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Messages - Puddnhead

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 56
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Priestess
« on: May 22, 2018, 06:35:32 PM »
The element of surprise is also a useful tool. I lost a game once to a priestess that sported 4 boulders. She used everyone to kill me before my creatures could finish the game.

I put my cards in groups of 10 or 20 sbps.  I can sort them into types when I put them in the book.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 16, 2018, 07:09:42 PM »
I planned on Sunday evening my time.

Very good! I will endeavor to get that game recorded at the very least.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 16, 2018, 06:04:38 PM »
Midnight my time, evening for US citizen.

Alright, next question: is that midnight between Saturday and Sunday or midnight between Sunday and Monday?

I suppose another way to put it is: is devil planning to play on Saturday or Sunday evening?

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 16, 2018, 03:46:45 PM »
DevSop vs. Enti   6pm EST // 12pm CEST

Would be nice if a recorder would be present.

So, my figuring is 12pm CEST is 6*AM* EDT...Is it midnight or noon your time, Enti?

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 12, 2018, 09:09:15 PM »
I also officially want to declare that Jeffman and Keejchen should be given banana stickers or some sort of similarly sought after honor for being the first members of their groups to complete all of their group stage games.  Excellently done, Gentlemen!

For the rest of you slowpokes....let's get a move on!  I should not be caught up on video releases before the group stage is over.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:54:32 PM »
Official word is that after two and a half weeks of no response it was assumed that Grimmbart dropped.  Luckiest Luke was on the top of the wait list and provided the replacement. Condolences to Grimmbart for the loss of his tournament spot.

We all have our reasons for choosing what to play.  At the risk of further derailing this discussion about kickstarter and it's ability to promote games...

I love Mage Wars over and above Magic because, say what you will about how much skill it takes to refine a deck with 4 each of 11 different cards and the lands to play them, you will still have games where you draw nothing but land or draw everything but land.  In effect it is completely not your fault that you have lost the game.  I have seen way too many Magic games where a perfectly crafted deck just screws you over and you basically don't even get to play the game.

Contrast that with Mage Wars and, yes you can get "diced", but you have some serious control over where and when you engage and you are actually playing the game instead of the game playing you.
Additionally, your use of that "toolbox" is extremely important.  You are never waiting for that one card you need to keep going with your strategy.  You always have it. The decisions you get to make every turn are the most important part of a game to me. You constantly have to consider consequences. Whether you dissolve now vs later is your choice, not your deck's whim.

In the end I think if I had to boil it down, I like Mage Wars more because it primarily Tactical while maintaining a high strategic element whereas Magic is primarily Strategic (which netdecking removes) and has an overall mediocre tactical element.  There certainly are some Magic games in which making the right tactical choice feels so rewarding and those are scintillating moments , but the amount of games where no tactics can assist you with a balanced game due to the land/mana issue brings those jewels back into the uncut state of mediocrity for me.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Any way to protect a flying creature?
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:23:23 AM »
Agreed with everything said here.  For the Cassiel case in particular she can protect herself without your mage's actions.  Give her Glancing Blow, Divine Reversal or Healing Charm and she can cast it on herself.  It keeps  her around long enough to eat a meteor and survive that's a huge win.

Honestly, though, if your opponent is throwing a Meteor or a Thunderbolt at her you win that trade.  Just don't make losing Cassiel cripple you.  Also the absolute best way to protect her from range 3 garbage is Blur as Grizzly just said.

Additionally, she is practically immune to all water attack spells due to flying and cannot be tanglevined or stranglefined or killed by typical swarms.  Flying is really good.

General Discussion / Re: forum name
« on: April 22, 2018, 03:49:19 PM »
My name comes from a Mark Twain book titled "Puddnhead Wilson". Mr. Wilson moves into a sleepy southern town and says something that the locals don't understand. So the whole town calls him Puddnhead Wilson. In the end his intelligence wins the day. So he was actually smart the whole time and nobody knew it. I also chose the name because I love Twain's candid wit.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: April 19, 2018, 08:56:31 AM »
VOD Drefan vs Jbuzz --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBlH0nGCIoE

More videos coming as we get through the editing / commentating process!

You have a double restriction.
1) You cannot attack anything but a guard.
2) You cannot attack a higher level creature.

Therefore you are out of targets you can attack and can do something else assuming you have no other restrictions, but the one thing you cannot do is attack a target in this zone :)

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: April 16, 2018, 11:52:24 PM »
Enti and I (Werekingdom) are planning on having our game on the 19th at 17:00 CET.

It would be nice to have a commentator if possible.
I will try to record the game, but it would be nice if someone else also record it.

I'm at work during that time, but I can record it. Hopefully no disconnects this time.

Enchantments can never affect something retroactively. Therefore the latest you could reveal falcon precision is indeed the roll to miss step which is immediately before the avoid attack step. There are no steps to activating abilities.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to use Force master's Stalker
« on: March 06, 2018, 02:27:53 PM »
Far as I know, Demonic Bloodlust as well as Ballad of Courage work on him.

Both true! It would be interesting to see how those get used. I think the spellbook cost might make ballad not the best choice and demonic bloodlust would hamper his main benefit of being able to hit any target you want.

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