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Messages - Skytale

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Alternative Play / Re: "Pure chess" Mage Wars
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:41:45 PM »
Yeah, it would definitely effect the balance of cards; a few would surely become nearly unplayable.

As for incorporeal, you could divide damage (from non-etherial attacks) by 3 and then round appropriately.

Alternative Play / "Pure chess" Mage Wars
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:02:23 PM »
I was wondering if anyone had thought about trying a "pure chess" (i.e. nonrandom) version of Mage Wars. Obviously, it would require a lot of changes, damage would be converted to an automatic 1 point per die with half of that (probably rounding up) being critical. Attack effects that use the effect die would have to go, or be replaced by an alternating counter that lets the effect land every other hit. The same is true for defenses. Inevitably, there would be some cards that just wouldn't work.

Still, I think it would be interesting. It would allow you to think further ahead.  Obviously, this would slow the game down and make it less casual, but it would also make the game even deeper and more analytical.

The Forcemaster has a lot of power, but a huge amount of that power rests in a few cards.

Her main attack is Galvitar's doublestrike or sweep and "Agony" really does a number on that. Of course, armor helps a lot, too.

"Forcefields" and "Mind Controls" can be dispelled.

The default Forcemaster build in particular has a major weakness in a lack of counter magic -- only one dissolve and one dispel.

I second the "unavoidable attacks" recommendations above. I'm not so sure about mana denial, though. When I've played her, I have mana to spare; it's actions that are in short supply. Maybe it depends on how much your opponent uses Thoughtspores.

Rules Discussion / Re: Deliberately skipping your turn ?
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:47:22 AM »
Yes, those prepared spells are just the spells you can cast during your turn. You aren't required to use them.

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and taunt
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:04:04 PM »
Oops! I missed that rule. Thanks, guys.

Rules Discussion / Charm and taunt
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:28:00 PM »
If a Forcemaster has charmed Thorg, is it still legal for Thorg to "taunt" the Forcemaster?

Thereby making the Forcemaster attack Thorg and break the charm, of course.

(They have a complicated relationship.)

Rules Discussion / Re: New FAQ!
« on: March 05, 2013, 10:27:55 PM »
Great gob on the new FAQ! I know you guys worked hard to put it together. That ought to cut down on the number of annoying questions I ask.  ;)

Spells / Re: Agony should target Living Creature
« on: March 04, 2013, 07:26:07 PM »
Maybe they're screaming on the inside?

Yeah, it seems like "Agony" should have the "psychic" sub-category, but I guess you could imagine it either way.

General Discussion / Re: Mage specific cards in future expansions?
« on: March 04, 2013, 07:08:28 PM »
Woo! Great artwork! I love it! Especially the wizard.

(But you know we're going to want an owl familiar now, right?)

Rules Discussion / Re: Questions on Steal Equipment and Mind Control
« on: March 04, 2013, 07:02:54 PM »
Thanks once again, Arcanus. That clears up a ton of stuff.

The only questions I would have remaining on these "theft" topics would be:

1) Not technically stated anywhere that I can find, but is it safe to say that if you steal an object with a face-down bound spell that you gain the right to look at the card?

2) Since you still seem to be able to mind-control the goblin builder, can we say that the prepared spell can be looked at by the new controller and cast as long as it's allowed (i.e. not Warlord only)? If it's not cast, would the prepared spell automatically go back into the original owner's book at the end of the round?

3) With "steal enchantment", does the "new legal target" have to be a different target than the original target? Since we now have enchantments where control of the enchantment alone matters. Take "charm" for example: say two forcemages are fighting and there's only one creature on the board. One mage charms it, can the other mage "steal enchantment" the charm so as to switch who the creature is allowed to attack? Can you steal a zone enchantment like "fortified position" and leave it in place, just switching whose troops get the armor bonus?

Rules Discussion / Re: Goblin builder and Finite Life on conjurations
« on: March 04, 2013, 06:42:03 PM »
Quote from: "Arcanus" post=8630
Yes, we could have/should have also said "Nonliving", to maintain theme, but we were trying to cut back on the number of traits and keywords used.

Well, that just means there's no need to create a separate "goblin horticulturalist" spell for the druid.

Rules Discussion / Re: Hindering, flying, and timing
« on: March 04, 2013, 06:32:44 PM »
Yep, that answers my questions, thanks.

The timing question was only a problem on the assumption that "hindered" status was permanent for the round once acquired. If you can become unhindered by changing status (flying, elusive) before moving, then there is no concern.

Rules Discussion / Re: Questions on Steal Equipment and Mind Control
« on: March 04, 2013, 01:02:30 PM »
OK, but if you can "mind control" a familiar, than it opens up a whole range of other questions.

What happens to the spell the familiar's owner set aside for it? Can the new controller look at it? Can he have the familiar cast it, aiding with his own mana? Or does the spell get discarded, or put back in the owner's spellbook? What if the spell is bound to the familiar, as in the case of the thoughtspore? Does the spell stay on it?

Rules Discussion / Re: Hindering, flying, and timing
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:53:03 PM »
Thanks for the responses guys, but I still think there's some ambiguity here.

It seems well-established that if a creature is hindered and takes a move action, than it cannot move again by any means other than teleport.

But this rule: If a creature teleports before it takes any move actions, it can become un-hindered if it teleports into a zone without any enemy objects that can hinder it. suggests that if a creature gets away from effective hinderers before taking a move action, than it is home free. So couldn't the vampiress gain flight at the beginning of her turn to lose hindered status as well, if in a square with only enemy non-flyers?

And again, if not, is there any chance of an official ruling on the timing issue posed in question 2? I did notice some interesting wording in the rulebook (p. 29):

If a guard is not melee attacked, it may retain its guard marker until the start of its next Action Phase. (emphasis added)

The use of the word "may" there is very interesting. Does that mean there is a mechanism for a creature to decide to stop guarding at some intermittent point before it starts its next action? If so, that would resolve the timing issue.

Mages / Re: Druid Speculation
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:23:44 PM »
Quote from: "Sausageman" post=8591
Quote from: "Snotwalker" post=8226
I'm surprised no one is proposing a Druid Mage who is trained in all 4 elements (earth, fire, water, air), and NOT trained at all in Nature.

For me, this will DEFINITELY be an 'Elementalist'.

My only problem with Nature + Earth magic being trained is purely from a card distribution point of view, rather than a thematic one - Water magic would remain the ONLY spell school to not have been fleshed out (unless the Necromancer would weirdly have Water trained)

I saw an old list of future mages that included "illusionist", "paladin", and "sorcerer". I wonder if the sorcerer is an elementalist-type.

I strongly suspect that the Necromancer will have a theme that includes ice magic, and he will be trained in Dark and Water. Maybe we'll finally get to use that "defrost" ability on all the fire spells! This isn't to say that the druid isn't also trained in Water.

But the more I think about it, I could easily see the Druid getting trained only in Nature, but with a plant focus replacing the animal focus of the Beastmaster.

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