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Topics - jmoodie

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Cursing Warlock
« on: June 21, 2013, 09:07:42 AM »
Looking for some feedback or thoughts.  I have yet to play this build, but I'd like to give it a go.  It's basically a constant stream of curses.  My goal is to get the opponent mage to 5 points or more of direct damage per turn that they either have to stop and dispel or speed up their game.

After getting a few curses on, I then drop a nullify them to stop purges. 

I added some creatures to give flexibility or to give them something else to deal with.  I figure since curses are so cheap, I can keep loading them even when they dispel them.  I'm also trying to use some cards I don't see too often.  It seems that enfeeble is rarely used, but would end up being incredibly annoying.

The ultimate goal here is to make the opponent run out of ways to get rid of the enchantments.  Then either move in for the kill or throw up a wall and back away.

Cursing Warlock      
MW1E09   2   Agony
MW1I02   1   Battle Fury
MW1E01   2   Bear Strength
MW1E04   2   Chains of Agony
MW1C08   2   Darkfenne Bat
MW1E08   2   Death Link
MW1J19   1   Deathlock
MW1E10   2   Decoy
MW1Q05   1   Demonhide Armor
MW1I06   3   Dispel
MW1I07   2   Dissolve
MW1I08   1   Drain Life
MW1E13   1   Eagle Wings
MW1A04   2   Fireball
MW1C15   1   Firebrand Imp
MW1A06   4   Flameblast
MW1E16   2   Force Hold
MW1Q11   1   Gauntlets of Strength
MW1E19   3   Ghoul Rot
MW1E20   1   Harmonize
MW1E22   4   Hellfire Trap
MW1Q12   1   Helm of Fear
MW1J11   1   Idol of Pestilence
MW1Q14   2   Lash of Hellfire
MW1E24   2   Magebane
MW1C23   1   Malacoda
MW1J12   2   Mana Crystal
MW1E27   1   Marked for Death
MW1Q21   2   Moloch's Torment
MW1C26   1   Necropian Vampiress
MW1E29   2   Nullify
MW1E31   2   Poisoned Blood
MW1Q28   1   Ring of Curses
MW1J20   1   Sacrificial Altar
MW1I24   1   Seeking Dispel
MW1C32   2   Skeletal Sentry
MW1W03   2   Wall of Fire
MW1W02   1   Wall of Stone
   1   Warlock Familiar (i forget his name, but he's 3 points)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Air Wizard
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:50:07 AM »
I've had a fair amount of success with this guy.

The general strategy is Gate to Voltari first round in the center of the board - oh and harmonize it. Forgot to put that there.  Then work to summon a Gorgon as soon as possible.  In general, this mage will keep running in circles.  Never stop moving.  As soon as the Gorgon appears, get it wings. With the harmonize, the gateway can produce 4 mana per turn. As a weird side effect, I've observed it making opponents reticent to cast spells for not wishing to power up the gate. Not a big strategic win, but an interesting quirk.

In the mean time, begin to react to whatever the other mage is.  If it's a beatdown, use traps and teleports to keep them at bay.  Use tanglevines and force hold to slow them down.  Also, get the gorgon to start pitching weaknesses around.  Alternatively, get the whirling spirit out to protect the mage.

For creature rushes, drop the suppression cloak and orb.  If it's a big beast rush, force hold, teleport, and essence drain and pacify. 

Basically, whatever they are doing, don't try to stop it, just annoy the hell out of them to distract them.

The end goal is to ping the opposing mage and frustrate them by some mana denial and the fact that they have to get rid of the gate and the gorgon before they can get to you.  Almost all of the creatures are designed to slow or distract rather than doing anything meaningful.

After several rounds of annoyance and pinging, hopefully having done about 15 damage to the opposing mage, you then switch to aggro damage.

Drop the poison blood and bring the electricity. 

I go into the game fully expecting to take damage, but I don't worry about it.  Try to have so many things going on that they are wasting their AP getting rid of the annoyances that they forget to focus on my mage.  Once you get their mage into a favorable position, you turn and shoot while backing up.

I also believe that the threat of having a card is almost as effective as having the card.  Most players will assume I'm bristling with dispels and dissolves. 

Wizard (Core) Air

Total Cards: (58)

Total Spellbook Cost: (120)
Attack (8)
Jet Stream (Core #1A09) x2
Lightning Bolt (Core #1A07) x2
Thunderbolt (Core #1A13) x2
Electrify (Core #1A03) x1
Chain Lightning (Core #1A02) x1

Conjuration (9)
Poison Gas Cloud (Core #1J18) x2
Gate to Voltari (Core #1J07) x1
Mana Crystal (Core #1J12) x2
Mana Siphon (Core #1J14) x1
Tanglevine (Core #1J22) x2
Suppression Orb (Core #1J21) x1

Creature (7)
Whirling Spirit (Core #1C40) x1
Blue Gremlin (Core #1C05) x1
Huginn, Raven Familiar (Core #1C21) x1
Mana Leech (Core #1C24) x2
Gorgon Archer (Core #1C18) x2

Enchantment (17)
Circle of Lightning (Core #1E06) x1
Essence Drain (Core #1E15) x2
Harmonize (Core #1E20) x2
Reverse Magic (Core #1E35) x1
Teleport Trap (Core #1E38) x3
Nullify (Core #1E29) x1
Pacify (Core #1E30) x1
Block (Core #1E02) x1
Marked for Death (Core #1E27) x1
Poisoned Blood (Core #1E31) x1
Eagle Wings (Core #1E13) x1
Force Hold (Core #1E16) x1
Hawkeye (Core #1E21) x1

Equipment (4)
Elemental Wand (Core #1Q08) x1
Lightning Ring (Core #1Q17) x1
Elemental Cloak (Core #1Q07) x1
Suppression Cloak (Core #1Q32) x1

Incantation (13)
Dispel (Core #1I06) x2
Seeking Dispel (Core #1I24) x2
Teleport (Core #1I28) x4
Minor Heal (Core #1I17) x2
Dissolve (Core #1I07) x2
Purge Magic (Core #1I21) x1

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