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Messages - Fentum

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Spells / Re: Mana Crystal vs Mana Flower ???
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:00:36 PM »
And if they have a wizard's tower that close to my starting corner, I should be in a good position in the first place.

What do you mean by that one? That they may have rushed too early, and unsupported, perhaps?

If you're building up 4 more channeling than your opponent, but he is rolling 8 more damage dice per round for free, he is way ahead.

Never forget that the objective of the game is to kill the other guy. Mana is only useful because it can produce damage or prevent damage. Damage is the endpoint.



General Discussion / Re: Creature attack names
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:51:18 AM »

I just shift click and drag a BIG RED ARROW from the attacker to the target.

Occasionally typing 'MWAH HAH HAH! I have you now!'

Rules Discussion / Re: Is the mage a creature?
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:49:16 AM »
Ta. I try and discourage devices at the game table, since they're usually just distracting.
Yeah, I hate that, too  :-\ people keep playing games whenever they have a smartphone or tablet in their hands it seems  ;D

The generally accepted procedure here is as follows...

First offence ... Warning
Second ...      Chop off one finger
Third ... Chop off one hand
Fourth ...   Decapitation

Haha. I think I get it. Although the joke might make more sense if you said "doughnut hole" instead of doughnut. Since a normally shaped stale doughnut still would be hard to confuse with a meringue. Love how you said "doughnut" instead of "donut" in a thread talking about politically correct terminology.  ;D

You must try reading that joke in a Scottish accent...


I got the joke.

Here's another...

Man walks into a baker's shop in Forfar. Asks 'Is that a doughnut or a meringue?'

Baker replies, 'No, you're right, it's a doughnut.'

Rules Discussion / Re: sniper and wall question
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:48:39 AM »
Keep in mind that the FAQ changes this rule, it makes a lot less sense if you follow the version in the rulebook.

The rule book version, read strictly, disallows ranged attacks in walls at the edge if your zone! FAQ sorts it

Hope you have fun with the league!

Oh dear, I am on holiday.

Good work Charmyna.

Custom Cards / The Mighty Alchemist
« on: August 08, 2013, 04:20:06 PM »
Here is a brief sketch of an idea. No more as I am both on holiday and slightly tipsy on fine wine...

A Mage class which focuses on buffing him/herself and creatures with POTIONS. Probably Arcane and Nature focus. Opposite would be War.

Potions are a new type of card. A picture of a bottle. The Alchemist can bind an INCANTATION to a POTION. The potion is ATTACHED to a creature. The incantation can then be cast as a FREE ACTION by the creature to which the potion is attached. This destroys the potion, and allows the CREATURE to cast the INCANTATION, FOR FREE.

Alternative Play / Re: \
« on: August 08, 2013, 04:11:20 PM »
I like the idea where you just start with a static list monsters and just battling it out. No new spells, just battle mechanics. So, like 3 level 1 creatures and 2 level 3 creatures and then maybe 4 levels worth the equipment on the mage and then you battle in pitched battle. It simplifies the game a bit, but it will probably play pretty quick. I want to try this out.

This is actually a lot like old school Warhammer. I find MW to be much more like a fantasy battle game in concept rather than Magic The Card Game, for example. If you consider a creature to be a 'regiment' it works similarly at a top line level. Army selection then Strategic planning and manoeuvring that is, rather than detailed combat mechanics.

In my book, that's a good thing.

I have been the unsuspecting and entirely blameless victim to most, if not ALL of these tricks. They are fun. How we laughed on the way to A&E.

The initiative timing piece is key to pulling off major combos. Thinking a turn ahead is always useful.

General Discussion / Re: A Mage Wars Mission
« on: August 08, 2013, 04:59:06 AM »

Who cares whether it be Ameritrash, Euro or Eurotrash.

If you like a game, play it and be proud!

If you were just testing Galador, no problem, I was just giving you my experience on him.  Gotta test stuff to know for sure, after all.

Like how I tested going control Warlorck vs earth Wizard today against Charmyna.  Not one of my better ideas lol (kicked my ass).  Definitely cannot wait long or the Wiz's mana advantage is just too much.  Needs an aggro package against high-channel mages for sure.

Great to read that you are on OCTGN. I am in hols right now but look forward to seeing you in the arena soon.


Good video. Well done.

League / Tournament Play / Re: List of OCTGN players
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:29:31 PM »
Just downloaded OCTGN and MW plugins/images.  Transfering my books might take a bit, but I'll be online pretty frequently.

Look forward to seeing you on line, good sir.

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