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Messages - Maverick

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Spells / Re: Mohktari, Great Tree of Life
« on: September 08, 2014, 12:35:00 AM »
I tried this in my Warlord book. It did not take my opponent more than a turn to switch to attacking the tree.

Alternative Play / Re: Codex of Bountiful Arcanum
« on: September 08, 2014, 12:28:22 AM »

I like flashy names so sue me.  :P

This variant is quite simple and quite ridiculous. If you are like me you have a massive box (or binder) of cards for Mage Wars. This variant lets you use ALL of them. Your collection is essentially your spellbook.

Chose a Mage when you start the game and abide by all abilities, card restrictions, and channeling associated with that Mage. Cards that are exclusive to a certain Mage remain so in this variant. When discarding cards keep a count of cards played and make sure you never play more than 6 copies of a  lv 1 spell, 4 copies of higher level spells, or 1 copy of an epic spell. For all mechanical purposes each players Mage Wars collection is their spellbook.

The lure of this variant is you get to test players knowledge of the game as well as their tactical ability. There is essentially no "better" spellbook only the skills and know how of the players (with a few dice rolls) to determine the outcome. It should go without saying but expect a much longer play experience.

This reminds me a lot of a variant I made called "mental mage wars"

I just looked up Mental Mage Wars and you are right they are very similar. Looks like the only key difference is your variant seems to put a cap on spellbook size where as this one is open ended. Still I bet either one would be fun assuming players have enough time to play a game like this.

Alternative Play / Codex of Bountiful Arcanum
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:19:50 PM »
I like flashy names so sue me.  :P

This variant is quite simple and quite ridiculous. If you are like me you have a massive box (or binder) of cards for Mage Wars. This variant lets you use ALL of them. Your collection is essentially your spellbook.

Chose a Mage when you start the game and abide by all abilities, card restrictions, and channeling associated with that Mage. Cards that are exclusive to a certain Mage remain so in this variant. When discarding cards keep a count of cards played and make sure you never play more than 6 copies of a  lv 1 spell, 4 copies of higher level spells, or 1 copy of an epic spell. For all mechanical purposes each players Mage Wars collection is their spellbook.

The lure of this variant is you get to test players knowledge of the game as well as their tactical ability. There is essentially no "better" spellbook only the skills and know how of the players (with a few dice rolls) to determine the outcome. It should go without saying but expect a much longer play experience.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Hungry, hungry, Kralathore.
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:59:32 PM »
I did the same in my Neighborhood, but their don't play very often. Join us on Octgn, if you're looking for experienced players from all over the world.

I almost tried OCTGN. I have it downloaded with all the image packs before Forged in Fire came out. I even joined the OCTGN Mage Wars Facebook group and have watched many episodes on twitch. I find the interface to be intimidating though as I am not very computer savvy. I wish there was an official version for IOS or Android with a dumbed down interface.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Hungry, hungry, Kralathore.
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:07:49 AM »
I think bobcats would be a poor choice due to the defense roll they have.

I am tired of steamrolling newbs. I build bad spellbooks intentionally at this point just to keep the game somewhat interesting for me.

And you do not know that the owner of the defending creature can choose not to use his defense? ;)
That's why i like Mage Wars. You never stop discovering new things.

Like Reddawn said: You should not call people "newbs" just because they yet haven't discovered as many secrets as you ... but help them to be worthy opponents.

I used the spelling "Newb" intentionally. I believe a "Noob" is someone who is incapable of learning but a "Newb" is someone who has yet to have the opportunity to learn. As for not knowing if a defense is optional or not I followed the statement up with "Actually perhaps not as I think the defense is optional" in the very next sentence of the post you quoted. Though I will by no means claim to be a rules expert I would say I am seasoned enough to not be considered a "newb" any longer. The debate for if I am a "noob" or not is another matter entirely. :)

I have taught the game to over half a dozen people now and the prospect of throwing matches so they have fun vs. steamrolling them so I do is losing it's luster for me. To compensate I build intentionally flawed decks with interesting concepts. If it makes me sound arrogant by announcing that I am sorry it was not my intent.

Off topic / Re: What other games do you like?
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:30:06 PM »

Fist Shadowrun character was a dwarf hacker that went by "Thriller". His icon online was synchronized dancing zombies, and he loved 80's music. In fact all of his aliases were members of 80's bands. Gordon Sumner got in so much trouble in Denver it's not funny.

Haha! That is one of the things I love about the game. The sheer amount of trouble you can get into. We have been having repeated talks about jumping cities right now in our podcast game. Seattle is getting a little too hot for my taste.

Off topic / Re: What other games do you like?
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:24:50 PM »

Ah Shadowrun. What edition are you using? I love playing Street Shamans.

We started a 5th edition game shortly after release. I am rather fond of Adept Gunslingers myself but am trying my hand at a Mystic Adept Gunslinger in this particular campaign.

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:44:46 PM »

He can't do anything about that.
or push-ups!

See Rage +1 right there. Maybe this ability is a bit overpowered...

Off topic / Re: What other games do you like?
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:30:19 PM »
A wall of my house is dedicated to board games and role playing games. I play a very diverse selection. Of note however I love the game Shadowrun. I currently play in an Actual Play podcast as a character named Maverick. If you want to check it out feel free. It is located at and is free to listen to. I raise all sorts of hell in that poor game masters game. Lol.

130 drill schedule changed. So I WILL be there the 13th but I will NOT be there the 27th. I corrected my above comment to reflect this. Go Army.

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:17:57 PM »
Ill-tempered? Sure. But with worthless arms? He can't do anything about that.

Which is why he is so angry. Of course he will have the Rage +X trait. X = The number of wise cracks about his tiny T-rex arms.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Hungry, hungry, Kralathore.
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:09:44 PM »
If only Kralathore was not nature mage exclusive. Still I will throw this deck together just because. My Meta is mostly new players so I think it would have a descent chance despite the horrible mechanical concept. I am tired of steamrolling newbs. I build bad spellbooks intentionally at this point just to keep the game somewhat interesting for me.

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:04:51 PM »
I must say, he looks like the perfect killing machine, other than his bottom fins should be T-Rex arms and hands. Then he would be truly frightening!

Are you kidding? T-rex claws in water instead of tentacles? Easy to dodge, can't swing with much force. T-Rex claws are not scary in the water. Just make the tentacles poisonous instead. Much scarier.

My thoughts are the rage for having such worthless arms would make him even more ill-tempered and terrifying.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Hungry, hungry, Kralathore.
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:47:50 PM »
I think bobcats would be a poor choice due to the defense roll they have. Actually perhaps not as I think the defense is optional. Goblins are a better choice hands down. Like I said the concept is so inefficient that it would be almost exclusively for fun. Probably would only be effective against someone new to the game or if there are some really lucky dice rolls for you in that game.

Strategy and Tactics / Hungry, hungry, Kralathore.
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:09:10 AM »
I have been toying with the concept of a Druid or Straywood Beastmaster running 5 mana Skeletal Minions and/or 4 mana Zombie Crawlers for feeding them to Kralathore every turn to give him growth tokens. Once he is large enough (3 tokens or so) send him out to feed on the enemies minions. This would be a swarm deck concept most likely using small creatures summoned by the beastmaster's quick action or the druids seedling pods to stall the enemy mage until Kralathore is ready. He could also feed on your own wounded minions if needed for more growth tokens. He does not appear to have an upward limit on growth tokens which paired with his regeneration would make him scary to deal with to mages that like to wall up or against enemy swarm decks. I feel the concept is vulnerable to control and action as well as mana inefficient but I think it would be fun to try out. Any thoughts?

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