterated obliterate the remaining sections as well.

3. Modify the health value of the wall lower or higher as agreed upon before a match. I like 20 because a lucky roll from a big creature or attack spell will not destroy it in one attack. Keep in mind both sides will likely be attacking it.

4.Modify the walls abilities for a play-style you desire. Want it to be a normal wall that flyers and indirect attacks can bypass? No problem! Want spells and conjurations that effect the arena to effect mages and creatures on the other side? No problem! It is your game after all feel free to change it to suit you.

I just figured out the ultimate push combo myself last week. My variant uses the Forcemaster and thought spores with force push. They are flying so they can see over walls and they can move with the Forcemaster. Have them do nothing for a few turns to channel the needed mana. When ready teleport/ force pull the enemy mage next to your wall. Then have the thought spores force push the enemy mage through it a few times. Works even better if you have mangler caltrops on the ground on both sides first and quick casting the wall the turn you do the combo. If the opponent is aggressive and comes to you use your quick cast to cast rust on them or for an additional force push.

Highly circumstantial but if the opponent does not see it coming hilarious.

Unfortunately I never got any responses from this post. However for people in the area looking to play I will be holding unofficial tournaments at The Source Comics and Games on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 6pm to 12 AM. This coincides with the Sources advertised board game day so it should make it easier to attract new players. We have 3 players now that would be up for games and I am actively recruiting more. I am also going to attempt to acquire ambassador status so I can get us some promo rewards for people that attend. I look forward to meeting you all in the arena!

General Discussion / Re: PvS Spoilers So Far
« on: August 28, 2014, 07:41:49 PM »
They officially need a sharknado card now.

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: August 28, 2014, 07:36:40 PM »
Isn't Talos a deity? Also on the Alter of Carnage they mention another deity that is fighting Akiro in an eternal struggle. Could be a viable candidate for a "good" war deity. Name escapes me though.

Rules Discussion / Re: Enchantment on wrong target
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:54:42 PM »
Barkskin can only target the Druid. Standard Bearer can only target a friendly soldier creature. To intentionally place that enchantment on anything else is blatant and obvious cheating. The moment the opponent tries to put the enchantment back in their book because it is a cantrip you will see what they tried to do. Immediately you should stop playing with this person and if it is a tournament get them Disqualified.

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