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Messages - MeaCulpa

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Re: Guarding \ Piercing Damage Question
« on: October 11, 2014, 01:39:09 PM »
So we were playing correctly for the most part. I didn't release that they were both flying, but that comes from lake of experience. The way you explained it made sense and now off to another match.

Rules Discussion / Guarding \ Piercing Damage Question
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:14:34 PM »
Hello All,

I'm still wet behind the ears on the machines of MW. Last night my I had my first play through on Apprentice Mode; my playing the Priestess and the opponent the Warlock.  To give you some background as to the title, I got into a bit of a shout match when it came to adding the piercing damage and when I used the guard of a create.  I used one action turn of Knight of Westlock to gaurd; with my Priestess and Grey Angel in the same zone. Then the opponent attacked with Adramelech, Lord of Fire. I told them that they had to attack the Guard do to the token being on it and then I took damage and then did a counter attack? Was that right??? And for the piercing damage if it's unavoidable you  minus the shield per the number of the pierce right? (I thought the instructions were a little unclear about the guard ruling imo..) Any help is welcome

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