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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

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General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 30, 2018, 12:49:08 PM »
Check the time stamps on what I said earlier. I changed my mind a few weeks ago.

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General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 30, 2018, 11:45:19 AM »
I'm just going to chime in here and say that gamers come in all different varieties.  Some players will get bored after a few months of no new content others take longer.  That said I am and always will be a gamer who enjoys new content but does not need a steady stream of new stuff for me to enjoy the game. 

I do agree with others that no news or updates does look bad for the company and the brand of Mage wars. 
I do know they are winding down or finishing up a very busy convention season and as others noted the company is small.  I don't want to give them excuses or speak for them but I do believe it would be nice to hear the happenings and inner workings of what the future of Mage wars is.

Some gamers here play video games, where dev diaries are common; it helps give insight as to what the developers are planning in terms of content for their games as well as providing a link between the developers and the community. While the board gaming industry does not follow the same guidelines and the computer industry, a little bit of interaction helps create a bond between consumer and company. Laddinfance did a good job of keeping us interested in the Paladin Vs. Siren process with the card reveals, and I would love it if Arcane Wonders would try to keep a similar interest in between their products and their costumers.

No matter what the size of the company is, it is essential for AW to maintain its consumer base. Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games are popular because they have a great variety of games at their disposal encompassing various themes, whereas Arcane Wonders has released a very good mage fighting game, with not much else on their roster; and if money is an obstacle, there have been great games out there that have been funded via Kickstarter, games that are created by companies with little to no reputation and are suddenly they are some of the most popular companies around. Mage Wars and Sheriff of Nottingham were great Arcane Wonder releases, but they cannot be the flagship of the entire company forever.

I like Mage Wars as much as anyone here on this forum, but Arcane Wonders really needs to 'step up its game'. Sheriff Of Nottingham and Royals are interesting enough to catch people's attention, but a game such as "Speechless" is just so similar to another popular game (charades), and there is therefore little market appeal for the product. The future of Arcane Wonders is not on Mage Wars, but whether or not it can release innovative games that feel fresh and innovative in today's board game market; at the same time however, discontinuing Mage Wars content means that Arcane Wonders will lose the majority of their player base.
Who said anything about discontinuing Mage Wars product? There will still be more Arena sets in the future besides just the academy ones. We haven't lost the net majority of players. If anything a significant number of online players have returned in the past month or two. Right now the community feels the most active its been since 2013 if I recall correctly.

Don't get me wrong, it was a ghost town for a while before that though. The online community comes and goes, and the entire franchise is a hit or miss in terms of popularity depending on location. But the game is not in any danger of disappearing or almost disappearing.

If you're having trouble promoting the game as easily as it would have been when it first came out, it might be because of a combination of the game becoming more difficult for beginners to get into over time, the people who left because of the wizard shenanigans before his errata who might still have a sour taste in their mouths, and sheer bad luck with your location. It doesn't mean the game as a whole is still losing popularity, just that it has lost some previously.

And even if it is still losing popularity a little bit now, that isn't necessarily indicative of a long term trend. Maybe it just goes up and down every time they release an expansion? There are other possible explanations besides the whole franchise being in any kind of jeopardy.

Things are going well overall, but they could be going a lot better. I think the significant lack of communication from arcane wonders is not a sign of a larger problem, it IS the problem, and possibly the only significant problem they have.

I'm not going to tell you guys to give it a rest, since that wasn't helpful for getting me to stop worrying about this and it won't help you. What will help is having things explained clearly in private messages instead of large public arguments like this one.

If you guys still don't believe me about this talk to Romeoxero. He is very good at explaining this stuff.

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Alternative Play / The Mage Wars Arena Portability Project, lite version
« on: January 29, 2018, 03:45:33 PM »
So some people might remember the mage wars portability project which ACG started, which didn't quite catch on. I would like to pick up where he left off. I want to optimize the project for feasibility and ease of implementation as well as minimizing construction effort while not looking ugly. The fewer pieces needed to setup a game and play it the better. Also want to not have money wasted on things you aren't using. This version of the project does not require you to waste a bunch of printer paper nor to go to an office supply store to shop for a bunch of stuff.

So here is what i recommend. Play Mage Wars Arena as normal but with the following changes only:

1. Dont use action markers or quickcast markers. Instead of flipping action marker, just turn a creature sideways. Instead of using quickcast marker, just turn mage ability card sideways.

2. Don't use the binders, keep your spellbooks in deck form.

3. Either use magnetic status boards to keep track of mage stats or do not use the status boards. You can also use 20 sided dice for creature stats. Use them for mages too if you're not using magnetic status boards. For incremental life change, like sunfire amulet or divine reward or sardonyx's effect, use a d20 to keep track of changes. If its something like bull endurance or gator toughness etc, you can just keep track in your head.

If you don't have d20's to spare, then you can just use the damage and mana tokens that come with the game, but be extra careful not to let them get mixed up with your other tokens and markers because that will make setup and cleanup much slower.

Spells / Re: favorite conjuration
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:43:04 AM »
I keep trying to make spellbooks without battle forge, and somehow every time it finds its way back in after testing. I am getting kind of tired of battle forge, but it's too useful not to include in most of the kinds of strategies I come up with. :/

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Alternative Play / Re: OCTGN not working
« on: January 27, 2018, 12:09:29 PM »
Maybe no one else has a game open right now. Did you follow the instructions for reinstalling OCTGN properly?

Having problems installing the latest OCTGN update?  Follow these steps:
1) Restart your computer
2) DO NOT attempt to load OCTGN after restarting
3) Go to and download the latest version
4) Run the installer to overwrite your existing OCTGN installation
5) It is now safe to load OCTGN

Also, check your games manager and see if you still have the mage wars module installed.

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General Discussion / Re: What you think are the schools from this Mage?
« on: January 25, 2018, 07:47:52 AM »
It's debatable whether the anvil throne warlord is female though. Not every alternate Mage necessarily has to have reversed gender of the original.

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Alternative Play / Play by Post Arena
« on: January 24, 2018, 03:57:58 PM »
Want to scratch a mage wars itch but don't have time to play a full game of Academy or Arena? Are your friends too busy to play now? Is OCTGN down?

Don't worry, you can still play Mage Wars!

Play by Post Arena

1. Go to on your web browser (best to use google chrome, it doesnt work right on firefox)
2. Open image from url:
3. Press t and then click on your starting zone. This creates a text layer. Then type in an abbreviation of your mage class (like "Wiz", "Fm, "AnWd" "BwW" "ArWk" or "AdWk" etc. In the line below that type in their stats: Channeling/Mana/Damage/Life/Armor. For instance if you're a wizard of sortilege you would put:


4. Select 14 pt font and make your font color either 00ffff or ffff00. Press ok.
5. Whenever you want to move a card to another zone, select its layer then click and drag its name there in the pixlr online image editor. When you want to put a new card into play, simply press t and click on the zone you want to put it in, then type in its name abbreviation and stats and put it in 14 pt font and the same color as your mage, then press ok. Then alter stats of other cards like your mage as needed.
6. Attached cards are listed as abbreviations in a creature's text layer like thus:


Attached facedown enchantments are ?


7. When you are ready, save a picture of your starting board state. Then upload it to a private instant message to whoever you want to play against, along with the url for this thread. An example starting board state is attached to this post.

NOTE: You are unlikely to actually finish a full game of arena in this format. This is for if you want to casually practice or test your spellbook a bit without a heavy time commitment since this way you can take your turn whenever you want, whether thats a few seconds after your opponent's turn, or a week after your opponent's turn. There is no time pressure here.

Custom Cards / Re: Incantation: Enraged Nature
« on: January 24, 2018, 09:29:55 AM »
Do you mean charge + X? Plants don't currently have any trample attacks.

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Custom Cards / Re: Fauna & Flora Dryade Sisters
« on: January 23, 2018, 11:02:35 AM »
Why don't they have the plant subtype?

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General Discussion / Re: What you think are the schools from this Mage?
« on: January 23, 2018, 11:00:20 AM »
She looks like a female Asian version of the Paladin. Hmm. Holy and mind maybe?

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General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 23, 2018, 04:17:15 AM »
If you read the "signs" correctly, MW seems to be on its way out imo.
No Arena expansion this year, meaning the same old books and same old mages to play.
MW suffers from not having enough variety and every mage using the same utility spells.
I quit playing roughly six months ago and haven't missed it for a second.
I hope I can feel the itch to play this game again some time but it looks bleak at this point.
Did you miss the sudden large resurgence of the online OCTGN Mage Wars community in the past month or so? Mage Wars might not be as popular as it was when it first came out, but it's hardly "on its way out". And Academy sets are still Arena sets too you know, just without new mages. There are still plenty of new spells for you to try which impact the meta significantly.

If anything we are experiencing a high point for the game now, and the only reason some people think otherwise is because they live in areas where the game didn't quite catch on. It does seem to be hit or miss in terms of popularity in different areas. Doesn't mean it's losing popularity on the whole in general.

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This is a nifty way to drastically decrease game length without breaking the game. VERY fun. Enemy mages start at either 3 or 4 zones away, instead of 5.

If you would like to combine this with 2v2, play on a 4x5 zone arena and simply decrease starting distance between friendly mages by 1 or 2 zones. Does not work with 1v1v1 using square zones.

If you are interested in playing Standard Arena on OCTGN with alternate starting positions, please let me know and I will add you to the list.


Custom Cards / Re: Chimera
« on: January 22, 2018, 05:59:53 PM »
I might have the full attack with all 3 attacks, roll 1 die less per attack. A 9 die-piercing two, 5+ rot, 7+ rot/bleed is a bit much. Making it 6 die makes sense to me.
^This works too. But I was also thinking that 2 armor 15 life with that 9 dice total attack was definitely too much for a 17 mana level 4 creature. Darkfenne Hydra is level 4 and costs 16 mana and has a 3 dice triplestrike attack with no effects, and only 1 armor instead of 2. It does have regen 2 though. So for only 1 more mana and 2 more spell points (if playing wizard), you're trading regen 2 for +1 armor, charge +2, piercing +1, and rot chance. Lowering the dice of the attack would be a viable solution, or increase the casting cost and level. One notes that enchanting it will make it even more survivable than it already is. While 2 armor and 15 life might not be enough for a high level high casting cost creature to stick around long enough to pay itself back, you can obviously still enchant it, or attack and destroy things that threaten it, which it seems designed to do at any rate. Cast eagle wings on it and it will be a beast.

Custom Cards / Re: Chimera
« on: January 22, 2018, 05:39:06 PM »
Raise the level to at least 5 and the mana cost to at least 20. Otherwise it's OP

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And if we want to make Arena approachable to newer players, realistically speaking, we probably can't do it without block formats.

I disagree with this piece here. Block formats are just more things for people to memorize. If a relatively small cardpool causes them trouble, then knowing different formats and navigating which cards are legal in what tournament won't help either. Instead of using tournaments to grow the community, they should start by playing casually.

Teaching most new players in a casual environment makes sense most of the time. There are times you'll find a newer person ready to jump into the deepend, but you can restrict away to your hearts desire as you are teaching people. No need for any officially supported format. All you need is someone willing to teach the new person in incremental steps. Once they have the basic game down, let them expand the cardpool they want to use at their own pace. The core set alone is enough to still play games that aren't lopsided against the entire card pool, especially in the process of learning the fundamentals of the game. I'd also suggest keeping some of the weirder interactions to a minimum for the first few games, but at some point they'll have to learn the interesting interactions if there is any interest in a tournament setting.
That only works if there is someone to teach them. What about players who pick up the game offline without there already being a local mage wars community in their area? If anything I would recommend block formats for local tournaments for relatively new mage wars communities. Also, the particular blocks i recommended would likely be the easiest for transferring from Academy to Arena.

And even if there is someone to teach, there's still an in between state where a player is new enough to not be a total beginner but not experienced enough to jump to playing with all of the expansions. These people could benefit from tournament play without full card pools because that way they can improve their skills in tandem with their knowledge of the cards and rules increasing. This means less information overload for people who start out in academy.

Newer players won't have to figure out and memorize which cards are legal in which card pools. They can just pick one to try, and then when they feel ready they can move on to a different one with more sets.

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