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Messages - Kelanen

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General Discussion / Re: Hellstar vs DragonĀ“s Lance
« on: March 01, 2019, 06:53:47 PM »
Not necessarily- if the Hellstar card can be used in Academy, and the other player uses the Dragon's Lance, then the Hellstar can be useful.

It's not Legendary - you can both use Dragon's Lance...

General Discussion / Re: Hellstar vs DragonĀ“s Lance
« on: February 28, 2019, 05:22:05 AM »
To try an put some Arena usability on a usable set...

typically I like to T1: mana shard and battle forge (in the same zone) this gives me the flexibility of having extra channeling depending on the match up or to give the battle forge extra mana if I am going to be rushed and need gear

You realise those outcomes are identical? You ALWAYS put the mana on the mage where you can. The Forge gets supplemented with additional mana from the mage anyway, but you get more flexibility.

There is a theoretical edge case against mana denial, but even then, if you get to the point of so little mana where it makes a difference you have already lost.

General Discussion / Re: It is 2019 - What do we know?
« on: February 20, 2019, 05:58:57 PM »
It's not the consumer's fault that Arcane Wonders didn't know how to plan its releases. If you say that your product will be made at the end of the year, but you deliver it a few years later, it means that you have 0 organization nor planning. Either that, or they had no idea what they were doing, just hoping to build hype around their product.

Totally agreed. I was just responding to a question, confirming that yes they did get a lot of negative feedback for this before. Because they screwed up a lot. And frankly they've got a lot worse, not better over the last 5-6 years...

General Discussion / Re: It is 2019 - What do we know?
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:22:32 AM »
Was there really such a negative feedback?

To be fair to AW, yes there was because they'd announce a product for 'end of the year', and it wouldn't appear for another couple of years. In fact some products announced 5 years ago still haven't materialised, and likely never will (eg: Archmage).

I agree with them, they should only announce a product when it has a fairly firm market date. If it slips a couple of months no-one will complain, but in the past they seemed to announce ideas, rather than products, and they slipped by years, or even never materialised.

That said, I think this policy is being used as a smokescreen here. They could certainly announce that they will/won't be creating more Arena specific products or not. Then again again - my belief is that they won't make more, and commercially it's better for them to say nothing, than say that. So read into the lack of announcements what you will...

Events / Re: Mage Wars German Nationals 2019
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:17:05 AM »
You have to bring to spellbooks/mages. One for match 1-3 and another for match 4-6.

Can I infer from this that it's Swiss, rather than single/double elim?

Events / Re: Mage Wars German Nationals 2019
« on: February 17, 2019, 02:19:32 PM »
As per BGG, the Facebook appears to be a closed group.

An English translation would be appreciated? Are tehre any strange rules (this isn't a different mage each round or anything?)

I'm trying to see if I might be able to get to this. You had 26 players last year?

What time does it start and end each day? How is public transport in the evening getting to Bad Nauheim from Frankfurt am Maine airport?

General Discussion / Re: Arena vs Academy?
« on: February 01, 2019, 08:51:46 AM »
when a game is  dead because they had no more new extensions ?

I you remember , mage wars is not a evolutive card game but a board game .

I disagree - Mage Wars Arena is an LCG in all but name. And lack of releases has made it stale - hence most players have left it now, at least over here.

I'll always enjoy it, and play it, but it's no longer the game it was, and doesn't deserve the same place in our play time any more.

General Discussion / Re: It is 2019 - What do we know?
« on: February 01, 2019, 08:49:23 AM »
No insider knowledge, but I predict that the giving up on it decision was taken long ago. These releases are just using up playtesting and artwork already generated. You might see an LG2, just to print the rest of the promos already out there, and maybe mage cards for Elemntalist and Monk.

I'm very sceptical that there will be another Mage Wars release after that though. AW generates more profit for less effort in traditional boardgames, and it's a business after all.

General Discussion / Re: It is 2019 - What do we know?
« on: January 31, 2019, 11:32:27 AM »
Existing Arena Necromancer is great.
Agreed, Arena Necromancer is very much top tier.   Around the top of that tier even.
Are you saying there are no useful cards (from an Arena perspective) in the Academy Necromancer expansion? And same for Monk?
The former, although Necromancer has some mediocre, but not great cards, whilst Monk is a complete non-purchase for Arena.

General Discussion / Re: Arena vs Academy?
« on: January 31, 2019, 04:34:28 AM »
Academy and Arena are quite different games. Academy is quite simple and basic, and competes with dozens of other games that do a similar thing. There's nothing like Arena at all, and it's very good at what it does.

It's definitely worth the step up to Arena, just do it knowing it's a dead game, not a living one now. All your Academy cards are playable (although all a small number are useful) - Arena has more powerful options mostly.

General Discussion / Re: It is 2019 - What do we know?
« on: January 31, 2019, 04:31:34 AM »
As I've said before, it would be the easiest thing to just put together the Arena stats cards for Elementalist and Monk and ship those two cards as bonuses in another product.
Elementalist and Monk as is, no matter what their stat cards give them unless its 180 point spellbooks and 70 health, would not be playable in a competitive meta as they don't have the card base to be a full mage.
Monk would need a lot more support for sure. Elementalist, I think could be as simple as just printing an Arena stat card, using much the same abilities as Academy. It wouldn't be the best mage, but it would hardly be the worst either.

yeah, i see them, but only interested in new arena mages, no one play academy in my country.
Necromancer is very weak for Arena, and Monk is useless.

Events / Re: Winter Mage War 2
« on: January 29, 2019, 01:50:45 PM »
Agreed, I know the arguments both ways (and have weighed in on which I think it should be), but as expressed above, it wasn't clear to me.

In fact, I agree I think it ought to pull towards Minds Eye, but Zuberi disagrees, which I expected to be the basis of any temporary ruling.

Events / Re: Winter Mage War 2
« on: January 29, 2019, 02:39:19 AM »
Force Pull
  • Once per round, the Forcemaster may cast this quick Force spell. Target creature is Pushed 1 zone towards the source of this spell. Will not Push a creature through a wall with the Passage Attacks trait.

I know the question it's trying to answer, but I'm still not clear which way this wording falls...

Would it pull towards the FM or the Minds Eye?

Spells / Re: A little love for the Swamp
« on: December 14, 2018, 07:41:37 AM »
I look forward to your esteemed decision.

The decisions was made a year or more ago. It's just not made it in to print, which is down to AW.

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