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Messages - jmoodie

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I like the idea of wands, but much like spawnpoints, they are not as useful as they first seem.

I've seen new players that at first assumed that a wand spell was free. As stated above, make sure you all realize that you still have to pay for the wanded spell.

Otherwise, I think this is a product of local meta/groupthink. I rarely use a wand, and if I do it's usu for something very specific to that game. They need to be cheap to be worth it, but they're (currently) too easy to dissolve to waste the ap.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:17:38 AM »

One thing to note is that Battle Fury doesn't help an Earth Elemental, since it has no quick action attacks.

It wasn't an "earth elemental", it was an iron golem.   8)

Sorry for the confusion. Paradox would know, I was playing him. :) Iron Golems are very hard to deal with. I just avoided him.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Cursing Warlock 2.0
« on: July 07, 2013, 10:29:56 PM »
I tried to edit my post, but it didn't work for some reason.  So I started a new thread.  Board ops can move it necessary.

I made changes based on suggestions and playing 4 games.  This guys went 3-1 in those.  Today, I went 2-0 in our organized play using the book below.  Keep in mind, I'm using a Core, Spell tome 1, spell tome 2, promos given out at local org play, and I snagged a Sectarus from a player.

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Mage Wars Deck Builder

Warlock (Core) 

Attack (5)
Fireball (Core #1A04) x2
Flameblast (Core #1A06) x2
Ring of Fire (Core #1A12) x1

Conjuration (4)
Idol of Pestilence (Core #1J11) x1
Deathlock (Core #1J19) x1
Tanglevine (Core #1J22) x2

Creature (4)
Necropian Vampiress (Core #1C26) x1
Goran, Werewolf Pet (Core #1C17) x1
Flaming Hellion (Core #1C16) x1
Dark Pact Slayer (Core #1C03) x1
Sesiryx (Demon Familiar) x 1

Enchantment (22)
Stumble x2
Ghoul Rot (Core #1E19) x3
Magebane (Core #1E24) x2
Marked for Death (Core #1E27) x1
Poisoned Blood (Core #1E31) x1
Agony (Core #1E09) x2
Chains of Agony (Core #1E04) x2
Enfeeble (Core #1E14) x2
Hellfire Trap (Core #1E22) x2
Death Link (Core #1E08) x1
Bear Strength (Core #1E01) x2
Cheetah Speed (Core #1E05) x1
Harmonize (Core #1E20) x1
Vampirism (Core #1E40) x2

Equipment (9)
Demonhide Armor (Core #1Q05) x1
Lash of Hellfire (Core #1Q14) x1
Moloch's Torment (Core #1Q21) x2
Ring of Curses (Core #1Q28) x1
Fireshaper Ring (Core #1Q10) x1
Regrowth Belt (Core #1Q23) x1
Elemental Wand (Core #1Q08) x1
Sectarus x1

Incantation (12)
Drain Life (Core #1I08) x1
Battle Fury (Core #1I02) x1
Dispel (Core #1I06) x3
Dissolve (Core #1I07) x2
Seeking Dispel (Core #1I24) x1
Shift Enchantment (Core #1I25) x1
Teleport (Core #1I28) x3

Wall (2)
Wall of Fire (Core #1W03) x2

Game One was against a forcemaster.  My opening was:
Turn one: Summon Imp Familiar, ring of curses qc
Turn two: Move imp one space north and cast first curse, summon Firebrand Hellion and make Bloodreaper, skip qc

I ultimately regretted the bloodreaper move.  Seemed cool at the time, but it only netted me an extra 2 dice one time.

As soon as the FM got in range (turn 2),  I immediately started the curse volley.  I started out with Enfeeble to slow her down.  I got about 14 curse damage in before things go interesting.  We eventually ended up in the far corner together with her surrounded by a dark pact slayer, my hellion, and me.  Mind control and charm are a PITA.  With us both past 20 damage, I finally broke free with a Drain Life, which, although pricey, has the wonderful ability to get past all defenses and other problems and heal me.  The imp provided the final blow, doing 1 point of damage to finish it. 

The second game was against a Wizard.  He had initiative.  I queued up a cheetah speed and ghoul rot.  He cast two mana crystals and moved out a space, so I was able to cheetah speed and rot him on turn one. 

Turn two he summoned his gorgon, and I moved a space closer and equipped sectarus and mage baned him.

Turn three, I QC'd into his zone with a teleport after he passed tanglevined me on his qc.  He moved his archer out of the zone, and I quickly followed and attacked her.  I used sectarus to ghoul rot her to stop the regeneration. 

Over the next few turns, I worked on his gorgon while he retreated a bit.  He did get one shot off with the gorgon and weaked me once.  But we ended up in roughly the same squares - me with a hellion, and him with an earth elemental and huggin.  Suffice it to say, I took two earth elemental punches in the face, and we ended up with me in the same square as him and his elemental with 20 damage on me, him with 24 damage, and my hellion in the adjacent square clinging to life.  through a series of unfortunate events for him, he was never able to stop to get rid of the ghoul rot.

At this point, we both realized that this was probably it. 

He queued up battle fury on his elemental with huggin, and a hurl boulder (I think) with his mage.  We counted it up, and his total attack  that turn was going to be roughly 21 dice.   He had his shield on and I had 20 mana, so I queued up (ba badda ba!) - Drain Life!  I had the initiative.  So I qc'd Drain Life, and after rolling nothing but crap for most of the game, I rolled an out of my mind 9 damage.  Game over.  Final life went from being 20 to 24 to 12 to 32.

Lower in the postings, there was some question about drain life and it's cost.  I had two good rolls with it today, but late game - drain life is invaluable.  I may try to find a way to get another one in this build.  Sure it can be nullified, but otherwise, it's basically an unavoidable fireball + minor heal all in one.  It's a game ender if ever there was one.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:40:31 PM »
Does no one like the werewolf creature that I believe is warlock only? I forget the stats.

I like him, Goran is pretty solid.

Seconded.  Goran costs 15, has 3 armor, 12 hp and swings really hard.  He doublestrikes for 7 (8 if Warlock is with him), and his quick attack is pretty high at 5, sometimes 6 dice. 

Basically, he's really undercosted for the amount of damage he does, which is probably why they gave him to the Warlock, though I think he's a little better as a guard than an attacker in my experience.

Goran is a beast. I think a lot gravitate towards the vamp due to optional flying to clear stuff. And with vampirism, she can be tough to finish off.

You make a good point about guarding, though. Setting him as a guard in a DoT setting could be interesting. Ideas, ideas.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:04:51 AM »
LoL so....uh...yeah...  How's that cursing warlock build workin out JMoodie?  :-X

I'll let you know on the 7th. It was very apparent the piousflea is on the right track. DoT can't sustain enough damage. I need to get at least the vamp on the board. Then the imp.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:23:50 PM »
Sorry to keep off topic but that Ballista card looks awesome with its pierce 3, much better at nuking buildings than the stupid catapult!

What makes the ballistas particularly brutal is that they are ready to fire the turn after they are summoned.  And it's a QC, so it can drop at the last moment.  Then boom.  And the next one drops.  And so on.  8 life and 3 armor.

The saving grace seems to be that they are weak against fire.  So if you blitz them with fire quickly, they will go down.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:11:18 PM »
I know EXACTLY how ya feel.   :o  He also ran the Ivarium longbow + Hawkeye for added ranged attacks and Sir Corizan for melee support.    So... while dealing with Sir Corizan's melee assault, he was shooting you with the bow, and began summoning Ballistas.  It was a very effective build.

And the god forsaken f'ing tanglevines.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 25, 2013, 07:20:28 AM »
I was totally caught off guard by the ballistas. He had three lines up against me. Every turn, at least one was shooting. I eventually got rid of them, but I had been hit several times by then.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:52:14 PM »
Took him out to play today.  I made some modifications, including adding the familiar sword and dropping the lash, and adding some shift enchantments, a teleport, dropping two hellfire traps, etc.

First game out was against a beast master. 

turn one, imp familiar, ring of curses
turn two, move imp twice laterally, qc harmonize, move move mage to center up in the board.
turn three, necropian vamp

My opponent was using the pixie familiar.  He didn't drop a big creature quickly, and I ultimately cursed him into oblivion.  I ended up killing him while suffering 4 damage.  He just wasn't able to recover from the damage and the vamp being on him quickly.  To be fair, he was trying out a new strategy that fizzled.  He won his next game b/c he didn't waste time getting to a big crit.

The second game, I was against a Warlord.  I've never played against the WL and don't yet own the FvW expansion.  I got myself into some trouble mid board.

I used the same open to see how it would go.  It went poorly.  I didn't keep my imp back far enough and he died on round 3.  I never recovered enough to get my vamp out.  I held the warlord at back for awhile, but got pinned down by 3 ballistas (the vassel promo card).  I burned two of them, but by then the damage was done.  It was all over but the crying.  I was killed and had done about 14 damage to the Warlord.

In this game, I massively regretted not having a Lash.  I kept getting tanglevined.  And the ballistas are also kindling for the lash.  Instead, I ended up using all of my walls to try to stymie the warlord and his creature.  I made one big strategic blunder, and the WL capitalized on it and never stopped pushing.  I couldn't even catch enough time to get a Deathlink on his creature. 

I think I'm going to alter my opening and make it something like

turn one, imp, skip qc.
turn two, move imp, cast vamp
turn three harmonize imp, and lash or bear strength the vamp or curse my opponent.

Like most mana producers, I think an early summon is key to value. Yes an unavoidable ranged attack is a problem for him, but short of that, he's a real nuisance.

He needs to be kept back when possible, but he's more than worth it. If your opponent doesn't get rid of him, they will rue it. He can teleport your Mage out of trouble and his teleports are more powerful because he had Los over walls. He makes you so versatile.

Spotting hidden enchantments is also incredibly worthwhile.

I initially felt the same way you do. He seemed too expensive. But as long as he's out he gives you a mana and ap advantage. I tend to favor him in my wizard builds.

With that said, he doesn't make sense in every wizard build. If you're not reliant on tons of meta magic, he's probably not a great play.

Teleport. Teleport. Teleport. Dispel. Dissolve. He gives you an extra action and he's really hard to hit.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:42:22 PM »
Sersiryx is the last card.  I couldn't remember his name.  But yeah, he's in there.  Curious as to why you think the Lash is poor?

The suggestions really get into some theory crafting of what I should/would want to accomplish - do I want to move quickly or set up thing?  There are interesting takes there.  I like the shift enchantment idea.

The first book I ever put together was a curse rush.  It boiled down to cheetah speed first turn, and if the other person had initiative, then there was a good chance of a turn one ghoul rot or mage bane.  Basically a I ran across the board and would quickcast either equipment or a curse and got in your face as fast as possible - usually in the same square on turn two, three at the latest.  It was a creatureless lock, as they say.  It ended up performing about 50/50 against a variety of builds. I think it's total disregard for it's own safety caught people off guard. I never really balanced it or worked with it, though.

With that in mind, Pious, I'm curious as to why one should strive for creature superiority prior to cursing?  I'm not saying I really think that's a bad idea given past experience, but I'd like a little more insight into the reasoning.  My initial thought, actually, was the opposite.  Burying the opponent in direct damage, and pulling out a large creature as they stopped to deal with it, while also using the QC to keep at least one bit of direct damage on them.  I do really like the idea of enfeeble paired with a malcoda chasing the mage around.

My initial thought was one of the following openings:
Turn one:  Cast Sersiryx, QC harmonize
Turn two: Move, Move, QC either curse #1 or equipment
Sersiryx Move, Move
Dividing them and covering the board so that you get cursed whereever you go.

Turn one: cheetah speed, move, move, curse if possible
Turn two: Sersiryx, qc equipment or curse

My main worry is that Sersiryx is made of glass, so I wonder if he's even worth the trouble.  I also wonder if the bats are worth the time it takes to summon them. My strategy was to add the rot conditions to the curses, but I fear they'll die prior to actually being useful.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 21, 2013, 11:07:38 AM »
Haven't gotten FvW yet unfortunately, or the sword would be a must add.  This is just core and both spell tomes.

I like the suggestions. Def going to implement them.

As for the rev magic and jinx, I threw a few decoys in to try to pop those. I figure at some point it is inevitable that I'll curse myself.

And as for the zone disenchant, I can't really stop it. Much like dispel. I can only hope to push tempo.

What's your feeling on Malcoda? What do you think about poison gas clouds?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Cursing Warlock
« on: June 21, 2013, 09:07:42 AM »
Looking for some feedback or thoughts.  I have yet to play this build, but I'd like to give it a go.  It's basically a constant stream of curses.  My goal is to get the opponent mage to 5 points or more of direct damage per turn that they either have to stop and dispel or speed up their game.

After getting a few curses on, I then drop a nullify them to stop purges. 

I added some creatures to give flexibility or to give them something else to deal with.  I figure since curses are so cheap, I can keep loading them even when they dispel them.  I'm also trying to use some cards I don't see too often.  It seems that enfeeble is rarely used, but would end up being incredibly annoying.

The ultimate goal here is to make the opponent run out of ways to get rid of the enchantments.  Then either move in for the kill or throw up a wall and back away.

Cursing Warlock      
MW1E09   2   Agony
MW1I02   1   Battle Fury
MW1E01   2   Bear Strength
MW1E04   2   Chains of Agony
MW1C08   2   Darkfenne Bat
MW1E08   2   Death Link
MW1J19   1   Deathlock
MW1E10   2   Decoy
MW1Q05   1   Demonhide Armor
MW1I06   3   Dispel
MW1I07   2   Dissolve
MW1I08   1   Drain Life
MW1E13   1   Eagle Wings
MW1A04   2   Fireball
MW1C15   1   Firebrand Imp
MW1A06   4   Flameblast
MW1E16   2   Force Hold
MW1Q11   1   Gauntlets of Strength
MW1E19   3   Ghoul Rot
MW1E20   1   Harmonize
MW1E22   4   Hellfire Trap
MW1Q12   1   Helm of Fear
MW1J11   1   Idol of Pestilence
MW1Q14   2   Lash of Hellfire
MW1E24   2   Magebane
MW1C23   1   Malacoda
MW1J12   2   Mana Crystal
MW1E27   1   Marked for Death
MW1Q21   2   Moloch's Torment
MW1C26   1   Necropian Vampiress
MW1E29   2   Nullify
MW1E31   2   Poisoned Blood
MW1Q28   1   Ring of Curses
MW1J20   1   Sacrificial Altar
MW1I24   1   Seeking Dispel
MW1C32   2   Skeletal Sentry
MW1W03   2   Wall of Fire
MW1W02   1   Wall of Stone
   1   Warlock Familiar (i forget his name, but he's 3 points)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Air Wizard
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:43:37 PM »
Oh - and a really like to teleport a baddie into a teleport trap.  saves some mana and gets me the 3 squares.

This is delicious.

I suppose, you could get 4 blocks if it worked out correctly.

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