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Topics - Teron

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Beastmaster vs Turn 2 Adramelech in Core
« on: July 12, 2014, 03:46:05 PM »
I read somewhere that summoning Adramelech on turn 2 is a viable early rush Warlock strategy so I tested it with my friend who played as Beastmaster. After a few turns he gave up. It seems Beastmaster is completely helpless against it.

He has (as presented by example spellbooks in instruction):
a) no debuffs
b) no powerful attack spells
c) no ranged attacking creatures
d) no ranged attacking equipment

Knockback + Tanglevine is useless because Adramalech gets free in one attack.
Powerful creature + Eagle wings gets shot down by Dispell.
Tarok, the skyhunter can get Maim Wing'd or cursed in other ways.
Guarding seems not effective also since Adramelech can attack two creatures in one action.
Perhaps guarding with Emerald Tegus with hopes of stacking Rot on him might work.

What Beastmaster can do against that? Keep in mind I only have the core box.

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