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Messages - ACG

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Rules Discussion / Re: Wall of Thorns and Forcefield
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:03:45 PM »
Up to 5. One for each attack made by the wall.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Lover :D
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:56:06 AM »
You have ~7 channelling boosters. you really gonna get 3.5 turns of isolation to cast those? Also, with a spawnpoint tree are you really going to benefit from that plant ring? Maybe if you are casting all those mana flowers yourself.=

The mage would have to be casting the mana flowers; [mwcard=MW1J13]Mana Flower[/mwcard] is not a vine spell, so the tree can't cast it. I agree that there are too many channeling boosters in this deck, especially considering how expensive Togorah will be to cast. There is no way to both get out the channeling and cast Togorah in time to save the tree. Honestly, if the objective is to protect the tree, I would strongly recommend a [mwcard=MWSTX1CKC06]Guardian Angel[/mwcard] or [mwcard=MWSTX1CKC08]Gargoyle Sentry[/mwcard] instead; they are much cheaper, leaving more mana for offense, and do not share the fire weakness of the tree. They also have the same spellbook cost as Togorah.

I also recommend the following:

1. Add a Steelclaw Grizzly or two for matches against Fire Wizards/Warlocks
2. Add Knockdown so that you can use Tanglevine or Stuck on major flying creatures, like Adramelech. Turn To Stone would also work.
3. Include 1-2 seedling pods. Very useful when you have a spare action but not much mana, to avoid wasting it. Makes the druid more efficient.
4. If you are going for a plant focus, include a [mwcard=MW1J21]Suppression Orb[/mwcard]; It's not like your creatures will be moving anyway.

Spells / Re: Is the Invisible Stalker Psychic Immune?
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:13:35 AM »
Oh, I see.

Spells / Re: Is the Invisible Stalker Psychic Immune?
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:21:35 AM »
The named creatures, mostly Elementals or Spirits, should therefore not have the psychic immunity.

They do not have psychic immunity, that is absolutely true. Whether they should is another matter entirely.

Also, what do you mean named? None of the elementals or spirits so far have names.

Spells / Re: Is the Invisible Stalker Psychic Immune?
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:42:37 PM »
It absolutely should be, considering that it is a creature made of pure force (i.e. a projection of the forcemaster's will, with no mind of its own).

But it looks like it is not.

Earth Elemental is another one that ought to be psychic immune, but isn't.

General Questions / Re: Necromancer questions
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:55:14 AM »
I can't seem to find an answer to this question... and I made sure to check the Rules and Codex Supplement this time. :D

Does reanimating the Necromancer's "Eternal Servant" get a discount from [mwcard=DNQ02]Death Ring[/mwcard]?  The Necromancer's reference card doesn't state that it counts as a "necro" or "undead" spell (probably because it isn't an action), but Reanimate is bolded and all other reanimation abilities are "necro" - and the creature being (re)summoned this way is "undead" by requirement of "Eternal Servant" ("you may pay mana equal to its casting cost to Reanimate it"). The Rules and Codex Supplement refers to the "Eternam Servant" getting "summoned" to the zone it was destroyed in, similar to [mwcard=DNE02]Rise Again[/mwcard] / [mwcard=DNI01]Animate Dead[/mwcard] and cards with the Reanimate keyword, but never calls this particular reanimation a "spell" as would seem to be required to get Death Ring's discount.

For example, I'd like to have an "Eternal Servant" [mwcard=DNC09]Plagsue Zombie[/mwcard] in a key combat zone, have him attack during his activation, then sacrifice him to an [mwcard=MW1J20]Altar[/mwcard] to trigger his ability upon being destroyed (and to give melee +2 and piercing +2 to a friendly), then reanimate him to do it all next turn.  With the Death Ring, does it cost 9 or 8 to reanimate my "Eternal Servant" Plague Zombie? It seems to depend on his "casting cost". Is the casting cost always 9, as printed on the card, or is it 8 because I would get a discount if I casted it as a spell?

No. Sorry, but the necromancer's eternal ability does not count as a Necro or undead spell (it isn't even a spell), so it does not receive the discount.

Rules Discussion / Re: Necromancer vs Gorgon Archer & Stun Daze
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:08:44 AM »
Hello again community,
     New player for a few days now and have a some questions that I hope you can help out with. A friend and I came into this situation. The Gorgon Archer uses her range attack Poison Bow. Since the Necromancer and non-living creatures are immune to poison do they only take the damage from the attack and ignore the weak status effect since it is a poison condition?

Correct. They only take the damage, not the condition.

     Next up stun and daze simultaneously. My creature had already taken its turn. Later it received a stun marker. (We went with it stays stunned until it takes its action phase, as it states on the marker) New turn started and it was attacked again before it took its action phase. The attack would place a daze marker on it. So can a creature be both stunned and dazed? Due to stun; the creature would not be able to act, but use up its action phase. That would mean at the end of the action phase both stun and daze would be removed?

Yes, a creature can be stunned and dazed at the same time. Yes, both stun and daze would be removed following its action phase (during which it cannot do anything, due to stun).

A creature can even have multiple stuns/dazes on it at the same time (which becomes relevant if you are trying to remove conditions to allow it to attack that turn)

I just added 3 more filters (will update the main page in a moment):

Range - The range of the attack that killed the creature. "Melee","Ranged","Counterstrike","Damage Barrier", or "Passage Attack" are all valid options at the moment.

Mage - The name of the mage that controls the creature (e.g. Wizard, Forcemaster, Beastmaster, etc.)

AttackerMage - The name of the mage that controls the attacker (see above).

Edit: Also, use <AM> as a placeholder for the name of the attacker's controlling mage and <DM> as a placeholder for the name of the dead creature's controlling mage. I am also going to change the format so that <D> is used as the placeholder for the dead creature's name, for consistency.

The cold night's silence was shattered by the shrill scream of the {} as it plummeted towards the hard stone of the arena floor.@Type=Creature,Trait=Flying

Do you have any way of knowing whether the flying creature is grounded when it dies?  Such as the result of a counter attack when the flying creature has made a melee attack.  Because if the flying creature was grounded, the death message would not make sense.  Also, for the purposes of the death message, is there any way to specify, or to know, whether the attack was a ranged or melee attack?  If it was a ranged attack, the flying creature is more likely to be in a flying state.

Yes, the game knows whether the creature has the flying trait at the time that it dies. I hope you don't mind if I edit these slightly to put them in present rather than past tense.

It is possible to know whether the attack was ranged or melee, though there is no filter for that yet. I can see about making one.

Although the format is wrong, I think that Sailor Vulcan is requesting a tag for the name of the controlling mage of the creature who dealt the death blow.

sIKE proposed the same thing. Guess I'll need a few more filters.

Great ideas everybody! I am currently working on using properly gendered pronouns, which will make formatting slightly more complicated, but please (in general) don't let formatting stop you from proposing your ideas! It is much more helpful for me if you format your ideas, but it is fine if you submit something and the formatting is slightly off; I'll just fix it when I add it to the list. The main thing is to generate lots of messages, so don't hesitate to post!

Why not just say:

As the old Sortilege proverb goes, "Five heads are better than one."@AttackerName=Darkfenne Hydra,AttackTrait=Triplestrike,Name!=Darkfenne Hydra,Name!=Cerberus

It makes more sense from the perspective of both mages, as well. Remember, both players will read these messages. Also I should make clear that the name of the attack will be independently declared before the death message is displayed, so specifying which attack killed the creature is unnecessary. That will probably give a better idea of the context in which these messages are displayed.

(there is no "Hydra" creature; the name must appear exactly as it appears on the card)

I believe that Darkfenne Hydra is the only Creature with the Triplestrike attack trait.  Therefore, the tags should ensure that only the Sortilege Wizard triggers this death message when attacking with the Darkfenne Hydra.  Is this correct?

Or would it be easier to just replace 'Type=Creature,Subtype=Serpent,AttackTrait=Triplestrike' with 'Name=Darkfenne Hydra'?

Following the {}'s fatal triplestrike, the old proverb of Sortilege, "Five heads are better than one", sprung to the mind of the <A>.@AttackerName = Wizard,AttackerSubtype=Sortilege,Type=Creature,Subtype=Serpent,AttackTrait=Triplestrike

[mwcard=MW1C09]Darkfenne Hydra[/mwcard]

{} is the name of the creature that just died. <A> is the name of the creature that killed it. So that example would trigger when the Wizard (personally) kills a Darkfenne Hydra, which I don't think is what you want.

Sortilege is not a valid subtype. Including Subtype=Sortilege will prevent the message from ever being shown.

You can't rely on the Hydra being the only creature with triplestrike (also, Boltstorm has triplestrike). If you want it to only trigger when the hydra attacks with triplestrike, AttackerName=Hydra,AttackTrait=Triplestrike works just fine.

Knowledge is power.@AttackerController=<A>Type=Mage

And another life is lost...such a shame.@AttackerController=<A>Type=Mage

Can you please add "AttackerController" as one of the filters? You could possibly use attacker's controller's training for this, I think.

Edit: this might work better as an automated message in the chatbox...

I'm not sure what you are asking here, with AttackerController. <A> is just a placeholder to be replaced with the name of the attacker; it only functions in the actual message text, not the filter. What is intended with this filter?

Updated the list. Keep them coming!

General Questions / Re: Forcemaster questions
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:21:04 PM »
Looking at the rulebook explanation of damage barrier:

Damage barriers are a special type of attack, and
are neither melee nor ranged attacks. They only
have 2 steps to follow when attacking: 1) Roll Dice
and 2) Damage and Effects. They will not trigger
another damage barrier attack or a counterstrike.

It appears you are right. The damage barrier should ignore the Forcefield.

All right, I added four new filters that refer to the attacker:


And a placeholder for the attacker's name:


Some examples of how to use these:

<A> grunts, "I pick my teeth with your bones".@Type=Creature,AttackerType=Creature,AttackerTrait=Living,AttackerSubtype=Troll,Subtype=Skeleton
<A> found {}'s lack of faith disturbing.@AttackerName=Forcemaster,Type=Creature

Right. Like I said, I'll see about making filters for the attacker. In the meantime, see if you can come up with more (attacker independent) messages.

Thanks guys; glad we're starting to see some interest here!

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