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Messages - Cnoedel

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General Discussion / Re: FiF: Street release July 2nd?
« on: June 25, 2014, 06:51:00 PM »
You do not live in europe, do you? Here in Germany it affects the whole social life, people talk about it, there is public viewing... I regret leaving my room as soon as i see any flag being shown off on houses, cars... it's like Nazitime all over again  :o

I could imagine the super bowl being that annoying :D

I know this might trigger some negative effects towards me but feel free to discuss my opinion.

So why exactly is Toni Darling exposing herself for the Mage Wars franchise? Everything looks completly arranged, the shirt, her enthusiams... This is just awkward - I don't know her but i suppose she is there because she is an attractive female and for no other reason - I thought AW could do better than getting on the "sex sells" train which dissapoints me (maybe just me). AW is certainly not the only Publisher and won't be the last.

The comments right under the video, having nothing to do with AW, disgust me even more:

"Chronus D. Greed
Nice dices =)"

"Алекс Иванов
I think Toni is more awesome, when game) And she has a great T-Shirt)) Operator knows what is best to take perspective) Ans so big wonderful eyes!"

This again is just me being offended, sure many of you look at things differently (otherwise such acts of promotions would not happen) and some might even think i have double standards regarding my posts in the "Where are the females" thread. Anyway, I am emotionally attached to this game because I like it a lot thus i am posting this.
My political/philosophical on society are irrelevant to the game itself, but i like to point them out.

AW, you don't need boobs to promote your game, it's awesome on it's own!

General Discussion / Re: FiF: Street release July 2nd?
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:53:43 AM »
I, living in Europe, need FiF asap just to distract me from the annoying soccer world cup!

Off topic / Re: Hello everybody! New players here :)
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:51:15 AM »
Welcome on board and have fun!

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:58:09 PM »
The Idea of a mummy Cleopatra sounds so very pleasing, her body could be covered as much with bandages as the druid is with vines, revealing a bit of her rotten flesh and bones - I am weird, i know

The suggested Flame+2 trait seems legit and there could be some Anubis-like Gods and the already mentioned scarab swarm *-*...oh i'd love that! Her ability should not be yet another Pet, i think there are plenty of mages with a pet-ability. Maybe something like treebond but with a Sphinx/Pyramid-Gravespawnpoint, giving her regenerate or channeling.

A Fungus-Druid is also a neat idea lore wise, but as the existing Druid is also focussed around poison i guess it would be more of the same.

Events / Re: Mage Wars - Germany
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:09:33 PM »
Fand einige Übersetzungen von Pegasus grenzwertig und die Errata welche hier online stehen sind auch allesamt auf Englisch, daher bin ich ganz glücklich damt alles im Originaltext vorliegen zu haben, allerdings täte eine (vernünftig beworbene) deutschsprachige Distribution dem SPiel wirklich gut - nicht jeder kann englisch, erst recht nicht so ein komplexes Spiel mit Fachterminologie.

Worms hat ein witziges Nibelungenmuseeum und ich glaub es gehört sich für jeden Einwohner dreimal im Leben mindestens drin gewesen zu sein :D

I have not the most experience in this game but I guess you want to push your mages limit by:

- Equipment
- Enchantments
- Creatures + Animal Kinship

For the first two i would at least somehow add an enchanters wardstone and armor ward, just to be sure that if my opponent comes in my way of getting strong it hurts him too!

Not sure what to exclude thou..

General Discussion / Re: Mages intro song
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:28:04 PM »
If you are light hearted you might not touch Necromancer or warlord, otherwise enjoy :D


Undergang - Radden Messe
(I always figuerd them raising corpses producing such rotten sound)


Shlohmo - Put It
(not quite medieval but i imagine cutting her enemies in slow motion with galvitar and loads of light effects would make for a great music video)


Katharsis - so nail the hearts

General Discussion / Re: My Impressions After a Month
« on: June 23, 2014, 12:04:45 PM »
Haha, had a bunch of fun reading your post and after my first few games I came to similar conclusions, but while i still think there are mandatory spells like teleport, dispel, dissolve and shift enchantment, I lost it with spawnpoints and mana conjurations. Mainly because they do not pay off as fast as rings do and as lukard pointed out: Easily destroyed if the enemy focuses on them.

Spawnpoints are more in my favor, Barracks and Liar to be clear here, because if I use them, I use them fast and pretty much each round to get the most effect out of them (I really like barracks giving you grunts for 1-2 Mana if you maintain your Outposts well)

My experience with Equipment is not quite there yet because i focussed more on creatures and enchantments, most times i grab a ring, some armor and a weapon that fits my mage.

Please tell us/me how your playstyle is developing!

Events / Re: Mage Wars - Germany
« on: June 22, 2014, 07:38:04 PM »
Sehr gut, kann man hier überhaupt private Nachrichten schicken? Wie sollen wir uns verbreden - wird schon, freue mich drauf!

OCTGN sagt mir nur halbwegs zu, wofür habe ich dann den ganzen Kram wenn ich es nur online spiele :C

Warum ist MW hier nicht so erfolgreich? Hatte in meinem Freundeskreis wenig erfolg (viele können nicht gut genug englisch, anderen ist es zu komplex)

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Where are the girls?
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:03:51 PM »
I was just pointing out that females have been sexualized since...ever in nearly all artistic ways, nothing what bothers me in a game.

IMO the males are being sexualized already. All of them seem to be pretty (even the wizard and the orc warlord have their style of asthetics), tall (forget about the dwarf, he too has his asthetics done right) and masculine.

 If you follow the InGame-logic the mages have no equipment as they enter the arena so I assume they are even wearing too much on the pictures ;P

Events / Mage Wars - Germany
« on: June 20, 2014, 11:56:49 AM »
So I have this great game and only a few friends to play with (mostly my girlfriend) and while i am very glad she really enjoys the game (she isn't really into all that nerd stuff) i am lacking more opponents!

Without facebook or any social network my lack of connectivity presents itself brutal and I am hoping to meet new players here:

Also wenn du im Ruhrgebiet wohnst, schick mir einfach eine PM und wir können uns mal auf ein Match treffen!

General Discussion / Re: battle grounds
« on: June 19, 2014, 08:57:04 PM »
That just sounds amazing :O

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Where are the girls?
« on: June 19, 2014, 08:45:33 PM »
This is just an hypocritical and emotional reaction - Females have been sexually displayed since ancient greece (and beyond) and somehow I am unable to get why it offends people because its not the picture that reduces the shown human on sexuality, it is the viewer(s mind). IMO one could even go further, the prude fear for nipples while the whole Internet is mostly porn is just double standart. (Maybe i am going to far here but i dealt with issues like this a lot in the university O.o)
Notice how most males are shown as strong and big while in reality many are not? Any big deal about that?

My question about the revealing Priestess was more of a fun way to mock religious values not in any way an appell to the devs "THOU SHALL COVER THY FEMALES OR I BURN MY MAGE WARS STUFF!!!"

I like seeing sexy femals and strong males and do not feel their roles implied on me or struggle with their nudity. Its a game, it should entertain and this, while not being anywhere near the MAIN reason it does, helps to do so :D


Events / Re: SPIEL 2013
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:56:51 AM »
I was really upset because i thought i could get it right there but the "Pegasus Spiele" guy said that they will only sell their products (the german magewars version) and no arcane wonders stuff -.-

So i got a Lord of the rings LCG and played it with my girlfriend, cheap but fun substitution althought i had high hopes raising the deads against her plants   :'( :'( :'(

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