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Messages - Intangible0

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Good to hear you're putting in some good work boys! We're busy training up new players left, right, and center down here as well. Lot of new core set mages to fight down in the CLT.

Fantastic! Thanks for bringing so many people!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Queen of the Hunt(Johktari)
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:55:53 PM »
Hey, the biggest thing I saw was that there may be a few too many creatures. I'd cut just one or two, I just don't think you'll have time to cast them all, even in a long game.

I approve of the current attack spells but I would add in an Acid Ball.

I would take out the bloodspines. You don't have enough attacks/creatures/push effects to maximize them. If you're using them just to shoot through then keep one so you can still get away with LoS. Also, I'd scratch a flower since you have lair/harmonize and you're going to want to start casting creatures early.

Enchantments are solid.

For equipment I always recommend a pair of Eagleclaw boots. They're cheap and counter some powerful builds. The Ivarium Bows are a great choice.

Don't have too much to say about incantations.

Hope this helps!
I like that you're keeping a changelog. I've been keeping a detailed one myself that I'm actually going to post about in a bit. I think everyone should try it at least once because it's shown improvement so far.

General Discussion / A lot of new players lately, look at that community!
« on: November 11, 2015, 04:33:05 AM »
Recently, through our email, Coshade and myself have received more than the average amount of requests for personal MW interaction from newer players. After looking back through our messages I'm happy to say that we've really accomplished what we originally set out to do:
Bring new members into and strengthen the Mage Wars community.

This is a little off the cusp but I just wanted to extend my personal feelings toward this realization.

This is the best non-virtual game I've played (I realize that's specific, but I'm extreeeeeemely picky) and I can tell that a lot of you feel the same way. No matter how much bickering there can be on the occasion it only shows how much you care for this game. I'm serious, some of you go way out of your way to try to make MW better in your own way, and we all appreciate it. You make this game even more amazing than it already is. No art is complete without fans to admire and care for it.

These new players are looking for a positive experience to get into a wonderful game. Remember the best part of Mage Wars that pulled you in: Whether it was the mechanics, the theme, the originality, the community, or whatever. Use that and invite them into the an incredible experience. Right now, they need you, we all need you, to grow this community into something that's unbreakable.

On a personal note; I realize some of you may be wondering why we may have not been as 'active' as before. I assure you, we have. We've been trying to get people to join the stream so we can have a more consistent group of players, we've been heavily involved with the playtesters, we've been bringing more people into the fold, and we've also been working on one of our ultimate goals. I'm not going to tell too much since we haven't figured out all the details, but I can say: Keep playing, and keep practicing  ;)

Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: November 11, 2015, 04:05:07 AM »
You should take a flight over to Illinois and hang out with myself, coshade, and puddnhead! We'd love to have your ranks among us!  ;)

sIKE, I am a 10th the man you are...

I mean at this point in the forums, I have 300 posts.

« on: November 05, 2015, 02:28:43 PM »
Cool, now that we're on the same page, we should definitely resolve the situation.

Some people spent a lot of time and effort on making a unique deck (Hale :P) and it would be a shame if that was spoiled due to misunderstanding/communication. RingKichard, as usual, has stepped up like the hero he is and offered to be a cooridinator for our books. The two obvious solutions in front of us are:

1. rebuild books and resubmit them to a cooridinator to make things fair.
2. Keep things as they are, and just not release books ahead of time in the future.

If there are other solutions please let us know :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Flaming Holy Spite. A Priest
« on: November 04, 2015, 05:50:07 PM »
My friend HarryPoppins (he's never on the forums) ran a priestess that moved one space and did some mana economy on turn one. If the opponent cast a conjuration on the first turn then he'd throw down brogan on turn two and the next turn smash the conj. with bear strength, cheetah, etc. Maybe that's a contingency opening? While they're dealing with the threat it allows you to continue your plan.

Every attack spell you chose has a specific reason, I would however consider a Surging Wave or two. I do in most builds but for yours it's specifically there to counter FM which will give any medium-large creature build issues, Also it allows you to counter an opponent's attempt to attack/trigger HA/Guard with a different creature to avoid punishment.

I know this sounds crazy but I'd drop a Guardian Angel for another KoW. Keep the defenders to protect with, use angel only against ranged aggression, Brogan has obvious purposes, and the knights are your bread and butter attackers. You'll mostly be using the Defender HA (Defender Avenger, lol) as a threat to force your opponent to play a certain way. I think that's a strong combo that's efficient for it's cost.

If you cut an angel then cut a rhino hide to save points and maybe throw in another divine protection for you and the HA. Everything else here is SUPER strong, the only other thing I'd consider is removing one Nullify for a Retaliate. You have a lot of power in your creatures so the counter attack could be devastating.

I'm not a fan of moonglow either, but in this instance not because of the mana generation. I'd replace it with sunfire amulet to give yourself a little extra bought time since you're casting creatures out of pocket. Running out of time to talk here, but all I've got left, is find room for another Heal, it's a privilege to run for so little cost, don't pass that opportunity up; One quick action Heal is one less full action creature.

Those are all minor adjustments. The opening I suggested is just a contingency. You keep the concept of your book intact, don't let anyone shift you away from this guy. You've put some TLC in the build and now it's time to show everyone what it can do.  ;D

Mages / Re: Top-Tier viable mages?
« on: October 23, 2015, 01:33:09 PM »
Throwing Everything, Forever, Always.

That just sounds objectively better, how could it go wrong?

Hmm. Seems I forgot how to think while typing. Here is the correct list with updated numbers:

Beastmaster: 4
Johktari Beastmaster: 4
Druid: 5
Forcemaster: 7
Necromancer: 5
Priestess: 6
Priest: 5
Warlock: 3
Adramelech Warlock: 5
Warlord: 8
Anvil Throne Warlord: 4

Just for fun, here are the numbers on the mages.

Beastmaster: 4
Johktari Beastmaster: 4
Druid: 4
Forcemaster: 6
Necromancer: 5
Priestess: 6
Priest: 4
Warlock: 3
Araxian Crown Warlock: 5
Warlord: 7

And of course no Wizards.

Mages / Re: Top-Tier viable mages?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:29:35 PM »
That brings this Topic back to the question by the way :D


Mages / Re: Top-Tier viable mages?
« on: October 19, 2015, 06:05:33 PM »
My idea was to make only wizard tower accessible to all mages to make his overpowering shared fairly. Mixing it all would be out of any theme.

Shouldn't do that. Then everyone would run it, similar to how many people will run Ballista if given the opportunity. It's perceived as a powerful card by most players and at this point even an optimal strategy. If that's the case then you don't want MW to become "Wizard's Tower" Wars by having every class be able to use one.

Also some fun statistics.
  • There are 383 cards in the game, according to the Spell Book Builder, including Domination. More to come with Academy.
  • By typing in "Wizard's Tower" correctly in the search bar in the forums I'm getting 5 results with those exact words in the thread name. When misspelled I'm getting 5 pages (30 a page) worth, although that includes the word "wizard" by itself too. Finally 19 pages if you type in the word "Tower", however that does also include posts about Dice Tower.
  • At GenCon last year there were 3 wizards who made the top 4, this last tournament there were two. Before Wizard's Tower Came out the numbers were a little less skewed.
  • In this thread titled "Top-Tier viable mages?" 10 out of 28 posts have the word "Tower" posted in them. This is of course not including my own yet, and anymore to come.

General Discussion / Re: Quality of Arcane Wonders Product
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:51:08 PM »
Right, lol, should've known better  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Quality of Arcane Wonders Product
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:32:53 PM »
Anyone with production errors should contact and Alfiya Pope will move heaven and earth to make things right.

100% agreed. You'll rarely experience customer service this good.

Events / Re: Arcane Duels - Youtube Streaming
« on: September 26, 2015, 05:12:17 PM »
We're streamin' again! Come watch us!

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