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Messages - isel

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 21
General Discussion / Re: OP Kit 6
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:14:05 PM »
Ohhhh please, we need a larger picture!!!

My eyes hurts!!!

General Discussion / Re: PvS Spoilers So Far
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:04:25 AM »
Maybe the paladin will get the Ballista?

I kid i kid, we all know that card will never get printed....  :'(

I prayer for that!!!

Maybe syren will have another enchantment "only syren" that gives her armor and something more as Flame -2 trait.

i hope soon we´ll know what promo cards will be released in this pack.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attack upon opening Gate to Hell
« on: August 20, 2014, 04:19:04 AM »
i had this problem yesterday, my question it´s if  wall´s between zones are attacked by Gate of hell, i ask because i know that zone spell not target walls, but i´m not sure about G. o H.

Events / Re: GenCon Report
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:31:53 AM »
Where i can see the rules of this tournament? thanks

General Discussion / Re: Syren vs. paladin, next spoilers?
« on: August 14, 2014, 06:41:44 AM »
Yeahhhhh, you have reason, but only understand that this game it´s too fantastic and i like to see new cards and enjoy more this game  seeing the things to come.

And i can´t wait to see the siren!! i´m very intrigued with this new mage, How can a fish fight out of the water?, in the arena? There will be a new "arena"? maybe a malibu beach? xd

See you soon.

General Discussion / Re: Syren vs. paladin, next spoilers?
« on: August 14, 2014, 04:31:01 AM »
Well, now that Fif it´s released, i think it´s time to begin the spoilers of the next expansion, because summer it´s tooo long and im too boring xd xd.

Please told us something, until november there is enough time for a card for week.

thank you!!

We will start to post when we are ready. Most likely after Gencon

Gencon it´s this weekend!!!! i can´t wait  to see the new cards!!! i hope the next week we have more news abaout this expansion!!

Spells / Re: Gurmash, Orc Sergeant
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:35:23 AM »
i´ve used Gurmash when i play my warlord building with forge, when my warlord have 3 equipments i summon gurshmash and he buffing my warlord with battle fury, it´s amazing.

Too expensive in mana, level points and doesn´t have any zone attacks, for this cost maybe an attack with 6 dice or with sweeping.

The art its incredible.

I believe that when a creature cost more than 13 points would be definetively and amazing. See Iron Golem.

This spoiler give us another time a old question.. ¿When we´ll see a frost attack? xd xd When the frost -x or +x trait will be useful? ....and for me...When i´ll see more plants xd (level 1 if its possible ) xd?

Another fantastic creature, When will be released?

General Discussion / Re: Promo Packs for Purchase
« on: August 09, 2014, 02:54:33 PM »
i understand that promo cards are cards that they are testing now, because many of them are horribly powerful (ballista) and others are.....well...with a good picture xd, it´s normal that in this format promo cards aren´t permited in tournaments, because that would be a big mistake, all people spend money for 3 ballistas and storm staff and another powerfull cards and the game would be boring.

I prefer that in the future promo cards would be cards as teleport or some cards that normally are very used and are very few in the box, i need 2 teleport for each mage.

Alternative picture of bear strengH, ? Well i hope we´ll see more alternate pictures but, i´m sorry for this, i prefer the old picture...sorry.

Maybe in the next pack we´ll have a alternateve teleport xd, i need one more xd. and would be fantastic have more with alternate pictures.

Rules Discussion / Battle Fury and Vampiric
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:16:24 PM »
Hello i read multiples questions about battle fury, i read and example of the first attack of battle fury is defended and aplly vampiric in the second, but my question is.

CAn you aply Vampiric in both attacks? or in a sweeping attack? im sure in sweeping option you can´t but i prefer ask because this afternoon we have several questions about that.

Rules Discussion / Re: clarification of familiars
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:05:23 PM »
Wowww that´s that i forgot!!! too many rules xd, i forgot that X Mage only cant be controlled. thanks

Rules Discussion / clarification of familiars
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:03:19 PM »
Its a familiar considered as a  Mage? i ask this because my oponent would like to control and put that dont affect mages, thanks ..

In the middle of the arena the doubts are very hard....my druid is in battle vs a forcemage ( i hate it) xd.

Rules Discussion / Re: Thoughtspore and jinx
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:00:51 PM »
ok Shadow, im in the middle of a game and i havent acces to that now, but i check.

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