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Topics - Battlehamster

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Bloodwave or Iron Throne?
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:52:56 AM »
So now that FiF has been out a while and we have more War cards to play with, are people liking the old Orc or the new Dwarf as their Warlord of choice? Which one do you use and with what type of spellbook (swarm, couple big, construct heavy, solo)?

My take on it is that I really like the Bloodwave commands (+1 charge and +1 ranged especially) though the veteran tokens seem rather lackluster. For the dwarf, I like his runic abilities but don't much care for his commands. The toughness and +1 melee seem about equal.


Rules Discussion / Necropian Vampiress, vines and flying
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:17:30 PM »
This came up in a game tonight with my Druid versus my friend's Warlock. The Warlock summoned a Vampiress into a zone with a vine marker. On the next turn, what happens if he pays the mana to make the Vampire fly?

1. Still hindered since he started his action phase as a non-flyer with a vine so even after gained flying, was still hindered.


2. As soon as he gains flying, becomes unhindered.

It didn't really impact the game that much but was an interesting case.

Rules Discussion / Reanimate cost reduced via Necro ring?
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:11:08 PM »
So when I reanimate my eternal servant, do I get the reduction from the Necro ring? Does it count as if I was summoning it again?

Also as a side note, if you eternal servant an Ichthelyid, does it come back with another egg token on it?

Rules Discussion / Ravenous Ghoul eating ability
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:14:03 PM »
So Ravenous ghoul can, as a quick action, while in a zone where a creature previously was destroyed this round, can remove that creature from the discard pile to gain a growth marker.

So my question is, if that creature was obliterated, reanimated etc (ie was destroyed but card is not in the discard pile) can he still "eat" that creature since it was destroyed it just won't be able to remove from the game?

Rules Discussion / Mort's Ability
« on: November 21, 2013, 11:12:37 AM »
So the Skeleton Knight Mort has an ability that says each upkeep, reconstruct 2 damage from each skeleton object in or bordering Mort's zone.

So my question is on the word 'border'. Does this mean:

1. Mort's zone and the 4 orthogonally surrounding it


2. Mort's zone and any skeleton walls (aka Wall of Bone) around his zone, which would be bordering it

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