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Messages - isel

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Rules Discussion / Re: 2 questions: Mind control - Nullyfi
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:33:49 PM »
Then i suppose that i could attack first with my creature before M. C its revealed?

Rules Discussion / Re: 2 questions: Mind control - Nullyfi
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:03:59 PM »
About the f. Q:

-First quic cast phase: My opponent cast face down, Mind control

-Action phase: Im first player, can i trigger my creature with M. C before its revealed?

About Nullyfi:

- Can you May pay the cost of nullyfi when it´s revealed?

Sorry for my poor english xd.

Rules Discussion / 2 questions: Mind control - Nullyfi
« on: June 10, 2014, 03:00:25 PM »
- Mind Control : The text said that you can only reveal M. C between action phases, but now the question. If my opponent in his Q. Action, cast M. Control and I first player, Can i play My actions creature as first action before its Mind controlled?

- Nullyfi: I don find this sorry, i know that you must reveal it , but if your opponent cast and enchantment you can not pay mullyfi and avoid that your opponent reveal its enchantment?

Thanks for all.

General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire (Unofficial) Review
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:32:57 PM »
Isel i can understand where you're coming from, I figured there'd be a new plant too but ah well. However the other mages do get a little something fromt he set:

Beast Master: Lions Savagery. Words can not describe how I look forward to putting this on Cervere. Or for that matter a simple Thunderift Falcon. The Johtari Beast Master herself will benefit from it too if you go hard and up close with her instead of range sniper. This card also stacks with Bear Strength, so you can make a VERY disgusting creature.

Priestess: Asyran Defenders. A good solid Level 2 Soldier that's no joke in a scrap. It'll make a good Holy Avenger for the Priest and a good early game defender for the Priestess. Honestly she needed a good Level 2 more than anything else in my opinion.

Force Master: Yeah Disarm is a Novice spell but I honestly plan to put it on a Thoughtspore more than anything else. It saves you the effort of having to Dissolve equipment and frees you up to do other attacks. Not the best spell but still not horrible.

I don't think they're going to break the game with this set but I can understand your concerns. I would urge you to play with a few of the cards for a while and see how they work for you. The strong focus on the Warlord and Warlock is because a lot of people were clamoring for it. I'm in the "Warlords not horrible" camp but I can understand Arcane Wonders desire to give the fan base what they're wanting most. From what I understand the new Warlord was eventually going to be a new Wizard for example.

Thanks for understand meeeeeee thanks  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

i only was waiting for a new plant for my little druid, because i´m boring for playing with the sames, druid its very good but have a poor variety of creature plants.....well i wait for the next pack, and if i saw a warlock....i put in my suitcase a little of oil for her to see the true fire!!! muahahahah xd

General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire (Unofficial) Review
« on: June 07, 2014, 11:35:43 AM »
Dear Isel,

expansion is named Forged in Fire, not Born in Jungle. Its main protagonists are Dwarf King, not Dwarf Gardender and Warlock lady. I am very satisfied about current form of this expansion. I disagree, that Warlord and Warlock gain too much power. They just have a wide variety of tools to choose from. Thats all. If warlord win every tournament and force earth wizard into retairment, i will appologize but not know ;)

Also, stating that game is unbalanced even before FiF get into your country and onto your table is ... well... not very... thoughtful.

Schools (not mages) that are now in queuve is Water, Mind and Holy. If you check numbers of all cards, nature school is pretty big :)

yeahhh i know pal, but after the release of CoK that had spell for all schools, i expect something similar.

General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire (Unofficial) Review
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:03:08 AM »
fantastic review!!! congratulations.

I see new cards, but im not sure if those are all the cards of F&F, if that it´s true im sad for my druid, too many power for warlord and warlock and the others mages are forgotten, specially druid, priest and beastmaster, i was waiting a new plant for my druid, and i believe i dont like this pack because warlock and warlord have now too many power and that meaning that this game become unbalanced, i like this game because all mages normally are balanced but if you put too many cards for one type of mage it´s the same that when i play Warhammer, if you didnt bought the last army normally you had more difficult to win.

please arcane wonder, dont do that!!!, your game it´s fantastic!!! dont broke it!!!

Maybe im wrong, but its my opinion and i hope dont disturb anyone.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: June 05, 2014, 04:48:29 PM »
hello budies, im not sure, but what new disable condition does? i dont remember if it was said before.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: June 01, 2014, 11:20:31 AM »
Regenerate does not stack, as Raincloud provides the Regenerate 1 trait vs. a trait with +1 which would stack.

I am not understanding why you think this spell is broken....

i believe its very strong give to the vine tree a flame -2, because you avoid see how a warlock throw in the second turn 2 fireball against your vine tree that throw 20 dice, renew rain its not bad spell but i believe its very situational for a lvl 3 spell for 9 mana. for burns i prefer a geyser for 4 mana and lv 1, if you havent burns you can use for daze your opponents, its more efficient, i used a druid with a wand and geyser on it and was very efficient.

it´s only my opinion, and i believe this opinion dont would disturb anyone.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: June 01, 2014, 09:51:22 AM »
i believe renewing rain its a expesive spell lvl 3, and 9 mana for an effect very very ramdom, i prefer raindclodu to protect my treebond. becuase if it gives +1 to regenerate its as my druid would have regenerate 3, very broken, but the text of raincloud it´s not enough clear.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:43:15 PM »
Nop, its not ren. rain (very bad card) its raincloud, a conjuration.

General Discussion / Re: Forged In Fire
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:45:01 PM »
im very worried about the release, this expansion do the burn damage very very powerfull, and druid go down, for the flame +2 trait in all his plants, i would like to know if a promo card that its a conjuration that quit all burn and flame in a zone, would be release in this pack, if not druid would be very hard to play, this game its very very well designer, but im worried because maybe this pack meaning, that every 6 months one mage would be all power and winning, and the others only boring mages that loose every game versus the new mage, i hope this dont occur because many card games do this, and i believe its bad for the game. thanks and sorry for this boring text.

Rules Discussion / Searching for tournament rules
« on: May 31, 2014, 08:46:05 AM »
hello im searching a pdf of official tournament rules, (points, time, etc) and i dont find anything, can anyone giveme a link.

Another question, in tournaments what´s the size of the arena? 3x2 or 4,x3?

Thanks to all.

sardonyx, if have the skeleton trait will be too powerfull i think, in a necro building with reconstruct in a wand, too dangerous, not affected for finite life trait, i believe.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Garrison Post "Preview"
« on: May 15, 2014, 09:23:38 AM »
Very good this "preview", now i need (i remember another time) xd xd) another "preview" that said

Treebond: Druid can treebond with plant creatures and conjurations, whe she use treebond with a creature plant she gains +4 innate life, Lifebond +2 and Melee +1, if she stay in the same zone she and the plant creature gain an additional melee +1 , and if this creature is torgorath gain a quick melee attack xd

 ::) This again...

Sorry, only fight for my poor druid, hard times comes to her for too many burn xd xd, dont worry i try not to boring with this, i give you my word, sorry.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Garrison Post "Preview"
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:14:11 PM »
Very good this "preview", now i need (i remember another time) xd xd) another "preview" that said

Treebond: Druid can treebond with plant creatures and conjurations, whe she use treebond with a creature plant she gains +4 innate life, Lifebond +2 and Melee +1, if she stay in the same zone she and the plant creature gain an additional melee +1 , and if this creature is torgorath gain a quick melee attack xd

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