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Messages - Nicho2222

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Fix Bloodwave Warlord
« on: November 14, 2016, 07:00:08 PM »
I also think that the problem with the Bloodwave Warlord is the quick commands.  I think there are a lot of better options for that action than the quick commands he has available.  If they were like the wizards shield (where they could be activated without a quick spell) or if they would stick around similar to the Paladins Auras I think they would be more useful.  I'd be willing to pay a little more mana if I could get something that would stick around or not cost an action. 

I like the idea of making the Warlord a soldier, but I think that it might make him too powerful.  There are too many spells like Conquer, the Battle Standard, and the battle orders that I think it might shift things too far the other way.  A boost to mana early, would be nice for getting out some of the conjurations that are essential to a Warlord book, but I don't know that if fits his flavor.  Heck, making the outposts, no longer have to be adjacent would be a small move that could help a defensive Warlord play style.

General Discussion / Re: Archmage Expansion
« on: March 31, 2014, 10:13:04 AM »
Based on all of the colors around him, I'm thinking the archmage might be trained in multiple schools of magic/all of them.  Imagine the ability to put anything in your book!

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Goblin Alchemist Preview
« on: March 31, 2014, 10:09:45 AM »
It's one of the few war cards that lets you drop permanent status effects on the enemy.  I'm gonna have to free up some space for these guys.  Plus the 0-1 range means that they can be in the thick of things and still be dropping their bombs on people, while being guarded by things like the panzergardes or thorg.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Suggested Rule change for cons
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:28:41 AM »
ringkichard I really like the model that you put forward there.  The amount of damage in the last 3 rounds when players are "forced" to act does show where the momentum of the game is going.

League / Tournament Play / Re: NE Indiana Players
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:20:28 AM »
I know there will also be some Mage Wars going on at PentaCon in Fort Wayne this weekend.  Sounds like there will be open play on Friday and a tournament on Saturday from 2-6.  I'm a Mage Wars player who just moved to Fort Wayne, and have a pretty free schedule so please keep me posted on events and things going on in this area.  Or if there is a regular gaming night i'd be up for that too.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Northern Indiana and southern Michigan
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:55:43 PM »
Sorry I had to work and couldn't make it tonight.  I hope to get up there more regularly once my job schedule settles down.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Arena Axioms 1: Opening Summons
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:31:26 PM »
I would tend to agree that a good opening for beginners is a high level creature followed by a few mid level creatures.  For a Warlord this tends to mean either Grimson or Thorg as an opening, followed by 2 dwarf panzergardes for me.  They may not have a huge attack but are great at protecting my mage and grimson.

Mages / Re: What the Warlord got right
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:37:34 PM »
Here are what I see the strengths of the warlord as and things that I've had some success with. 

Grimson with an archer tower and walls.  He can dish out quite a bit of damage. 

Dwarf Panzergardes in guard mode and the warlord. He can cast the On Guard special ability to give them +1 attack and defense making them even beefier if they don't dodge the attack.

Fortified Position: It's amazing how much that 2 armor can help your soldiers.

Battle Standard: Again adding more armor and melee. Early on he's a good deterrent or they will focus on getting rid of him and you can pop some   

Ring of Command: Makes the base warlord cries cost 0 mana.  Good for saving up on other things.

The way I play the Warlord is play defense until I get up some veterans tokens.  Have grimson out to deter wizards towers or cheap infrastructure on the part of my opponent.  Usually give him hawkeye and archer tower and occasionally ranged +1 from Warlord.  Get 2 panzergardes out and give one the battle standard.  Start spawning butchers and heal the panzergardes with group healso they can keep taking the hits if they get too low.   Once I feel I've got critical mass I swing on the offensive. 

If they send no creatures my way I ping them with grimson and build up my army.  I keep eagleclaw boots so they can't push me out of zone and I do run an emergency teleport.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Northern Indiana and southern Michigan
« on: September 10, 2013, 04:50:33 PM »
Alec, I'm an experienced player and i'm going to try and bring my friend who's a new player on Wednesday.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Northern Indiana/ southern Michigan
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:34:50 PM »
I'll let you know.  I might not be able to make it back up that way until May.  Unless I have a weekday evening free.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sacrificed on the Altar of Awesomeness
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:37:36 PM »
The altar can also ruin a warlord's day.  You think that your going to get veterancy off of one of my creatures, not if I sacrafice it before you land the killing blow, plus theres the extra bonus of damage and piercing.  Can help break through those high armor targets that he can summon and/or fortified position.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord vs. Flying
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:29:10 PM »
As warlord I generally start with the sniper and an Archer tower.  It allows you to put out a lot of damage at a great range.  Anything coming at you is usually looking at 5-7 damage dice and you'll generally get two shots before they get to your sniper.  Then I go mana flower save the 5 mana the following turn for a barracks.  Put the barracks out and start pumping out soldiers (orc butchers are one of my favorites).  After you've got a bunch of creatures your sniper is still wailing on guys from the back and your melee guys are getting veterancy by finishing them off.  Andramalach and maybe the angels might be a problem for that but I run maim wings and quicksand for such occasions.

But to tell you the truth i had the same reaction to the warlord at first.  He is all about the barracks and pumping out the melee swarm.  Fortified position is amazing if there is a fight and definately get the battle standard out there as it makes everything better.  I believe a ranged warlord might work, but you'd have to have some conjurations to buy you time and it seems slow to me.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Northern Indiana/ southern Michigan
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:17:58 PM »
I live in Rochester, IN about an hour south of South Bend, but I have a good friend who also plays Mage Wars up there in South Bend.  We actually played two games at Fantasy Games today.  We talked with the owner about doing the organized play and he said that we could pick a night as long as he had a couple of people who could champion the game.  I don't know with my work schedule if I could do a regular once a week thing, but maybe we could rotate the hosting and build some momentum for it.  

I'd be happy to arrange a time to play with you in South Bend and maybe get some multiplayer action going as well.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Playgroup - Marion, Indiana
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:09:16 PM »
I'm up in Rochester, Indiana a little ways away, but I'm looking to get a group going around the central Indiana.  Let me know when your next meeting is and i'll try to stop in.  My schedule is a little irregular with work sometimes working odd hours, but always glad to meet fellow Mage Wars players.

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