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Messages - RomeoXero

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General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: December 19, 2017, 06:37:54 PM »
That's intresting. I like the even number of init rounds. That seems the fairest way. For the very reason that kellanen just broight up. It would suck to be ready too sling the final boulder, only to be told its time and you lost.

Spells / Re: favorite creature
« on: December 19, 2017, 06:33:30 PM »
I wonder what mages would get good millage out of a thornlasher. Beastmasters? Its the hard cast i think that makes that so tricky.
Guardian angel is a great creature, no doubt, but i find that especially now in the days of chant of rage and such, that they have lost some effectiveness.

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:23:54 PM »
I think that causes a different problem griz. Sure it's nice to have the restriction lifted after qualifiers, but you then end up with a bunch of timed game builds fighting in am untimed match. I see that causing issues, maybe its just me tho

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:09:12 AM »
Pretty much in agreement there. If i win by outlasting 4 times and you win by killing 4 times, you should probably have more points than me. But we BOTH should be in the finals asy that point because we both won 4 times.

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:05:22 AM »
Im kind of in the same mindset there. This game differs from others in just how customizable the books can become. Every mage can use 90 percent of the spells available without needing to add specific conditioners to play them, like the colors of mana from MtG. Also theme decks don't do the same kind of thing they do in MtG, where if one plays just soldiers or warriors or elves or what have you, one gains many synergy bonuses simply by virtue of having them together. Plants, clerics, angels etc don't carry the same synergy bonuses in mage wars. At least not directly. They usually require extra set up wirh additional cards in MWs play style, cards like armory, royal armorer, tooth and nail, or badger frenzy.
Because of this fact pretty much every set contains spells for every mage. In fact most MW expansions make a point of printing cards that help DEFEAT the new mechanics they bring out to maintain balance, cards mind shield, arcane ward, siphon energy, etc.
So in MW you're welcome to make a book with just plants in it so you can keep to your theme, but because my druid might have fireballs or a flaming hellion in it for utility, you may not be optimally prepared for what you might see.

Spells / Re: favorite creature
« on: December 18, 2017, 11:36:37 AM »
Thornlasher. Best creature in the game. 11 life regen 2, almost impossible to ace down in one round, a practically elusive attack that ranged at 0-1, can't be pushed, ignores chant of rage and such, is hardly worth mind controlling, all for the BARGAIN price of 7 mana. Insane value!

Spells / Re: Card of the ( requests edition!)
« on: December 17, 2017, 11:27:47 PM »
Well thanks! Where were you 2 months ago? Lol!

 You talking about gdeikhaus? Yeah they were designed to swap enchants bank and forth with transfusions, he'd need more buffs to beef out the angels a bit more.

Welcome to the forums! Glad you've posted a book! It looks interesting but here's some food for thought for ya.

Reds right, you don't have nearly enough offence to actually kill the other mage, mainly because GAs are great for guarding, which you should do often to keep them alive. That means you aren't attacking wirh them. Can't kill the enemy mage wirh counter attacks.
If you wanna rely on ranged attacks like a bow or attack spells to deal damage, you'd better have a hawkeye for your mage. That extra die adds up!
I know the priestess has awesome channelling you begin with but without ANY channelling generators (except for one discount ring) you will still find yourself out of mana very fast.
You've got 7 creatures, one of which costs over 20 mana, all of which yiu must full cast. You've got no open full actions to use that bow with. That's gonna be mana taxing especially when the vast majority of your creatures are over 10 mana. You're not gonna habe the time to play all those creatures and still move, attack, or cast any of those conjurations you're packing.
Galvanize is a waste with a priestess. You can just remove those conditions without the needed face down contingency. If you're counting on them buffing the angels keep I  mind that they only get hit about 5/8ths of the time did they are that much less likely to get conditions.
Radiant breastplate is an odd choice due to the high number of guard or imtercept creatures you have, meaning you won't be using the 2 mana guard much, so id rather a dragonscale hauberk, or another chest piece with an elemental defence.
You don't have enough swarm potential to use merraveren. Esp when mist of your creatures have defences.
Demonic bloodlust. I get what your looking to do, but thets cheaper and better ways to get 2 extra dice, without the drawback and huge sp tag. If you're splashing into dark with holy mages, poisoned blood is a much better choice.
You've got a massive assortment of Equipment here, but much of it doubles locations. 2 gloves boots. Amd helmets. Tgats gonna leave you with a lot of dead cards in your book.
More later if yout want. Sorry long day

General Discussion / Re: Lost Grimoire cards
« on: December 10, 2017, 10:41:38 AM »
AW Is amazing at fixing mistakes like that. Plus now you get to deal with the lovely and friendly Alfiya Pope. Of big ol dragon fame! She's awesome!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Creepy Crawly Forest Druid
« on: December 08, 2017, 05:34:31 PM »
I like it! I think you are woefully short on attack spells but them, that's always my opinion.
Couple questions. What's the cheetah speed for?
I notice you've got no positional spells. No pushes, ports or minors. Not that you always need them evry game but without them you are a bit open to having your lashers ported where you don't want them.
With the abundance of restricted you've got, teleport is going to be the obvious choice, so maybe an astral anchor would help?
And with no way to reuse the few destruction spells you've got you might be in trouble with port wands or the like.

Just a few thoughts, i like it though! 

Custom Cards / Re: Some new Cards.
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:16:13 PM »
 Unique would help. Epic would probably be best. Might even lower the mana cost to 16 at that point. You definitely shouldn't be able to have 2 of these ready for a zombie frenzy. That's insane.

Rules Discussion / Re: Sectarus and Rise Again
« on: December 01, 2017, 01:02:32 PM »
Its a gamble but you've got a decent chance to ace down a creature with 10ish life with a one-two punch combo. So if you open witg sectarus and decent damage you could drop the rise again for cheap then follow up with a firestream or rock and finish it off. Its possible, but i dunno if id wanna do it. That's pretty heavy rng.

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: November 30, 2017, 10:37:22 PM »
Well now that Tony is here, are we to not expect another arena mage set next year?

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: November 30, 2017, 10:25:23 PM »
Welp i tried. Im outa this doom and gloom thread. Lol ima go be happy about something. Lol seriously tho, its a game. An awesome one but a slow growing one. Its my favorite game by far and that's a fact so ill continue to do whatever i can to help it grow where i can and i cant do any better than that. None of us can.
Heres to hoping you get what you want and everyone is pleased again. But i for one think its going just fine.

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