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Messages - ktype2

Pages: [1]
Custom Cards / Re: Lightning Rod
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:40:42 AM »
Yes it does, but hopefully the expansion gives us something new :)

As for the range, you are right. It would be much better if the range was 0-1.
Glad you liked it :)

General Questions / Walls and Line of sight
« on: October 28, 2012, 01:40:09 PM »
Mage                   |  empty zone
wall of fire --------------------------------    
 Mage                  | empty zone

Hope you understand the diagram.

let's say the mage at the bottom casts a range 3 spell on the Mage above. As I understand it, I just have to count 3 zones and hit the mage above (right,up, left).. The wall blocks line of sight. Is this possible?

Alternative Play / Mage Wars Extreme
« on: October 28, 2012, 12:00:28 PM »
I managed to try a certain game mode with my gaming group. I'm not sure about the overall balance of the concept, but the game became ridiculously fast after we implemented these modifications.

Mage Wars Extreme (We didn't really know what to call it LOL)

1. The quickaction token is not used (you'll see why in a few)
2. Much like creatures, the mage can use his fullaction token to move or attack (physically/weapon), but not to cast spells
3. Mages can cast as many spells/creatures as they can, provided that they can pay for it.
4. The planning phase is removed.The Mage has his spellbook and its contents ready for casting/summoning at all times

-Now, mages can run around while casting spells.

5. Mages can't cast a full action spell after moving once. So you must not move if you want to put out creatures or fullaction spells like firestorm

Optional rule

1. The quickaction marker can be used to make an incantation quick cast spell quicker. (once per turn)
ex. Mage attacks with wand. opposing mage flips quick action token to cast dissolve on wand.  

Just a random experiment. Hope you guys like it

Spellbook Design and Construction / Wizard spellcount
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:00:11 AM »
Just to make sure. The Wizard can use arcane spells and "an" elemental school of his choice. Does this mean that if that wizard chooses 'fire', all other elemental spells costs double to put in his spellbook?

Also, are there no spells that require him to pay triple to put in his spellbook?

General Questions / Attacking your own creatures
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:53:32 AM »
Since sleep incapacitates a creature until they receive damage, is it possible for a mage/creature to attack a friendly creature to wake him up?

Custom Cards / Lightning Rod
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:26:07 PM »
Zone Equipment (an equipment placed on the arena) (something I just thought up)
Quick cast
Mana cost: 12
Target: "Zone" (0-2)
School: Air (5)

Whenever a player cast an air spell, all creatures on the zone with Lightning Rod takes 2 damage. When a mage is next to Lightning Rod, they may spend one full action to transfer lightning rod 1 zone away.

"Do you hear the roars coming from above? they yearn to put you in their embrace"

Note: Here, I tried something new. I didn't want to make it a conjuration/enchantment because it IS made of metal, and I think getting rid of it with cards like dissolve makes more sense than using dispel .  Hope you guys like it. Items like these would definitely increase the amount of chaos in the arena.

Custom Cards / Re: Howling Wind Trap
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:40:22 PM »
Yes, I guess we do have to consider the balance. I believe that the game needs more trap cards like this, at least to open up a new meta of gameplay. A trapper beastmaster perhaps? :)

Custom Cards / Re: Timelocked Arena
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:32:13 PM »
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)

I was hoping to give more options for solo builds. Since being swarmed may be hell for them, I just gave them the option to even the odds. As for being overpowered, maybe we can just make the casting cost  34. That should make them think twice before casting it :D. Cheers!

Custom Cards / Re: Howling Wind Trap
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:39:58 AM »
This would make an awesome card. I loved that wall-hit effect. Just to add some stuff, I think flying creatures should lose the flying trait on that turn. And rolling 3 attack dice if they hit the wall would probably be awesome too. :)

Custom Cards / Timelocked Arena
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:17:41 AM »
Full Action
Mana cost: 2 (facedown) - 25 (reveal cost)
Target: enemy mage (0-0)
School: Mind 4 & Arcane 2 (6)

When you reveal Timelocked arena, immediately move all non-mage creatures 1 space away from your zone and turn all non-mage creatures' action markers face down, they do not reset for 3 rounds. You and your enemy's mage cannot leave the zone for 3 rounds.

Card text: "An arena forged in time, offering unparalleled silence... and death"

Note: good for solo builds? it can be dispelled though :)

General Questions / Nullify questions
« on: October 25, 2012, 02:53:28 AM »
Question 1:

Dissolve: Choose an equipment attached to "target" mage. X= equipment's casting cost. Then, destroy the equipment.

I just wanna clarify this part. Can Nullify be used to counter Dissolve even though the primary target was the equip? I'm currently under the impression that nullify can counter anything as long as the words 'target/this' are next to the words 'creature/mage. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

Question 2:

Do you flip nullify when an opponent puts a face down enchantment on a creature, or do you have to wait until they reveal it?
-If you have to wait for an enchantment to reveal itself, can nullify counter an opponent's nullify?

Please help, we really want to play this properly

Custom Cards / Re: Blink/Flash Step (whichever is better)
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:28:27 AM »
@jmmeye2: whoops. I think I may have mistyped mine. I was thinking that the Blink would be 0 to cast. It's basically something that will allows Mages to use their quick action as a move step (which they cannot by default) and freely cast a full spell after moving . your version of Blink is awesome too.

@Shad0w: Can't wait :)

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:50:56 AM »
I know that someone's already come up with a  Lich lord, but I'd also like to post my own ideas about a lich.

I want the lich to have a really small life (and since he is undead, having a finite life trait by default would make it better).

As for the spells, I think it would be awesome to have a mage with his OWN school of magic. This would also mean that he cannot use cards from other schools and vice versa. School of Forbidden arts may sound cheezy, but it may work for a Lich (sorry, I'm out of names here)

Some cards from his school of magic would also allow him to steal spells from his opponent's prepared cards. A good way to make up for his lack of school choices.

Custom Cards / Blink/Flash Step (whichever is better)
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:26:36 AM »
Blink/Flash Step
level 2 card
Quick spell
Casting Cost: 0
Target: Mage
School: Arcane

you can only use your quickcast token to use this card. Move your mage 1 zone away.

Note: Moving and casting a full cast spell would be useful, yes?

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:16:53 AM »
Just got my copy. May I say that my wife and I really love this game, and we would definitely want to see more expansions in the future.

As for spells I would love to see...

1). An absolute single creature removal card- After having a test turtle-ing  battle with my wife, there came a time when the board was just filled with creatures (and having spells under them increased the clutter). Neither mages want to move closer because some creatures have sweeping attacks in addition to the volume of creatures in the center zone. I think having an absolute creature removal card would be nice. Making it a level 4 card would also help, so players wont be able to spam them (provided that it cant be attached to any wand). I believe that it would quicken the pace per game. As for a spell name.... Execution? :D

2). A global removal card- This concept would be interesting for solo builds. Allowing players to wipe the board completely of any object except for the mages. A last resort if you will. I'm thinking... a level 6 legendary epic fire spell... Apocalypse? :D

3). (this may be a long shot but.... here goes) Blink/Flash Step- you can only use your quickcast token to use this card. Move your mage 1 zone away. (this would be 0 to cast).
-Since I've seen a lot of turtle strategies, allowing attackers to maneuver and cast a full action spell would be nice. Once again, I believe that cards like this would make bouts quicker.

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