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Topics - Mestrahd

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Is there a way to ignore Off-Topic?
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:11:09 PM »
It seems this is the folder of choice for spammers and it's flooding my Recent list with crap. Is there some way to just ignore this entire sub-forum by checkbox or something?


General Questions / Conjuration Stacking
« on: October 26, 2012, 11:39:52 AM »
So there's a thread on the Geek where someone asked if Conjurations bonuses stack. I replied that as long as the Conjuration was not Legendary or Unique, then it was ok. The counterargument from two different people was that you can't have multiple bonuses from a source of the same name. Now, I know this is true of enchantments, but I could not find in the rules anything about Conjurations. Basically, that counterargument is saying that stuff like Tooth & Nails, and Mana Flowers/Crystals do not stack, but I know that to be untrue even though I don't have a rules passage on my side either. Can someone official chime in either here or there? I'd like to know if I HAVE been playing it wrong.


General Discussion / What's your best roll so far?
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:51:14 PM »
I had a Gray Angel (4 dice) with a Bear Strength (2 dice) roll 9 critical damage and a miss! I doubt I'll ever see anything  close to that again.

What has been your most odds-defying roll thus far?

General Questions / Page 11
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:36:27 PM »

This is a link to my thread on BGG, that has so far garnered no responses. I was hoping someone here could provide examples of timing issues.

General Questions / Does Harmonize work with Mana Crystals/Flowers?
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:05:54 PM »
See title. Harmonize says it is castable on an object with the Channeling trait. A Mana Crystal doesn't actually have the Channeling trait, it gives it to the Mage. So theoretically, it shouldn't be a legal target for Harmonize. Am I right?

General Questions / How does Stun work?
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:29:07 AM »
With Stun, does the effected creature get to take an action? The token itself says to "remove after acting". Does that mean the same as "remove after activating" in that case? We figured out that the Daze condition DOES get an action or else it would be pretty useless.

General Discussion / My first game, 4p, and what I learned.
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:27:03 AM »
This is copied from my thread on BGG, so apologies if you see it twice.

So I got one of my core sets and Spell Tomes yesterday and built the 4 suggested decks from the rulebook. I was only short 4 cards with that supply so I subbed in other spells. We played 2v2, Wizard/Priestess (me) vs Beastmaster/Warlock. While we did not determine a winner, we still had great fun learning the game. Here are some things we learned.

1 - While there are cards that provide armor tokens (Crown of Protection) there ARE no armor tokens in the box.

2 - Flying is very powerful. The beastmaster was only able to field 3 creatures that could fight flying and one of them had Eagles Wings. The Warlock equipped himself with Lash of Hellfire but that was first on my list to Dissolve.

3 - I must have explained Mana Flower/Crystal poorly because the opposing team thought the Channeling +1 was a recurring bonus during the Ready Stage. The Beastmaster was up to channeling 16 mana per turn before I caught it.

4 - I think everyone besides me was deeply confused over what Incantations were. I tried to explain they were spells that affected the opponent without damaging them but I don't think that worked.

Spells / Voltari Gate
« on: August 20, 2012, 06:29:05 PM »
I paused the Dicetower review to read this card, and I'm not sure I understand it. It has channeling so it provides its own mana, but also gets mana when an opponent does something. No problem so far. The part I don't get is whenever you get 3 mana on it you can summon a creature. Is this different than other spawnpoints? I don't recall a threshold on Lair for example. So let's say you have 3 mana, is this creature now free or do you still make up the difference? Basically, I'm confused as to why there's a threshold on summoning when none of the other spawnpoints seem to have one.

General Questions / Hindered and guarding
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:42:24 PM »
If a unit is hindered, can it still "move" and then Guard? If a situation arose where it was more advantageous to counterstrike/protect than to strike first.

General Discussion / Release?
« on: August 17, 2012, 01:52:18 PM »
I had initially heard retailers would have Mage Wars 2 weeks after Gen Con, which would be the end of August, allowing time for shipping by Friday Sept 7th. Now I'm hearing they won't have it until Sept 7th. My game night is the 7th, is there ANY possibility of getting it from my online retailer by then? I really don't want to wait until the 21st to play this game.

General Discussion / Dicetower Review
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:51:25 PM »
I thought it was awesome that Mage Wars got a super-duper glowy positive review on Dicetower. I think that's the most enthusiastic I've seen both of them about a game. Makes me even more anxious to count the days until I can play this!

Congratulations, team!

General Questions / Spell Defenses?
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:27:23 PM »
Can you use the golden colored defenses to avoid an attack spell? I would assume yes, since it says attack spells follow the 3 steps of casting a spell and THEN the 8 steps of attacking, but it would seem kind of cheesy to think you could just jump or dodge a huge honking Fireball!

General Questions / dual wielding?
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:24:30 PM »
I see the picture of a Mage Wand in the rulebook has the slots weapon OR shield. So I assume Elemental Wand has the same slots. Can you have a Mage Wand in one hand and an Elemental Wand in the other? ZZAP BZZZAP!

General Questions / Just one clarification about the rule book
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:08:01 PM »
I saw one thing that I thought was contradictory. In the introduction it says that quickcast actions (The MW button) cannot be used for attacks. Then, in the walkthrough, the warlock uses a quickcast action to cast Fireball which is an attack. Does the introduction sentence apply only to ranged/melee attacks? So is he allowed to use Fireball because it's a spell or am I defining attack too loosely?

General Discussion / 4 players from one box?
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:15:31 PM »
What would be the best way to jerry-rig a 4 player game out of the contents of one box? I plan on getting a dowel of appropriate diameter and making all the control markers. I can just photocopy the player boards, but I'm kind of stuck on the game board and spell books. Any ideas?

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