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Messages - Cnoedel

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General Discussion / Re: DvN SPOILER: Devouring Jelly
« on: October 07, 2013, 02:26:40 PM »
I like this oozy little fellow and i can't wait to play him :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster first build
« on: October 05, 2013, 10:04:28 AM »
Yes 3 Rings is a bit over the top although i do not get the increased channeling advice - if you have too much mana either way, why wasting efford in gaining more mana?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster first build
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:51:05 PM »
I do not know much about the game and close to nothing about the Forcemaster, but i add at least one seeking dispel. It's just hilariously cheap to play, as well as Decoy

Maybe theoretically Decoy does not look well, but it has one very considerable reasons to be in your deck - Mindplay your opponent, maybe fish out a seeking dispel (so it can't destroy anything serious), maybe keep him away from certain areas (Not quite for your spellbook, but as a novice spell, see it as a "suggested trap" in a warlord/warlock book)

Mages / Re: What the Warlord got right
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:32:25 PM »
That was the cheapest, i already added it making me the mage with the most depressing amount of spellbooks but highly impressive solitary-master card-sorting skills :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Wizard Control (First Spellbook)
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:28:35 PM »
Wow, thanks for the really long post and neat ideas. With the DvsN set maybe i will put together a warlock/Enchanters Wardstone Curse-spellbook because enchantment-control is not what i intended with this spellbook (Mana syphon and Surpression Cloak are the "cool" cards, Staff of the Arcanum being sadly to bad) The only enchantment i feel right for this tactic is Essence Drain

However, i believe the wardstone is too good to be dismissed in a mana denial spellbook so your tips are really helpful! :)

"I'm sort of jealous that you get to experience that early steep learning curve, the joys of discovery that can never be re-experienced."

I don't get this :D being jealous of joy i couldn't experience is strange - like being a single child i do not miss any brother/sister, maybe it's a loss, i don't know and i will never find out. Besides, I guess deconstructing is nothing that comes by my nation :D

I can get rid of Corrode by replacing all Armor+X equipment?.....That sounds edgy and nice to know!

Mages / Re: What the Warlord got right
« on: October 03, 2013, 05:58:28 PM »
After all this reading i feel FvsW needed and DvsN is coming out.... worst time to get into mage wars as a student :D

Rules Discussion / Re: Does a Flying creature is required to fly?
« on: October 03, 2013, 05:55:48 PM »
Sorry i don't get the problem.

Creatures with the flying trait are flying. Ranged attacks may target a flying creature in the same zone because of its ranged attack (it can shoot the flyer) as well as the flying creature may use its action marker to attack any creature (flying or non-flying) in the zone.
Only melee attacks of non flying creaturs cannot target flying creatures.

I hope i helped out, otherwise please point out your problem with an example

Rules Discussion / Re: Enchanters Wardstone stackable?
« on: October 02, 2013, 06:49:42 AM »
Unfortunaly for the player playing against wardstones....

Desn't this make them so viable that everyone plays them? :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Wizard Control (First Spellbook)
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:47:56 PM »
I posted this question in the rules forum so that everyone might see and answer it/is able to see the answer

So current state is that the Wardstones do stack, so i better keep 3 of them in my book (not to put them out all at once but to throw out at least two and replace one in case one of the others goes down, same as for the mana crystals)

I made a huge mistake in reading Huginn, he does not cast enchantments (kinda crushed my dreams a bit :D) but nevertheless he overtakes nearly the whole Incantation section (out of Drain Power, Banish and steal enchantment)

The first 2 steps i would focus on increasing my options AND mana (manacrystal being the worst choice!). I really think this is what puts this book ahead of the others because those familiars/spawnpoints will ensure more cards (battleforge+ring/, Huginn/seeking dispel, Wizard's Tower/all Attackspells) each round Pump out:

- Battleforge -> Equipment, always near center - the mage needs to be targeted
- Wizard's Tower -> Attacks, alway near center - to shoot whatever comes up
- Huginn -> Incantations, wherever he is needed - mobile seeking dispel or force push (even dispel and dissolve should be cast by him so that no mana stacks on him. He is a very squishy yet helpful fellow :D)

So your mage can put up the more core elements of this book like Mana syphon or the Obelisk, dividing the opponents attention to the mage and the bait (mostly syphon or Tower, maybe battleforge or huginn).
He has to get offensive because otherwise your conjurations swarm the board and mana advantage will be on your side!
Whatever he picks on, build up defenses with hydra or poison clouds minimazing his chance of success and try to force him into a timewaste of a battle.

With the enchantments i aim for two things: battletricks with block, nullify, jinx and decoy (all of them are pretty generic and will come up in every game) - the main part are the 3 Essence drain, which deep out the manadenial strategy and teleport trap to recycle poison gas cloud ;D If the opponent gets mad at the essence drain, put out a wardstone so he denies his mana whatever he does, protect your equipment with armor ward, drive him nuts!

Time will come for final attacks, Drain Power, Force hold in a poison gas cloud (this should be used only if you are in a real mana advantage) and blast the opponents head off with fireballs out of your tower :D

Rules Discussion / Enchanters Wardstone stackable?
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:45:43 PM »
Hey folks, next question:

Do multiple Wardstones trigger if one enchantment is destroyed? So for example if i had two stones out would my opponent have to pay 4 mana?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Wizard Control (First Spellbook)
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:21:58 PM »
I updated my Spellbook without even playtesting it - here's the result:


Arcane Ring
Dispel Wand
Moonglow Amulet
Suppresion Cloak
Staff of the Arcanum


Enchanter's Wardstone (3)
Mana Crystal (3)
Wizard's Tower
Poison Gas Cloud (2)
Suppresion Orb
Battle Forge
Mordork's Obelisk
Mana Siphon


Jet Steam
Surging Wave
Lightning Bolt


Seeking Dispel (2)
Force Push
Drain Power (2)
Dissolve (2)
Dispel (2)
Teleport (2)
Steal Enchantment


Decoy (2)
Jinx (2)
Block (2)
Teleport Trap (2)
Nullify (2)
Force Hold (2)
Essence Drain (3)
Armor Ward
Enchantment Transfusion


Whirling Spirit
Darkfenne Hydra (2)
Gorgon Archer

All Attacks are a toolbox for the Wizards Tower, as well as all Equipments should be played via Battleforge and Huginn may halp out with enchantments leaving enough room for the Wizard to put up all the support Conjurations he needs to suck out his enemies Mana with Essence drain/Armor Ward/Enchanters Wardstone Suppression Cloak/Staff of the Arcanum or maybe Drain Power.

I reduced the amount of creatures and most of them just defend the most precious Conjurations, whirling spirit, force hold, teleport trap and force push synergiese with poison gas cloud to get an advantage.

Last but not least Teleport and Banish should get the mage out of trouble - Dispel, Dissolve, Jinx, Block, Nullify and Decoy may all be found more than once in this deck for miscellaneous situations

What i think i will do: Holding the enemy mage under force in a poison gas cloud while decreasing his manachanneling to 1 and dying infront of the impressiv Wizard's tower (guarded by Hydras! :D)

What reallity might teach me: Help. Heal. Dead Raven, Wizard's Ruins and a rusty battle forge....

Spellbook Design and Construction / Yet another Meta-Mage discussion
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:30:27 PM »
Hey there,

Is it because of the Wizards versatility that most decks focus on him?

Is standard-piest worse than necropian vampire-priest?

General Discussion / Re: video coverage
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:01:37 PM »
Thanks for the link, not quite what i expected (no talking, OCTGN) but at least something and from what i read charmyna is one of the best players and theorycrafter on the forum/out there!

More community work, international tournaments, whatever, just MageTalk for MageNerds

General Discussion / Re: video coverage
« on: October 01, 2013, 02:16:02 PM »
As a german player i strongly second that!

German version isn't even out yet, i soaked up all existing video material pretty fast and despite my girlfriend, who has even better english skills than i have, i have a hard time finding opponents (even though a few friends showed interest in the game as such, coming from a mtg-background) since the loved diversity and overwhelming cardmass (sadly not everyone enjoys reading and the non native language makes it even harder)

Please more videos of actual gameplay, somehow i cannot jump into ONTCG because i'd love to see social interaction and the material moved to share some laughter - or some more theorycrafting, alterned play.... i'd even watch new reviews :D

General Discussion / Re: DvN SPOILER: Libro Mortuos
« on: October 01, 2013, 02:07:29 PM »
Haha, "Yo dawg i heard you lke spellbooks..." - eager to see it in play!

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