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Messages - jacksmack

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League / Tournament Play / Re: Organized Play
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:15:34 PM »
Is it possible for stores (retailers?) outside US aka Europe to order some of those Organized Play kits?

What is a OP kit excately btw?


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:33:41 PM »
So much minutia to the game, I am still learning after owning for 6 months.  Sigth and sigh Di and Tele (Tele is really useless other than Tanglevine etc...)

Teleport has many uses:

Get the opponent mage to the zone you want him to be in.

Escape creatures and getting rid of hindering with a QC before your activation phase.

Move a creature to the other side of a wall if the caster has vision to both sides of the wall (huginn or your mage if positioned correct).

Skip a trap you suspect to be a teleport trap.

Get out of quicksand (currently its the only garuenteed way).

Teleport slow creatures away from your side of the board making them spend several rounds getting back in the fight unless your opponenent chooses to spend actions and mana getting them back.

Teleport creatures with regen away from hindering enemies and make the creature take a few steps further away by itself.

Take that gorgon Archer out of tanglevine and put it in a better position where it can do its ranged attack.

etc etc.

With all the spellbooks i have made only one had 0 teleports... and thats because i was out of copies tbh.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:16:20 PM »
Regardless, you definitely cannot use Teleport to move yourself 5-6 zones. That would be cheap.

Range: You may only cast a spell at a target that is in range. Range is always listed as a minimum and a
maximum. If the target is too close or too far away, you cannot cast the spell.

Target: Every spell must be cast at a target. You may select the target only if it matches the requirements listed
on the spell you are casting. Some spells may target objects with particular traits or subtypes.

Target creature is Teleported to the target zone. X = 3 mana per zone moved away from its current zone. You must pay at least 3 mana even if the target is teleported to the same zone. This does not count as a move action for the creature.

All of the evidence says yes. Looks like I drop a teleport for another Divine Intervention. 

Is the target Zone from the casting mage or the creature. I understand the Mana cost is the number of zones the creature moves.

The more I have learned about Teleport the less and less I like it. 15 Mana to get across the board is not cheap btw.

You are really complicating teleport.

Tanto described it very well, and all i can add is:

DI is priestess only so its not an option for most of the mages.
DI is epic, so you can only add one in your book.
If you teleport yourself it will be a maximum of 2 zones.
You can teleport the target to the same zone if you wish (in order to remove tanglevine) but you still pay 3 mana because thats minimum.

This is my view on the Hand + temple popopopowah!

All of you who talk about dedicating ressources (actions and mana) to take down this temple forget one thing.
You end up paying almost same mana if not more. And atleast same actions (daze??? stun???). And guess what.... the priestess still get off the tower attack atleast once (per tower) so you are losing momentum!

Hurl boulder is 8 mana (isnt it?).
Tower is 9 mana.

Tower most likely daze on top of a good attack for just ONE more mana than you spend neutralizing tower.
Plus you might not one shot it - you might even miss becayuse of daze or you have to spend extra actions to get rid of daze and ensure a hit.

When that is said:
Its not like that the Hand + Pew pew tower combo loses all its value once you have torn through 2 or 3 towers... Guess what... there is still 3-4 or even more hands that will benefit the owner big time through the rest of the battle.
Remember... the hands ALONE are worth their individual cost. The occasional 9 extra mana for a big chance to daze and decent damage output each round that the opponent can hardly ignore and will on average spend much more ressources to stop than you spent for tower is just very very strong.
But its important to take into the equation, that when the Hand + Tower combo is broken down... only X times 9 mana is wasted because the Hands still works brillaintly on their own.

This is all the while the priestess can equip her staff and do good damage with hands and chance to daze, or if she is swarmed and focused choose armor to negate the damage until she get backup from her temple and gaining advantage taking down creatures while she keeps all her mana spent in the arena.

I have not tried to wall off the tower, but i believe that could be a better solution in some cases.

I want to make a final note on the temple build.
It is one of the builds with most variance due to fact it relies so much on daze and stun and attack rolls that fail from daze.
Some will get lucky getting hit with few dazes and 0 stuns and on top of that they will succed the daze roll when they do those rolls and then claim that temple build is shit.
Others will face non stop dazes only replaced with an occasional stun while their creatures fail all the daze attack rolls.


Rules Discussion / Re: Clarification requests
« on: June 19, 2013, 03:46:03 AM »
This is copy and paste from the Mage Wars FAQ pg. 14

If Decoy is destroyed while still unrevealed (e.g. by a Seeking Dispel), its controller still gains the 2
mana, because enchantments are always automatically revealed whenever they are destroyed.
If Decoy is countered (e.g. by Nullify), its controller does not gain the 2 mana, because the enchantment
never got onto the battlefield to have its effect.

Enchantment Transfusion is an example of an enchantment that takes effect even if it is destroyed by a seeking dispel (just like decoy). Seeking dispel prevents the controller, me, from revealing the enchantment, yes. But the Game rules (as stated in the FAQ) reveal the enchantment for me and I can choose to use it's effect when it is revealed, just like decoy.

My interpretation of course, I have been known to be wrong once or twice :P

well.. now im starting to doubt myself. Anyway i think its something like this:

You cannot reveal and pay manacost. This should have been done before the enchantment was destroyed in this case due to creature death.

The enchantment IS revealed. Big difference here!

I believe the "reveal" they use in this way is to show both players what facedown enchantments were on the creature AND if any of these take effect either when the creature dies or the enchantment is destroyed then you get to resolve the effect(s). Decoy is currently the only enchantment that falls under this criteria.

Rules Discussion / Re: Clarification requests
« on: June 18, 2013, 07:31:59 PM »
the forcemaster could let the knight of wrestlock die this way.

The rest is not correct.
Where do you find that enchantments are revealed when they are destroyed?
Certainly they are not revealed as in no reveal cost has to be paid. And you have to do this before the creature dies. So it could be after the dice roll and before damage is Applied to the creature.
But that is not what your talking about.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:40:29 PM »
Creature is Incapacitated. When this creature is
activated remove Slam and replace with a Daze condition.
Unmovable creatures receive a Daze condition instead of

An Incapacitated creature cannot take any actions, including moving, attacking,..."

The mage can still cast certain spells, but the point is they can't move away from you.


General Discussion / Re: Tokens
« on: June 18, 2013, 07:50:03 AM »
In later expansion will there be more damge and mana tokens? Or can they be sold sepertaly? I have had the problem in a few of my games where we ran out of mana tokens and in another game we almost ran out of damge tokens.

Did you playe the spawnpoints and familiars correctly? I have never run out of mana tokens.
The spawnpoints and famliar pays whatever mana they have on them when casting a spell, and then the mage pays the remaining mana.
So you dont have to wait for the holy temply to have 13 mana to cast knights of wrestlock.

Damage tokens can run short though. Regular D6s can be used to help keep track. (not that this is a satiesfying solution in any way! in fact the shortage of damage counters and condition counters being double side is my biggest beef with this game.)

Also remember the highest damage counter is a 9 not a 6 - mby this helps.

They should have made the damage counters double sided (same total number or more). something like this:
1 and 2.
3 and 5.
8 and 10.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:12:27 AM »
Yeah I read it, but thought he won't be able to do anything that turn:). So slam is a glorified daze than, that could be removed right away if the enemy hasn't activated that creature this turn yet. Thank you for the clarification, so much to learn:)

yes. But you still get the luxuary of it being dazed - sometimes this is enough.

If its a flying creature that you want to attack with ground forces, then you wanna wait till it HAS activated this round in order for slam to last until next round thus making ground forces able to attack it this round.
A unit with defense(s) likewise.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:04:57 AM »
Let's talk about slam than:). I might play it wrong but slam says target is incapacitated. Incapacitated means that when he is activated (if a creature) it misses its turn, you just flip its activation token over:

"An Incapacitated creature still takes an Action Phase during the round, but it cannot perform any actions during its Action Phase (normally, the action marker is simply flipped over)."

Wouldn't it mean that when a slammed creature gets it's turn, you flip it's activation token, he misses his turn, and than it gets dazed for the next round? The codex doesn't really go deep into this, so which way do we use it?

check the codex from ForcemastervsWarlord.

Unfortunately i cannot check it because im at work.
But i believe that Slam is described something like this:
At the beginning of the creatures action phase replace slam with a daze.
This makes the creature dazed during this action phase. And at the end of the action phase remove all daze counters.
So it can move, attack, guard etc only being subject to daze.

or if hands actually had Line of Sight to work

yep and 0-2 zones.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 18, 2013, 05:33:27 AM »
I dont have the cards in front of me.... but dont force bash give a slam token?

If thats the case then you dont prevent anything from moving... Consider slam a stronger version of daze.
In fact consider it a daze that also removes flying, guard and defenses until the creature is activated.
When the creature is activated replace slam with a daze token and then the creature is free to take whatever action it wants including moving.

The way you put it, it sounds (to me atleast) like you misunderstood slam and knockdown.

Hands are so damn strong. Hand synergy with ToL is just sick.

I really wish that hands were lvl 2 and either cost 2 more mana to cast or that the same effect from multiple hands didnt stack on the same target.

General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:56:28 PM »
"If mage dies, continue play until the end of that phase. If all remaining mages die before the end of phase, the game is draw."
From official FAQ.

Im talking about a creature with low hp that will DIE from death link if the owner cannot kick in the regenerate before Death Link takes effect.

Mages / Re: Is there any love for warlord?
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:54:41 PM »
I really think that anyone who tries to play the Warlord similar to the Beastmaster is going to be sorely disappointed, and is doing the orc mage a great disservice. 

I also don't think it's a coincidence that players that are spamming creatures with the warlord are having trouble.  That's really not how you are supposed to play him.  After testing various Warlord builds over and over against tough Big X creature builds, the "swarm" builds and odd "sniper tower" builds that some players talk about are simply really subpar, if not downright awful, and certainly not competitive.

This isn't totally the fault of the players.  The mini-ruleset/intro included in the box implies that the Warlord needs to have a lot of creatures, when in reality that's very far from the truth.

The way to play the Warlord is really not terribly complicated, actually:

1.  Use Thorg.  Every game.  He's that good.  I hate playing against him.

2.  Use Iron Golems, especially against the Forcemaster and Warlock.  Their huge quick attack and various immunity traits makes them excellent guards, and the Warlord is really the only mage that can effectively Command them with spells like Charge, Whirling Strike, Battle Fury, etc. 

3. Dwarf Kriegsbiels and Sir Corazin seriously kick your ass in a hurry.  The amount of dice they get for their cost is ridiculous, and it only gets worse if (usually more like "when") they attain Veteran status.

4. Orc Butchers are very solid, very cheap meat shields.  They're nothing too crazy, like Thorg and Corazin, but they aren't supposed to be; you get a lot more than what you pay for, and that's enough.

5. Leave most of the Warlord's conjurations at home.  Maybe they have a place, but I haven't found it yet.  The only one that I've really seen work well is Quicksand.  It pretty much acts like a Teleport check; if your opponent has a teleport, cool.  If he doesn't, well...better hope that creature wasn't important (My poor Cervere :( )

6. I think the Warlord's Sledge is actually useful and worth its cost, unlike most weapons.  The sweeping attack it gives represents a 5 dice increase, with a decent chance to daze with each strike, and it can't be countered by elemental resistances.

The Warlord isn't meant to be a general, he's meant to lead a squad of elite soldiers with some monsters on the side.  Thorg, Iron Golems, Sir Corazin, Dwarves, and Butchers all fill that need very well; everything else seems to be pretty situational (that's ok, all mages have situational cards).  Beyond that, he has access to a powerful elemental school and awesome commands like Whirling Strike, which he can use over and over for a discount, unlike other mages.

My group stopped playing the Warlord as a "spammer" and more of a commander, and so far we've never looked back.

I havent managed to actually play the warlord, because its so darn hard to find people to play with.
But your input is grealtly appreciated and i will definately consider remaking my already completed warlord spellbook just because of this :)

Do you not even use the barracks?


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