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Topics - rwould

Pages: [1]
League / Tournament Play / UK Games Expo
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:18:56 PM »
Am wondering if we can get a few of us together on the Friday to play?  I will be doing Warmachine on the Saturday and Sunday which is why I would suggest the Friday.  If we get enough interest am also happy to consider running a tournament.

In addition if anyone wants to try or learn the game there let me know.

League / Tournament Play / UK interest
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:25:23 AM »
Is there much interest for this in the UK?

I've picked it up and played about a half dozen games so far and interested in more but my regular opponent is not a fan.

Am interested from both a casual play and a tournament perspective.  I am based in Nottingham and quite happy to run a tournament up here, and if there is interest could run events (and demo the game if you are reading this and potentially interested!) at Baycon and the Games Expo.

It would also be good to hear about whether those outside of the US can pick up the organised play packs.  Over here we are generally more about gaming clubs rather than stores and it would be good to be able to get the same support.

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