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Topics - blivenbo

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Strategy and Tactics / Best pound for pound creature
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:14:23 AM »
Hello and thank you anyone for reading my post. I've been looking through the strategy and tactics forums for awhile now and have noticed there has not been a discusiion on what the best pound for pound creature is.

I see creatures as broken down into three groups you have the fatties which are the large level 4 and higher creatures that pack some huge dmg and life. Next there is the mid-range creatures with from lvl 3-4 cards like dire wolf which can be very good. Then finally I see the small weenie creatures that are lvl 1-2. My premise is this: " which creature would you argue is the best creature within the the aforementioned schism of three tiers of creature.

I have only played about ten games and have limited knowledge of Mage Wars and its many different creatures although I have access to all of the cards now I was wondering what creatures does everyone consider to be best. Is devouring jelly better than Iron golem now for kill zone? IS gorgon archer better than wolf spider from creature control? Which is better feral bobcat or bitterwood fox.... Just a thought what does everyone think mana cost vs dice output is the way to rank creatures or should someone stay with their favorite in school creatures. I just thought a convo about people opinions as to the best creatures in Mage Wars would be a welcomed addition to this massive thread. Well anyways thanks for reading this little post and please reply if you want to weigh in on your favorite creature. Cheers!!

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