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Topics - Quibleon

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Mana Siphoon and Divine Intervention
« on: November 20, 2013, 12:26:21 PM »
I have looked up for clarifications on this, but did not find a specific topic on the matter, sorry if this has already been answered or is implied in the standard rules. What happens if I reveal my divine intervention the moment my oponent casts his mana siphon? If he is the only mage in range, will he target himself, or will it have already targeted me?

Thank you for your cooperation, this game is getting better and better, my friends and I are just waiting for the DvN and CoK expansion packs to arrive, as we already have the FvW expansion and Basic set.


Rules Discussion / Enchantments and Counter Spell
« on: September 21, 2013, 01:55:01 PM »

First of all, this is my first post in the forums and I would like to thank you all for this incredible game. My friends and I are completely drawn into it, spending many hours a day in very fun moments. We are from Brazil and play with a game set my friend brought from Canada.

However, there is a doubt that I have. Enchantments are countered when Cast [from hand] or when revealed? We were playing it as countering when revealed, until we came up with Jinx card text, which says to counter a quickcast, and revealing is not one of those. But for other cards, such as nulify, the targeting occurs when casting or revealing?

Thank you all in advance.

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