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Topics - reimroc

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Passage attacks and Fortified position
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:21:57 PM »
This is such a great game!
Been playing for 3 months now and have found answers to all my rules questions on the forums, rulebook, FAQ... but could not find this question addressed before:

A creature is in a zone that is enchanted by Fortified position (granting +2 Armor). The creature either gets pushed or intentionally marches through a passage attacks wall (say, pointy end of a wall of pikes).  Does the armor bonus from Fortified Position buff the creature that is getting attacked by the passage attack?

The rulebook (pg 17) says about Passage Attacks: "This attack occurs before the creature
completes its movement action".

On the subect of Attacking Walls (rulebook pg 18) it says, "Walls do not occupy a zone, and are not affected by zone attacks or spells that target a zone."

Is this attack occurring in the zone that the creature is coming from, or is it occurring in a place between zones where zone enchantments have no effect?


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