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Messages - Ravepig

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Seedling Pod
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:10:19 AM »
I like including a Feral Bobcat or two to feed Kralathor. Nothing better than getting one or two easy growth markers on that thing before it sets out after the enemy.

If you're playing with Academy the Asp is even better because it only has 3 health!  Even though the defense is infinite you don't have to use it.

Good call- I'll be making that change to my book tonight!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Seedling Pod
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:52:50 AM »
I like including a Feral Bobcat or two to feed Kralathor. Nothing better than getting one or two easy growth markers on that thing before it sets out after the enemy.

Mages / Re: Druid
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:49:33 AM »
I must admit never had any real issues with her, it's the Forcemaster I struggle with.

I can't remember who posted this specific Forcemaster book that I borrowed, but it basically makes use of sucking players into a teleport trap with Forcemaster's ability and transporting the enemy mage into a killzone with the Spiked Pit trap, a Grizzly and a Devouring Jelly. I've only played the Forcemaster twice and both times used this strategy and both times won within 6 rounds. It's a killer strategy that left both my opponents with their jaws dropped.

Mages / Re: Druid
« on: July 27, 2016, 08:45:27 AM »
Now I'm no movie player, but the druid and me don't mix. Any tips for running her effectively. Thanks!

Not that I'm an expert player- but the druid is my favorite mage and thus far I'm undefeated with her in my gaming group. What is your basic strategy with her/opening moves?

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:44:02 AM »
Finally had our first official game of 3 player Domination last night. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun, and definitely the only way to play multi-player in my opinion. I ended up going with a Necro-skelly build, my opponents chose a Bloodwave Warlord, and the last mage was a basic wizard.

For the first couple rounds everybody sat back doing their basic build-up. So, I took the opportunity and decided to take the main zone with two orbs. From there it was all defense as I pretty much made myself the target collecting two orbs every upkeep phase. I held everybody off almost to the very end when the wizard cast chain lightening in my zone, followed by the Warlord using his Fast command to move a bunch of creatures two zones to attack finishing most of my guys off. It left me with my mage, 1 skelly archer and 8 orbs (needed 9 to win).

Because of that, there wasn't much I could do and the Warlord wound up winning as he had moved two guard dogs into the zone he needed to win.

Even having lost my first game, it was a lot of fun and I'm already excited for our next play. I definitely learned from a few key mistakes I made that would have likely won me the game, one of which is to make sure I have more teleports in my book. I only had 1 teleport that I used early on. Had I had a second, I could have teleported to that zone where you can sacrifice one creature for an orb, which would have won me the game. I will also be adding more walls. I only had 3 in my book. Had I had at least 1 more, I would have blocked the warlord from advancing that last round. And I will be adding some teleport traps as well. With just one or two of those in my book, I likely would have won the game as well.

Live and learn- either way, it was a blast!

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: July 06, 2016, 10:00:55 AM »
Earlier today I updated the first post with our group's win/loss/draw records for each mage in 3-way Domination (ignoring team play and other player counts).  Skill obviously plays a big factor, so there's certainly some bias towards "favourite" mages of our top players... but that said, the results sort of make sense.  Keep in mind, in 3-way free-for-alls, an average mage would expect to win 1/3 of its matches on average.

The Necromancer comes in right on average with a 33% win rate (2-4-0), although one of his losses was running zombies and trying to kill the other mages via DoT... which didn't work too well.

The Druid is very popular, and is well above average with as many wins as losses (3-3-1), which is impressive in 3-way competition.

The Bloodwave Warlord is our top mage, going 4-2-1 so far!

Straywood Beastmaster is our most played mage and is also well below average right now, with a 2-8-1 record.

Both Warlocks are winless (0-2-0 each), with each having a "kill everybody" attempt and a failed V'tar attempt.  They struggle to keep up with the more swarmy mages and often end up playing kingmaker.

We haven't tried a Holy mage or Forcemaster in multiplayer Domination yet, and the Wizard needs more plays to really get an idea of where he stands.

My beastmaster build is a variation of what you posted and with it won our first game of domination. Of course, I was playing against a Priestess and a Warlock, so maybe that wasn't a fair trial.

The warlock in general seems to struggle in our group over all. Only one win under his belt, and that was me playing a very new player, so again, not sure that one win was even legit.

Resources and Downloads / Re: Wizard and Wizard's Tower Errata
« on: July 06, 2016, 08:23:29 AM »
I like this idea of different Wizards focused in a different element with maybe unique ability card.  This could help with balance of the Wizards abilities and offer some choice and balance. 

Definitely more drastic than i expected. I'm not sure I agree with getting rid of the other elemental wizards. Sharing a school with another mage does not mean that it will steal that mage's tricks, so to speak. Just as the druid and the beastmaster do not conflict with each other's playstyles. And I've always thought of the wizard as four different mages with their own styles, not one mage with flexibility granted to him by his choice of school. I'm very interested in hearing not only why you guys chose this solution, but why you think that it's the optimal solution out of all other possibilities.

Might there ever be other arcane mages trained in a different elemental school?

Wizard is dead
I should hope not. I'm pretty sure that's not the intent of these nerfs.

While neat, it is the very problem that has been addressed.

Yesterday the wizard had an incredible advantage in the construction of his spell books. He could focus on one element at a premium and then pay normal rate for the others. It was not the intention for him to be 4 mages; just the wizard.

Today the above state is still true. He receives arcane & air at a premium and all other spells at the normal rate. He is still the mack daddy jack of all trades because he does not have a x3 cost.

What this does now is give the warlord a unique premium in the game now; This now gives Warlocks a unique premium in the game now; Siren will have a unique premium with Druid having a little one step in her pond. A hurl meteor sized burden has been lifted from the design lens. Earth Mage Only no longer means wizard. That's huge and in a very good way!

The old wizard mage ability card even has the air symbol next to his arcane symbol.

*Damn you beat me to it Baron*


Since this is the first major errata I've experienced since starting this game I have to ask, will AW publish updated cards for sale so those of us with OCD can have accurate cards reflecting these changes?

Rules Discussion / Healing and Finite Life
« on: July 04, 2016, 06:36:38 PM »
So, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but want to just be sure- suppose I play a Finite Life face down on enemy mage. Enemy mage at some point casts a heal spell... can I then reveal Finite Life during the counterspell step to prevent the heal spell? Assume enemy mage would still have to pay mana cost, etc.

Know it's a rookie question so I appreciate the feedback.

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: July 01, 2016, 10:18:50 AM »
This is excellent- thank you!!!

I threw together a Straywood Beastmaster book last night based on my post above.

Warning: Completely untested, and has way more creatures and enchantments and ways to heal than necessary in order to test a few possibilities.  In no way do I guarantee that this will work.  Player discretion is advised.

Ha ha ha- understood! Still, appreciate the book. You are way more experienced with this than I am, so I will give it a try and let you know how it works for me. The benefit I have is that no one in our group has played domination, so just in me taking advice from you has already given me the advantage!

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: June 28, 2016, 12:20:45 PM »
Thanks for your post- your strategies for building a domination spellbook were great. Each person in my group *finally* each got a copy of domination, so we are looking to play our first game of domination next Tuesday. I'd be interested in seeing your beastmaster book in preparation for that game.

Thanks again! I'll post here on how our first Domination game turns out.

I haven't run a Beastmaster myself because he's popular among our other players. But as you can parse out from the opening post, you can't really go wrong if you start with the following and go from there:

Straywood Beastmaster
6x Thunderrift Falcon
1x Cervere, Forest Shadow
Maybe 1 of Tarraki or Rajah or Tarok
1-2x Panther Stealth
2x Battle Fury
1x Whirling Strike
4x Tanglevine
Lots of Walls of your choice
Some combination of multiple Force Push, Force Wave, Repulse, Teleport
A few attack spells (maybe Surging Wave and Force Hammer)
As many Rouse the Beast as you can afford
Packleader's Cowl (or Altar of the Iron Guard if you think you can get it out first)
Some armor (but not as much as you'd run in Arena)
At least one of each of Dispel (or Disperse), Dissolve (or Crumble), Seeking Dispel
Group Heal
Maybe some passive healing, like Raincloud or Renewing Spring or Mohktari or Highland Unicorn
Maybe ways to add Piercing (e.g. Lion Savagery, Wolf Fury or Tooth and Nail).
Consider a few Foxes or higher level creatures if you expect a longer game or are playing to a higher V'tar goal
Perhaps a Mage Wand so you can bind your most useful Incantation in a given match (might be Rouse or Group Mend or a Push or Battle Fury or a Dispel/Dissolve/Seeking Dispel).
If you have room, throw in an Eagle Wings for Cervere (!) or Mongoose Agility for your mage.  Or maybe a Guard Dog, since your creatures tend to be weak in that department (although your primary strategy should be to steal orbs and win through action economy, not necessarily to Guard your orbs).

You need a plan to deal with Idol of Pestilence / Altar of Skulls.  And maybe Burns. 

From there, you can try tricks like Giant Size (to cast either on your own creature or on a Sslak an enemy is going for) or Tangleroot (to weaken a creature your opponent is using to kill a Sslak, or on a Usslak you want to take out if you don't want its counterstrike to hurt so much).  But you're probably better off just strengthening your main strategy of swarming and stealing as many orbs as possible with your highly elusive and fast creatures.

This is excellent- thank you!!!

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:25:47 AM »
Thanks for your post- your strategies for building a domination spellbook were great. Each person in my group *finally* each got a copy of domination, so we are looking to play our first game of domination next Tuesday. I'd be interested in seeing your beastmaster book in preparation for that game.

Thanks again! I'll post here on how our first Domination game turns out.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Second Chance in Academy
« on: June 24, 2016, 02:13:26 PM »
Today I would like to explain to you how and why the enchantment "second chance" is going to have a big positive impact on the balance of Mage Wars Academy. For those who don't know, Mage Wars Academy does not have a planning phase nor a quickcast phase. This is a problem in the core only academy metagame because it means that players can do two quickcast sand two activations consecutively without the opponent being able to interrupt it with anything but enchantment reveals. If we count a full action as being  worth two quick actions, then the cumulative of converted quick actions over the course of an academy game with only the core set is as follows:

Player1: 3
Player2: 0

Player1: 3
Player2: 6

Player1: 9
Player2: 6

Player1: 9
Player2: 12

Player1: 15
Player2: 12

Player: 15
Player2: 18

Player1: 21
Player2: 18

Player1 is the player with initiative round 1. As you can see, by the middle of round 7, Player1 has had the chance to use 3 more of his mage's converted quick actions than his opponent. This means that if the game lasts until round 7, player 1 has a better chance of winning simply due to having 3 more converted  quick actions than his opponent without the opponent being able to respond until after those quick actions have been used. It also is not good for the game when players are able to do strings of 6 consecutive converted quick actions without the opponent being able to respond.

Except that you can respond with enchantments, but it doesn't usually help much because that doesn't put you any less behind in actions than your opponent. It would be much better if you could use quickcast phases right?

But if there was an enchantment that could give you a net increase of one converted mage quick action when you reveal it, with the same timing as a quickcast phase, that would be functionally the same thing as using a quickcast phase in Academy.

That's where "Second Chance" comes in.

Second Chance is a holy enchantment that has a reveal cost equal to the casting cost of the creature it's attached to. When the enchanted creature dies, you can pay the reveal cost to bring the creature back to life as a free action.

If player2 includes two copies of second chance, then by the middle of round 7 Player1 will only be one converted quick action ahead of player 2.

Unfortunately, second chance is a level 2 holy spell, which means that the wizard will need to pay double spellbook points for it. The warlock and the beastmaster probably don't need it though considering that they are more aggressive mages and therefore will prefer to have initiative round 1 anyways.

I don't have a tone of Academy games in, so I could be off base here... while I like the idea of this enchantment, it seems available mana may be the problem.

Rules Discussion / Re: Summoning Circle Promo
« on: June 23, 2016, 04:09:40 PM »
Laddinfance, give yourself a banana.

What's a banana sticker? Just curious.

Rules Discussion / Re: Summoning Circle Promo
« on: June 23, 2016, 12:59:33 PM »
Yes. On the discount rings they will say when they apply to spawnpoints.

Yes, gotcha- I understand the source of my mistake. I started playing with necro early on, whose ring does mention mage OR spawnpoint. So, I applied the same logic to the beastmaster by mistake.

As always thanks for your help!

Rules Discussion / Re: Summoning Circle Promo
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:16:02 AM »
So, then the same logic would apply to Ring of Beasts, correct? That if Lair summons an animal creature, it wouldn't cost one less mana because the mage didn't actually cast it? Man, we've been playing some of these cards wrong!

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