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Topics - Ganpot

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Alternative Play / The MW Arena to Academy Conversion Project
« on: February 14, 2016, 06:32:42 PM »
I've actually been meaning to write this up for awhile, but never found the time.  Before Academy officially released, I thought it would be fun to do some rough testing and play the format with existing cards and Mages.  Of course, the official rules had not been released at that time, so I was forced to make up rules as I went.  I am disappointed that the developers at Arcane Wonders seem to have no interest in allowing Arena cards to be played in Academy, severely limiting the current card pool.  So I figured I would share my variant with the community for feedback, and in case anyone else was interested in it. 

Goal: To allow as many Arena cards and Mages as possible to be used successfully in Academy, by creating overarching rule additions instead of changing individual cards.  This must preserve a measure of balance, but should not necessarily adhere to the current balance of either Arena or Academy (some cards will naturally be better or worse after the transition; the goal is to avoid completely overpowered and game-breaking cards). 

Part 1: Mage Conversion
a. All non-Academy Mages possess a spellpoint limit of 40 instead of 120.
b. All non-Academy Mages reduce their total life by 10 and their channeling to 7.  If the Mage started with 10 channeling, he/she gains 3 mana at the start of the game. 
c. All non-Academy Mages do not have access to their second or third printed abilities (example: the Wizard has access to Voltaric Shield, but not Arcane Zap).  Abilities include traits (such as Fast or Tough -2). 
d. All non-Academy Mages roll 1 less attack die.

Part 2: Conjurations
a. Each Mage may only possess up to 2 Zone Exclusive conjurations simultaneously.  These are placed in a line behind that player's creatures and Mage.  If a player wishes to play a new conjuration but has no spots remaining, he/she may discard an existing conjuration which he/she controls in order to play the new one. 
b. When choosing the target of an attack, a player may target a conjuration as long as no enemy creature (including the enemy Mage) is guarding.   
d. A single player may not actively possess 2 conjurations with the same name, unless those conjurations target different objects. 
e. If an effect would cause a conjuration to switch from one player's control to another's, the player who now controls the conjuration moves it to his side of the field and counts it towards his/her conjuration limit.  It no longer counts towards the original owner's conjuration limit.   
f. Conjurations which target creatures or other objects do not count towards the 2 conjuration limit, and are played faceup underneath their target. 
g. Conjurations which state they cannot be placed in a zone adjacent to another type of conjuration (outposts) mean that a player cannot possess 2 outposts at the same time. 

Part 3: Walls
a. Only a single conjuration card with the Zone Border spawn target area (walls) may exist at any one time.  This is placed in-between the two player's creatures.  This conjuration does NOT count towards either player's conjuration limit. 
b. A player may replace a wall he/she controls by discarding the old wall while playing a new wall.  Players may not replace walls their opponent controls. 
c. Creatures with an attack range of 0 or 1 may attack walls.  While choosing the target of an attack, players may always choose to ignore guards and attack a wall instead.
d. A wall with the Passage Blocked trait must be attacked before any creature can attack any other enemy creature or conjuration.  Any creature with the Flying trait is immune to this effect (both while attacking and while being targeted by a ranged attack). 
e. A wall with the Passage Attacks trait may be ignored while a player is choosing the target of an attack, but if the player does not target the wall and is melee attacking with a creature, that creature suffers the attack listed on the wall card before making its own attack.  Creatures using a ranged attack are unaffected.  If a creature dies as a result of this attack, it does not complete its planned attack. 
f. A wall with the Blocks Line of Sight trait prevents ranged attacks and spells from targeting anything which is on the other side of the wall (except those which do not require line of sight).  Any creature with the Flying trait is immune to this effect (both while attacking and being attacked). 

Part 4: Traits and Effects
a. Fast - This creature starts active.  If an inactive minor creature would gain Fast from a spell, it instead becomes active. 
b. Slow - This creature starts with a Stun marker.  If a creature would gain Slow from a spell, it gains a Stun marker instead. 
c. Lumbering - This creature's first attack gains -2 dice and -6 to the effect die roll. 
d. Rooted - This creature cannot melee attack any conjuration or creature which possesses a ranged attack unless its Uproot cost is paid for that attack. 
e. Charge - This creature gains melee +X if it did not attack last turn.  This includes its first attack.  The Charge trait never applies to Counterstrikes, and a Counterstrike while Guarding does not count as an attack.  Charge does not activate during an attack if a Teleport effect is in play for that attack. 
f. Extendable - This trait has no effect.
g. Hinder - This trait has no effect. 
h. Restrained - This creature may not use any full-attack action. 
i. Obscured - This creature or object cannot be targeted by ranged attacks (but may still be hit by Zone Attacks). 
j. Push - Any creature targeted by a Push effect suffers an Unavoidable attack of 2 dice and has its Guard token removed (if applicable).  Creatures with the Unmovable trait and conjurations are immune to this attack.  If the spell allows for the player to Push the target through a wall and a suitable wall exists, the player may choose to have the target suffer an attack from the wall instead of the Unavoidable attack of 2 dice. 
k. Unstoppable - This creature cannot be Restrained, and possesses the Unmovable and Uncontainable traits. 
l. Snatch - This attack removes the target's Guard marker (if possible).  If there is a wall with the Passage Attack trait in play, the target of this attack suffers an attack from that wall.  Snatch does not count as a normal Push attack, and the target does not suffer an Unavoidable attack of 2 dice if no wall is in play.  Creatures with the Unmovable trait and conjurations are immune to this effect.
m. Climbing - While declaring a melee attack, this creature ignores any wall with the Passage Blocked trait. 
n. Zone Exclusive - Each player may only possess 2 conjurations with this trait at a single time. 
o. Unmovable - This creature is immune to Snatch and Push effects. 
p. Stun - This creature is Incapacitated.  Before round three, Stun markers cannot be removed.  During and after round 3, all Stun markers on a creature are removed at the end of that creature's Action Phase. 

Part 5: Misc. Rules
a. Teleport - Any spell which teleports a creature allows it to immediately make an attack on any enemy creature or conjuration, regardless of Range or Line of Sight.  This attack ignores all game systems or traits which would normally prevent the attack (including the Restrained condition and Guarding creatures), except for Incapacitated.  However, all traits which would normally impact the attack otherwise are still calculated (including Melee +X), and the defending creature may still use a Defense (and Counterstrike after the attack) if able.  After the attack, the attacking creature becomes inactive.  If a teleport spell is activated in response to an enemy's attack, the defending creature automatically avoids that attack.  This is not counted as a Defense, and cannot be stopped. 
b. Traps - Any enchantment with the Trap sub-type triggers when the next enemy creature is summoned. 
c. Vines - Vine markers target individual, non-Mage creatures.  Two markers Restrains the target, and three markers Incapacitates the target.  These conditions last as long as the markers remain on the target.  As a quick action, a creature may attack another creature's vine markers to destroy up to 2 of them. 
d. Weapons - Any weapon which does NOT mention the level of the Mage (in other words, non-Academy weapons) rolls 1 less attack die. 
e. Zone Control - A player controls the battlefield if he/she currently possesses more creatures in play than his/her opponent.  Pests and Incapacitated creatures do not count towards Zone Control. 

Part 6: Cards Still Incompatible
-[mwcard=FWQ06]Horn of Gothos[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=FWJ01]Akiro's Hammer[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ03]Altar of Domination[/mwcard]


-[mwcard=FWJ04]Garrison Post[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=MW1J21]Suppression Orb[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1J03]V'Torrak Gate[/mwcard]


-[mwcard=MW1E04]Chains of Agony[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1E03]Sentinel of V'Tar[/mwcard]


-[mwcard=MW1E38]Teleport Trap[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1E04]V'Tar Force Sentry[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1I01]Cascading Force Wave[/mwcard] (technically works, but is completely identical to normal Force Push)
-[mwcard=MWBG1I03]V'Tar Suppression[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1I02]V'Tarrian Healing Song[/mwcard]

-[mwcard=MWBG1A05]V'Tarrian Energy Wave[/mwcard]

I would love feedback, criticisms, etc. 

Custom Cards / New Mage Idea: Artificer
« on: November 08, 2015, 02:29:15 AM »
I came up with this idea while thinking about mages which could specialize in types of spells (equipment, conjurations, etc.) rather than schools.  This mage specializes in equipment.

Artificer (open to better name suggestions)
Spellbook Points: 120
Health: 36
Channeling: 9

War & Arcane
Can use ALL equipment (including mage and school specific equipment) at base spellpoint cost.  This does not apply to equipment with the Cantrip trait. 
Pays triple for all attack spells, as well as enchantment spells outside of the War and Arcane schools. 

Instant Materialization:
Immediately after declaring an attack, the Artificer may cast any weapon spell from his spellbook and equip it by paying its mana cost.  That weapon is then used during the attack.  If he already has an item equipped in that slot, he first refunds the mana cost of that spell and returns it to his spellbook.  The Artificer cannot use limited-time equipment attributes (such as defense rolls) more than normal by re-equipping spells, and cannot equip the same spell more than once per turn. 

Predictive Defense:
Immediately after any attack against the Artificer is declared, he may cast any non-weapon equipment spell from his spellbook and equip it by paying its mana cost.  That equipment is then used during the attack.  If he already has an item equipped in that slot, he first refunds the mana cost of that spell and returns it to his spellbook.  The Artificer cannot use limited-time equipment attributes (such as defense rolls) more than normal by re-equipping spells, and cannot equip the same spell more than once per turn.

Pinpoint Accuracy:
He has the Elusive trait. 

Basic Melee Attack: quick-action, melee, 3 dice

Flavor Quotes
"I have dedicated my life to mastering every weapon in existence.  I have bent ancient artifacts and divine relics alike to my will.  Your pitiful bow does not scare me."   
"The dark knight Q'alth smirked disdainfully as Wecis began to wind up a punch.  The look of shock on his face when a hammer appeared in Wecis' hand mid-swing was priceless." 

I envision him working sort of like the Forcemaster, but specializing in faster ramp up time and more unpredictability (but less unit control).  Unlike other mages, the Weapon Master thrives on having a huge variety of overlapping equipment spells so that he can constantly switch to what's best for the situation at hand.  There's also some neat tricks players can use with his swapping abilities (including mind-games about what weapons/armor you're going to pull out next).  I've also found a gif that pretty neatly illustrates his first ability in action:  http://pa1.narvii.com/5819/9476e3ca1d02633b76bc9b9cb541eb5642cef5fc_hq.gif

What do you think?  Is the idea balanced/thematic/unique/fun?  I'd love feedback.  The first two abilities are extremely similar, but they would be way too powerful as a single ability (and take up way too much space on the card). 

General Discussion / Standardized Card Numbers
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:09:20 PM »
So I've recently been analyzing the list of cards compiled in the Spellbook Builder (what?  I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, I admit), and I have a question.  I know that between the releases of Conquest of Kumanjaro and Druid vs Necromancer Arcane Wonders instituted a standardized card numbering system.  However, I'm unclear on the exact specifics of this system.  I thought I knew what it was, but there are some anomalies which seem to indicate I was wrong. 

level 1 cards = 6 copies
legendary, unique, or school-only = 3 copies
epic or mage-only = 2 copies
all other cards = 4 copies

However, there seem to be exceptions to this in the newer releases.  Level 1 equipment spells never have 6 copies, and sometimes school-only and mage-only spells possess 4 copies instead of 3 or 2.  Occasionally, weirder stuff will happen.   For example, Forged in Fire only contains 4 copies of Combustion, even though it is a level 1 incantation spell.  So, can anyone clear up for me what the exact formula is for determining card numbers?

General Discussion / Most Underpowered Cards?
« on: June 13, 2015, 07:04:47 PM »
There have been some discussions in the past about lackluster and disappointing cards, but since a new expansion is set to be released soon (which will hopefully shake things up a bit, since it provides a new victory condition), I figured this might be a good time to re-examine all the old cards and discuss which ones could use a buff in some way. 

In particular, I want to know if you think a card is terrible because the card itself is bad, or because certain cards haven't been released yet which might make it useful.  I'd also like to know what, if any, ideas you have to improve cards that are just genuinely bad. 

For example, I think [mwcard=MW1J06]Gate to Hell[/mwcard] is a legitimately terrible card (I've heard it has been slightly errata'd, but still).  It is a massive investment and grants relatively little in return.  [mwcard=MW1Q02]Bearskin[/mwcard], on the other hand, should be perfectly fine once frost cards start actually coming out. 

Alternative Play / The Non-Random Effects Variant
« on: June 13, 2015, 05:52:01 PM »
I came up with the idea for this slight rules modification a while ago but haven't had the chance to playtest it yet.  Basically, the idea is to make all effects that would be decided by the d12 controlled directly by the players instead.  The main reason to do this is to allow for more strategy and prevent randomness from having as great of an effect on games. 

Here's how it works: each time a spell would involve an effects roll, that roll is cancelled and the player instead receives 6 Effect Points.  Each player keeps track of their Effect Points (similarly to Health, Mana, etc.).  Whenever a player receives Effect Points, the player may invest them (along with any stored Effect Points) into the effects roll on the spell being played.  After the player has declared how many Effect Points he/she is investing into the spell, the opposing player may also invest their own Effect Points into the spell as a negative value (similar to how the Tough trait works).  The effect listed on the spell corresponding to the total number of Effect Points, if any, is then carried out.  Regardless of outcome, all Effect Points invested into the spell are not returned to players. 

By the end of the damage & effects step, each player may only possess up to 12 Effect Points.  Any points gained beyond that limit are lost.  If there are more than two players in a match, only the player who controls the spell involving an effects roll and the opponent targeted by that spell (if any) are allowed to invest Effect Points into that spell.  The spell [mwcard=MWSTX2FFA01]Devil's Trident[/mwcard] has its Cripple&Burn and Burn effects reversed (it now takes 9+ points to both Cripple and Burn an enemy).  If applicable, damage is always rolled and applied before effects are determined.  If the target of the spell dies due to this damage, the effect step is skipped but the player still gains 6 Effect Points. 

Ex. Player 1 casts [mwcard=FWA01]Arc Lightning[/mwcard] at Player 2.  Player 1 possessed 8 stored Effect Points and immediately gains 6 more for a total of 14 Effect Points.  Player 2 possesses 4 Effect Points, and is wearing [mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ03]Colossus Belt[/mwcard].  Player 1 declares that he is investing 12 Effect Points into the spell.  Player 2 then announces that he is investing 2 Effect Points into the spell, which adds up to a negative score of 4.  12 - 4 = 8  The final score is 8, so Player 2 is Dazed but not Stunned.  Player 1 and 2 now both possess 2 Effect Points each. 

Feedback and thoughts are appreciated. 

Sorry for the length (I would have used spoiler tags if they were supported).

Background Info:
I am one of the (probably rare) players who prefers to stick with the starting spell-books,  rather than delve into the deck-building aspect of the game.  I prefer to give every mage a pre-set deck which is ready to go at all times, which the minor expansions obviously do not allow.  Therefore, I have spent a bit of time using the official spell-book builder to re-vamp the starting spell-books for the Beastmaster, Johktari Beastmaster, Priestess, Priest, Warlock, Adramelech Warlock, Warlord, and Anvil Throne Warlord in order to solve this problem.  I figured I might as well share these with other players in case they wanted to do something similar.  Feedback is also appreciated.   

Construction Rules:
1. All spell-books must be legal. 
2. Spell-books cannot use cards released after their own expansion (this means players won't have to purchase every expansion if they don't want to) [Conquest of Kumanjaro books might require cards from Druid vs Necromancer...  my bad].
3. Spell-books should, wherever possible, stick to their preferred school (no splashing large amounts of holy cards in a Warlock book). 
4. Spell-books should have a general theme to help differentiate themselves from alternate mages. 
5. Spell-books should have as many types of cards (especially in-school creatures) as possible (this increases variety and learning speed for new players).
6. Spell-books should be creature-heavy (it is far less likely for other mages to use out-of-school creatures, as opposed to other types of cards).   
7. Books should all be buildable without altering other mage classes, and without buying any core spell tomes. 
8. Spell-books should be roughly balanced around each other, but tournament balancing is completely irrelevant [DO NOT BRING THIS UP AS A COMPLAINT!  Making 12 tournament worthy books is impossible without buying a LOT of core spell tomes due to the small number of cards such as teleport and dispel]. 

A. Priestess  (Healing Bulwark)
1. Equipment:
-Colossus Belt
-Crown of Protection
-Deflection Bracers
-Ivarium Longbow
-Mage Wand
-Moonglow Amulet
-Ring of Asyra
-Wand of Healing
-Wind Wyvern Hide
2. Conjurations:
-Hand of Bim-Shalla
-Mana Flower x2
-Temple of Asyra
3. Creatures:
-Asyran Cleric x4
-Brogan Bloodstone
-Highland Unicorn x2
-Knight of Westlock x2
-Royal Archer x2
-Selesius, the East Wind
4. Enchantments:
-Fortified Position
-Harmonize x2
-Healing Charm x3
-Pacify x2
-Rhino Hide
-Sacred Ground x2
5. Incantations:
-Force Push
-Group Heal
-Lay Hands
-Renewing Rain
-Steal Enchantment
-Steal Equipment
6. Attacks:
-Blinding Flash

B. Priest  (Angel Rush)
1. Equipment:
-Dawnbreaker Ring
-Dispel Wand
-Elemental Cloak
-Gauntlets of Strength
-Reflex Boots
-Staff of Asyra
-Storm Drake Hide
-Sunfire Amulet
-Wand of Healing
2. Conjurations:
-Battle Forge
-Mana Prism
-Temple of the Dawnbreaker
3. Creatures:
-Grey Angel x2
-Guardian Angel x3
-Samandriel, the Angel of Light
-Selesius, the East Wind
-Valshalla, Lightning Angel
4. Enchantments:
-Armor Ward
-Block x2
-Bull Endurance
-Divine Intervention
-Divine Might
-Divine Protection
-Healing Charm
-Mind Shield
-Reverse Magic
-Rhino Hide
5. Incantations:
-Minor Heal
-Power Strike x2
-Purge Magic
-Whirling Strike
6. Attacks:
-Blinding Flash
-Pillar of Light x3

C. Beastmaster  (Canine Rush)
1. Equipment:
-Enchanter's Ring
-Mage Wand
-Regrowth Belt
-Staff of Beasts
-Sunfire Amulet
2. Conjurations:
-Enchanter's Wardstone
-Mana Crystal
-Mana Flower x2
-Rajan's Fury
-Renewing Spring
-Tanglevine x3
-Tooth & Nail
-Wall of Thorns x2
3. Creatures:
-Bitterwood Fox x4
-Dire Wolf x4
-Redclaw, Alpha Male
-Sosruko, Ferret Companion
-Tarok, the Skyhunter
-Thunderift Falcon x2
-Timber Wolf x3
4. Enchantments:
-Bear Strength
-Bull Endurance
-Cheetah Speed
-Cobra Reflexes
-Eagle Wings
-Enchantment Transfusion x2
-Mind Shield
-Mongoose Agility
-Rhino Hide
5. Incantations:
-Battle Fury
-Call of the Wild x3
-Force Push
-Group Heal
-Minor Heal
-Perfect Strike
-Piercing Strike
-Rouse the Beast
-Shift Enchantment
-Whirling Strike
6. Attacks:
-Geyser x2
-Jet Stream

D. Johktari Beastmaster  (Big Beasts)
1. Equipment:
-Elemental Cloak
-Eagleclaw Boots
-Hunting Bow x2
-Ring of Beasts
-Sunfire Amulet
2. Conjurations:
-Animal Kinship
-Enchanter's Wardstone
-Mana Flower
-Mohktari, Great Tree of Life
-Renewing Spring
-Bloodspine Wall x2
3. Creatures:
-Cervere, the Forest Shadow
-Emerald Tegu x2
-Feral Bobcat x2
-Giant Wolf Spider x4
-Steelclaw Grizzly
4. Enchantments:
-Bear Strength
-Cheetah Speed
-Cobra Reflexes
-Eagle Wings
-Enchantment Transfusion x2
-Falcon Precision
-Marked for Death
-Mind Shield
-Mongoose Agility
5. Incantations:
-Battle Fury
-Force Wave
-Minor Heal
-Piercing Strike
-Power Strike
-Rouse the Beast
-Shift Enchantment
-Sniper Shot
-Steal Equipment
-Whirling Strike
6. Attacks:
-Surging Wave x2

E. Warlock  (Blushing Sailor)
1. Equipment:
-Cloak of Shadows
-Demonhide Armor
-Eagleclaw Boots
-Helm of Fear
-Moloch's Torment
-Ring of Curses
-Sectarus, Dark Rune Sword x2
-Veteran's Belt
2. Conjurations:
-Battle Forge
-Enchanter's Wardstone
-Mana Crystal
3. Creatures:
-Blood Demon x4
-Darkfenne Bat x3
-Dark Pact Slayer x2
-Goran, Werewolf Pet
-Grey Wraith x2
-Necropian Vampiress
-Sersiryx, Imp Familiar
4. Enchantments:
-Agony x3
-Arcane Corruption
-Chains of Agony x2
-Death Link
-Enfeeble x2
-Ghoul Rot x2
-Maim Wings x2
-Marked for Death
-Poisoned Blood x2
-Rust x3
5. Incantations:
-Drain Life x2
-Drain Soul x2
-Seeking Dispel
6. Attacks:

F. Adramelech Warlock  (Everything Must Burn)  [Side Note: Her official starting book is illegal.  It comes out to 124 points.  This can be partially solved by eliminated one of the suggested Lashes of Hellfire (there is only one in the base game anyway).]
1. Equipment:
-Adramelech's Torment
-Bloodfire Helmet
-Cloak of Shadows
-Colossus Belt
-Eagleclaw Boots
-Elemental Wand
-Fireshaper Ring
-Lash of Hellfire
2. Conjurations:
-Gate to Hell
-Mana Crystal
-Sacrificial Altar
-Wall of Fire x2
3. Creatures:
-Adramelech, Lord of Fire
-Firebrand Imp x3
-Flaming Hellion x2
-Infernian Scourger x4
-Seriryx, Imp Familiar
-Wildfire Imp x6
4. Enchantments:
-Adramelech's Touch x4
-Circle of Fire
-Hellfire Trap x2
5. Incantations:
-Combustion x4
-Explode x2
-Ignite x4
-Vampiric Strike
6. Attacks:
-Devil's Trident x4
-Fireball x3
-Firestorm x2
-Flameblast x2
-Ring of Fire x2

G. Warlord  (Goblin Swarm)
1. Equipment:
-Harshforge Plate
-Helm of Command
-Horn of Gothos
-Morning Star
-Reflex Boots
-Ring of Command
-War Sledge
2. Conjurations:
-Akiro's Hammer
-Alter of Carnage
-Alter of Domination
-Archer's Watchtower
-Garrison Post
-Mangler Caltrops
-Quicksand x2
-Wall of Pikes x2
3. Creatures:
-Bloodcrag Minotaur
-Earth Elemental
-Goblin Alchemist x4
-Goblin Bomber x3
-Goblin Builder x4
-Goblin Grunt x6
-Goblin Slinger x3
-Gurmash, Orc Sergeant
-Orc Butcher x4
-Thorg, Chief Bodyguard
4. Enchantments:
-Akiro's Favor x2
-Armor Ward
-Fortified Position
-Standard Bearer
5. Incantations:
-Akiro's Battle Cry
-Flank Attack x3
-Power Strike
-Sniper Shot
-Whirling Strike
6. Attacks:
-Hurl Boulder x3
-Hurl Rock x2

H. Anvil Throne Warlord  (Dwarf Fortress)
1. Equipment:
-Colossus Belt
-Eisenach's Forge Hammer
-General's Signet Ring
-Harshforge Plate
-Helm of Command
-Horn of Gothos
-Reflex Boots
2. Conjurations:
-Altar of Carnage
-Altar of Domination
-Archer's Watchtower x2
-Construction Yard
-Harshforge Monolith
-Wall of Steel x4
3. Creatures:
-Anvil Throne Crossbowman x4
-Dwarf Kriegsbiel x4
-Dwarf Panzergarde x4
-Grimson Deadeye, Sniper
-Iron Golem x2
-Ludwig Boltstorm
-Otto Kronig, Master Engineer
4. Enchantments:
-Akiro's Favor x2
-Armor Ward
-Brace Yourself x2
-Fortified Position x2
-Mind Shield
-Spiked Pit x2
5. Incantations:
-Flank Attack x2
-Perfect Strike
-Power Strike
-Sniper Shot
6. Attacks:
-Hail of Stones x2
-Hurl Rock x2

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