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Topics - ozmo

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Events / South Florida - Mage Wars Wednesdays!
« on: September 17, 2014, 12:57:18 PM »
Hi Everybody,

If you're in South Florida (east coast - WPB, Broward, Miami) and like to play Mage Wars come feel free to come by GXE Games in Pompano Beach. We start at 7 and have a solid core group ranging from 6-10 people each week.

It's a fun, casual environment with enthusiastic players. Stop on by!

Feel free to PM me here on the boards if you have any questions.

Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to give an update.

I got hooked on MW back in January. It quickly became my main game and I started to get my friends into the game. One of those was the owner of our venue. He saw how well designed the game is and supported me in trying to get the game established at the shop.

For a few months I taught everybody who wanted to play. Most of our games were in apprentice mode with four players on my map. I didn't even get to play many times, I'd just coach. Everybody loved it. We've set Wednesday & Saturday as our Mage Wars days.

Recently the store's first orders arrived and the first batch of product has mostly sold out. This past Saturday we ended up having 7 people playing and a couple watching. The best part: I didn't even have to use my board!

Almost everybody had their own books and we had enough core sets in play so that I actually got to play a full book, 1v1 game. :D I was thrilled! When our venue owner came out from his RPG session and saw MW boxes and boards all over the place he was very happy.

It's great to see the work these past months pay off and the venue grow. We're gearing up for league play and hope to start that very soon.

About the only thing I still need to do is submit reports for the ambassador program...  :-[

So that's it. Nothing earth shattering I guess. Just wanted to share.

And he's hooked! He's looking into signing up as a retailer. He's one of the destination Magic venues in our area so there's some solid potential for the game.

I've been playing a few weeks so far and taught my regular heroclix buddy, my wife and my daughter. Everybody loves it so far. I had my venue owner intrigued and we got a game in last night. Also had another clix friend and a guy in the store.

So I setup the three of them and my clix buddy on the board. I had the four apprentice books already built. We used the magnetic noteboards in the creative forum. 2 had status boards and 2 just kept track with the magnet boards.

I did a brief rules overview and left the detailed explanations for in game. My friend played the priestess, owner played warlock, my other clix friend ran beastmaster and the guy ran the wizard.

It was interesting to watch the interactions. These were all seasoned gamers so they picked it up pretty quickly.  The warlock & wizard started dueling as did the beastmaster and priestess. Shortly though, the beastmaster & priestess moved near the other two and ganged up on them. The wizard didn't last long, especially after the warlock exploded his elemental wand.

The warlock held on and fought a great fought but couldn't withstand unicorns, bears and knights oh my.

The priestess prevailed in the long run with Brogan doing much of the dirty work.

Everybody loved it and I think there will be more core sets than mine floating around.

Just wanted to share and say that it was probably the best couple hours of not playing a game I've had. Loved watching everybody get the hang of it.

Thanks for reading!


Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to the community.

I live in South Florida and just started playing Mage Wars. You might have deduced this from the title. :)

I've been playing HeroClix quite a bit the past few years. I'm not thrilled with the current direction and I'm taking a bit of break. I was getting into (Generic Magic User) Wars and somebody suggested I give Mage Wars a look. I was instantly hooked on the concept.

A couple of weeks ago both of my (Insert Magic User Here) Wars came in. I've given both a try and enjoy them both. But Mage Wars really has me hooked. I've only been able to get a couple of games in but I can see the potential.

My friend and I have run two apprentice games and feel we have a decent handle on the game. So I broke down some MTG decks, sleeved up the Mage Wars cards and built up the starter spellbooks. I've already picked up the magnetic status boards from one of the threads in the creative section. And I'm trying decide in what order I want to get the expansions. :) Kumanjaro will have to be first as my daughter wants the giant spiders.

I play in Broward (pomano beach area) if anybody's in the region. If not, I'm working on building up my local FLGS (a big Magic venue in the area) to gain interest in Mage Wars.

Looking forward to participating!

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