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Topics - xDIABOx

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Spellbook Design and Construction / How to Druid?
« on: February 09, 2015, 11:09:10 AM »
Hey folks,

I've been here before with another nickname (xJEDIx) but I lost access to my old e-mail account... and I also was a bit distant from the game, but this weekend I've played a serious game in 2 years after lots of demo games in-between.

It's a bit of a shame but I lack players in my zone. I've been supporting this game since it came out (my edition is the 1st one :) ) even without players. It's the best PVP game I've played, comparing to both card games and miniature games but it's really a shame to not have enough arguments to encourage more players to dive into Mage Wars.

But alas, the topic,
I have spellbooks/lists built for all Mages (excluding the double-versions) minus two: Forcemaster and Druid.

I'm a bit bored with the Beastmaster style of play so I wanna try something different, the Druid.
But I look at the Druid and a huge ? fills my brain.
What kind of approach do you do with the Druid? A more control approach or full aggro/rush? Are plant-based creatures > normal creatures with this mage? What support spells to take with it?

When I look at a Mage I think of a build for it, Beastmaster Aggro or Beastmaster Rush or Warlock Tank or Warlord Ranged or Temple Priest... but for this specific Mage when I tried to build a spellbook I assemble a lot of Plants/Vines but then... I can't see a big picture for it.
I tried to work into a more control based spellbook or a more restrained/lock kind of book but then I think I miss something.

I've also heard the podcast about the Druid and also the one about Control. Both of them give great advice but not a main idea to work a spellbook out.

So... needz helpz, pleez...  8)

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