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Messages - webcatcher

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Since we're summing up I'd like  add one point: Much of this thread is what the Warhammer folks call 'theoryhammer' (I don't know if we have a term for it in Mage Wars). I'm sure it looks to Brazil like we're being closed minded, but we're not,  theoretical arguments just don't prove much. Several people have offered to rethink their position on wands pending a detailed game report or octgn game, which maybe has gotten overshadowed with all the debating. I think we're still all willing to give Brazil's arguments some more weight if he's willing to publicly test his ideas.

Well, I stand corrected. If nothing else, this thread has gotten very educational.

I think the point is that you move the targeted enchantment out of range so it's no longer a legal target.

You can add me to the list, too.

I've avoided this thread because I seem to disagree with the common consensus here that "Wands are bad"

To be fair, I don't think most of use are saying that wands are useless, we're just disagreeing with the OP's statement that they are...hang on, let me find it...
the single most important factor in determining the outcome of the game.

Rules Discussion / Re: melee + x and counterstrike
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:48:17 PM »
Much clearer now, thanks.

Rules Discussion / Re: melee + x and counterstrike
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:20:43 PM »
Okay, so to be clear, melee + x only doesn't count if you're making multiple attacks as part of the same attack action, such as with doublestrike, sweeping, or battle fury.

Rules Discussion / melee + x and counterstrike
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:04:46 PM »
If a creature has melee + x and he has (or gains, through the retaliate enchantment or something) counterstrike, can the melee + x trait apply more than once per turn. For example, I activate my creature, it attacks (using up its melee + x), then it gets attacked and uses its counterstrike. And would it make a difference if the counterstrike came first and then the creature's action?

You guys who end games in 7-10 turns....when you build your spell books you must get about 60 points in and go...."That's it", that's all I'll need to win.   I'll just put 60 points worth of utility spells in here "Just in case".

Yes.  In an average game I'll use most of my core spells and one or two of my just-in-case spells.

All that said, as most of you seem pretty doggedly convinced "Wands are bad", I'm trying to construct a few books without wands, (or at least less reliant on wands), but as of now, building those books seems to leave me feeling my books are far more vulnerable than my normal wand books.

As Carl Sagan famously said,  extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Without a solid game report or an octgn game someone here can reference, most people are probably going to continue to think that wands are situational and not over powered in most metas.

This is not necessarily going to indicate much, as I vary my openings based on what type of opponent I'm facing.

It's not really the specific moves of the opening I'm concerned about. What I mean is that if your local meta focuses heavily on defense or long openings then your games will tend to be very long and, yes, wands will matter more. That doesn't mean wands are too powerful, though, that just means they're an effective part of your strategy. Where I'm from, the dominant builds are very fast solo/few creature builds or BM swarms with the Lair and they all open very quickly and end the game very quickly. I think a wand-dependent build would do less well in my meta because the game isn't going to last that long and I think you'll be left with the choice of either not getting your wand defenses set up properly and getting it dispelled or spending the actions to get it set up properly and then being so far behind that it's too late (2 nullifies, 1 enchantment transfusion, and 1 wand are 2 entire turns of actions, which is maybe 25% of all the turns there are going to be if your opponent is playing aggressively).

The only way to find out is if you make your way to OCTGN and show us how powerful spamming spells from wands actually is.... until i see it wreck havoc i wont believe it.

This is why I wanted the game report.

@ Brazil

The next time you play a game, take careful notes and post a detailed game report for us. You're obviously playing in a different local meta than most of us and I'd be fascinated to see how one of your games plays out. My local meta is very aggressive (as I think many are) and I think if I ever took the time to protect a wand that thoroughly I'd be dead before I had my wand defense set up.

If you tell us what your in-game strategy is we'll be better able to give good advice. The book you posted is fine, but it's very generalized, so without knowing where you want to go with it it's hard to say anything really helpful.

Rules Discussion / Questions about dancing scimitar and autonomous
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:36:13 PM »
If I have the "elusive" trait due to Mongoose Agility, my scimitar does not also gain the elusive trait because it isn't affected by my traits, correct?

If my opponent is Marked for Death, I typically only get the bonus once per turn. However, if I make a normal attack followed by a dancing scimitar attack, does the scimitar also get the bonus (since the attack originates from the scimitar rather than from my mage)?

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Alternative female mage art?
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:58:11 AM »
@ sIKE

I'm not convinced the sexy = empowered argument is applicable in this case because the sexy women involved aren't real. The priestess can't feel empowered because she looks good in her wedding night lingerie since there isn't a real priestess.  By the same token, the women in Mage Wars aren't victims of men dressing them up and then leering at them because the women involved are fictional. The only effect you'll get is the effect on the viewer. So the question we have to ask is "What impressions are likely to be created in the viewer by game art that depicts women as primarily (although not exclusively, as we've pointed out) scantily clad super models?" As Deckbuilder correctly pointed out, this creates the impression among many viewers that A) game nerds like to depict women as sex objects, and (especially among the young) B) it is okay for me to view women largely as sex objects. In my opinion, these impressions are both to be avoided.

Spells / Re: force push
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:57:47 PM »
All movement in the game is orthogonal (up, down, left, or right). Diagonal movement is never allowed, so if that's what you were trying, then it wouldn't work. If you were trying to pull the mage towards you up or sideways (meaning the other mage went from 2 spaces away to 1 space away), then that would work fine. Force push can move the target in any orthogonal direction regardless of the direction from the casting mage.

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