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Messages - jhaelen

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The real killer for team games is definitely the time commitment.  My group didn't actually finish our game (people had to leave), but we did play for a solid 4.5 hours (I estimate the game would have been over in 5.5 to 6 hours total).
I'm hardly surprised. Considering how long a 2 vs. 2 already takes (~ 4-5h), I'd not even consider playing with more players.

General Discussion / Re: Most Underpowered Cards?
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:08:44 AM »
[mwcard=MW1Q02]Bearskin[/mwcard], on the other hand, should be perfectly fine once frost cards start actually coming out.
Lol. So, in approximately two years time it may become playable?  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Discussion Forum Organization
« on: June 11, 2015, 05:44:34 AM »
I don't think anything needs to be changed on the forums. A simple [DM] tag should be enough when talking about domination. Otherwise, everyone should expect the post to be about arena.
True, that might be even better.

General Discussion / Re: Discussion Forum Organization
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:43:46 AM »
I find these thoughts very interesting, so would the cards that come in Domination only be discussed in these subs?
I don't think they would be discussed _only_ in the respective sub-forums, but it would be the first place to look for and post questions and discussions about the product-specific cards.

If the questions are more open-ended (e.g. 'Which cards from the Domination set would be a great addition for my Arena spellbook?'), they'll naturally end up in the general forums.

I understand, but in that case I think your friends would be even better served by having Academy at their disposal, not, as an introduction to the real game ? Now, you're just going to show them a different game.
Nope. They already know how to play the regular game. they neither need nor want or a dumbed-down version (and I don't either, since I feel it's too close to what existing CCG/LCG have to offer).

The most important issue for them is how long the game takes (although we've finished games in under one hour...) and multiplayer support. And I think (hope!) that Domination mode will help in both regards. I also feel that it's more interesting than simple player eliminiation.

There's a separate issue, and that's buy-in: I don't see that happening, no matter how well Domination will be received. However, we're playing other games (e.g. several of FFG's LCGs) where we also have the situation that there's a single player who owns all the cards. It's not a problem, though, because online deckbuilders are available, so they can still design their own decks. So it could work the same way for Mage Wars using OCTGN or this site's spellbook builder.

General Discussion / Re: Discussion Forum Organization
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:38:31 AM »
That would make sense, imho.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone at origins today?
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:37:49 AM »
What do you expect me to have done? Asked them to lay out every single spell side by side on the only two tables they had available, and monopolize most of their space for half an hour so I could painstakingly take pictures of each and every one, after their booth was already open?
I would expect no less!

Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

...or now I can actually get my friends to play since I have a faster, more multiplayer friendly version of the game.  I'm anticipate being able to play Mage Wars at least twice as often now, probably more.
Exactly. This is actually my final straw. If Domination mode doesn't grab my fellow players, I might as well sell my collection of Mage Wars products.

How do we add card draw into this game?
Okay, here's the obligatory naysayer's reply: Why the heck would I want to? If I'm removing everything from the game that makes it different from M:TG, why not just play M:TG?

Spells / Re: Why must spawnpoints always have channeling?
« on: June 08, 2015, 06:16:18 AM »
It would be cool to have a mage that specialized in summoning a TON of really really weak creatures to swarm the enemy.
Meh. For my taste the swarms current mages can summon are already plenty big. For one thing you'd run out of activation tokens ;) It also means a single turn takes forever with little to no effect.

What really surprised me was this match took right around 30 mins from set up to victory.
And that's why I'll probably be playing Domination mode exclusively in the future and never look back.

General Discussion / Re: Which one is a better spellbook?
« on: May 21, 2015, 04:12:59 AM »
My personal favorite approach is to first learn how the dominant spellbooks work - ideally by playing them or by playing against them. Then you can design a spellbok that is designed to be able to beat these decks.

It's easier to do for the local meta, since you tend to play agains the same players who tend to have their favorite mages and tend to build similar spellbooks, usually including the same basic set of standard spells.

Naturally, once you figured them out and have a spellbook that manages to beat them regularly, you opponents will adapt and change their spellbooks... and thus the cycle continues :)

General Discussion / Re: MW @Geneva
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:04:13 AM »
If there is no players, create them by yourself :)

There is no better thing that spreading the game you love :)
Creating new players by spreading the love?
That would work, except it takes so long until those kids are old enough... ;)

Rules Discussion / Re: Beastmaster's Quick Summoning and Jinx
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:46:18 AM »
Jinx is awesome. It helped me to achieve my fastest victory to date. It's a must-include spell, imho.

Spells / Re: Poison - Air school?
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:54:00 PM »
Personally, I'm a big fan of the spell classification used in the Ars Magica RPG. It does have it's oddities, but they are easily explained by thinking about the medieval understanding of the world.

In Ars Magica Posion Gas would definitely belong into the Air realm ('Auram') because it's gaseous. Liquid poisons would belong to the Water realm, though ('Aquam').

Lightning actually belongs to the Fire realm ('Ignem') because light and thunder are just side-effects. What it really does is set things on fire!

Another oddity are Ice spells: They actually belong to the Earth realm ('Terram') because ice is solid.

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