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Messages - jacksmack

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 72
General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:17:53 AM »
"each upkeep phase, the controller of Death Link may heal up to 2 damage from his Mage..."
my mage is a creature so I get to choose if I want to healed first or be dealt 1 damage

"...and place it on this creature as direct damage, regardless of distance or LoS."

the opponent chooses that his creature will to dealt damage by IoP first.

so I heal and then dealt damage. and the enemy creature is dealt damage by IoP only. correct?

Im not sure how Death link acts during upkeep phase.

I would like an official response on when the creature is damaged. When the warlock (darkmage) resolves Deathlink or do the creature owner still get to trigger other effects such as regeneration even if the warlock has initiative?

The effect for Death link is different than idol of pestilence is because it Works for both mages and only if the owner choose to let it resolve.

General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:43:47 AM »
The owner of the creature who is susceptible to effects during the upkeep phase decides the order for all effects regardless of who put the effects into play.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Tie Breaker conditions
« on: June 14, 2013, 03:08:00 PM »
But Finite life is a condition already in the game, while restricting spells is not a current in-game condition

Thats not a good argument. Any deck relying of healing will surely have Means to get rid of finite life conditions gained the normal way.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Tie Breaker conditions
« on: June 14, 2013, 04:21:01 AM »
you can't limit what spells are used because that it an unfair advantage to different mages. what you are esencially saying is you can do W+X+Y+Z damage sources and people build mages around that, then we take out Y and Z making builds who used that for winning.

while doubling damage is a fair game accelerator because if you run swarm, beat down, dot or solo the advantage of double damage is the same effective increase.

until there is official word from arcane wonders I'm going to suggest to use my method for elimination matches.

Taking away healing is the same in a way. If you had a deck that focused on kiting, some healing while doing some damage you would still be at a disadvantage vs a deck that contained 0 ways of healing and just full out damage. (mby because the spells were spent at that point.)

Mages / Re: Is there any love for warlord?
« on: June 13, 2013, 04:57:46 PM »
Akiro's Hammer - I literally drooled the first time I saw it, then read the fine print and jeered. Forgot all of this, played the Warlord and played this card. Cried at thelost cost of Mana, Action, and Spell Point Cost in Spellbook. I think this is the worst card to come out of the FvW set not the Goblin Builder as he can at least cast Conjurations for you.

^ This describes my reaction also. I want more WAR MACHINES! More importantly, ones that are actually useful!!!

I also want a creature that can put load tokens on war machines as a full action.

the builder should sooo much be able to do this like the priests can put mana on asyrum (name? the holy spawn point.).

2 complex 4 ya bro?  8)

ill consider making a new 1 4 ya.

Thanks for the chart, but that is not the source of confusion. It is a simple word similarity problem.

what is confusing? explain this chart so they know when they can use it. tell about the 2 symbols: quick cast and full cast. Job done.

For the love of god... let the guy release this. Im still having sexy dreams about that app!!!

Feel free to print out and laminate.


Mages / Re: Is there any love for warlord?
« on: June 13, 2013, 10:04:12 AM »
I think i saw a pretty intersting ballista tower.

If i remember correctly i was a conjuration for 8 mana that has load tokens like the akuras.

It has a 5 dice attack with some piercing and 1-2 zones range. I believe this range and mana cost is easier to fit into an opening.
The first time it shoots it can be considered a bit of an expensive (not much though) attackspell.
Every second round thereafter a free decent hitting attack. I like it.

Image file getting uploaded when i get home. (upload sites blocked @ work).

League / Tournament Play / Re: Tie Breaker conditions
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:42:04 AM »
May i offer a suggestion i heard from another game (i think Magic). have round time be 75min + 2 d 12 dice, only the Tournament organizer knows the d12 time.

once that time is up all mages get finite life instantly (imagine poision blood enchantment has been cast), and all damage done to mages form all sources from the next turn onwards is doubled (ie calculate damage normally with dice, pearcing etc, then just double that number)

A possibility could be removing spell preparation or limit it to incantations and attack spells.
(no more equipmnent, enchantment, creatures, conjurations)

Finish with what you got - and do it quick.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sleep combos
« on: June 13, 2013, 04:09:56 AM »
I like putting them to sleep in a zone where one of my creatures is hanging out, then you can use a Guard action so they have to attack your guard instead of the sleeping creature.

Are you sure about this? I understood from the FAQ that a creature could attack itself, a tanglevine attached to itself or allies in the zone and ignoring guards when doing so.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sleep combos
« on: June 12, 2013, 07:49:35 AM »
Retaliate gives the creatures quick action melee attacks the counter strike trait:
During the counterstrike step in the attack phase the creature MAY CHOOSE to counterstrike if the creature has any attacks with the counter strike trait.

Your enemy mage would ofc not choose to do this.
Besides that your right about the daze roll.

block would work yes.

Teleport would work as well.

I believe the last 2 options are too expensive. I would rather cast agony face down on the creature i suspect he uses to wake up the sleeping target and hope that the creature dont roll a crit vs the slept target that very often has 1 or 2 armor (if not more) and thus stay sleeped and agony gimps the first creature for several more rounds. I doubt people wake up slept targets using their grizzly bear, and if they do then you should be happy.

Spells / Re: Force Hold vs Force Crush
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:14:46 AM »
funny enough every time I have seen a creature restrained it has been on guard. so practically it dies have counterstrike lol.
I should also emphasize the point about restrained and flying because the force master has trouble against flying so more force holds become more valuable then force crush.

There are a few ways the FM can deal with flyers. Force Hammer, Charm/Mind Control, Sleep, Force Hold, and especially Knockdown, which could be bound to a thoughtspore. The FM has the biggest problem against immovable creatures with psychic immunity. I can't think of anything to do with these creatures but curse them with something nasty, teleport them away, or hope to whack them with Galvitar until they are dead.

use defenses and forcefield?

or double strike it with piercing strikes.  Bam one shot.

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