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Messages - ozmo

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REALLY enjoyed the podcast, nice job guys.

The lore is something my group is very interested in. I posted the info about the book in our FB group. Looking forward to that.

General Discussion / Re: Is mage wars losing popularity?
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:58:27 AM »
At the end of the day, you should be playing the game that puts a fire in your belly, know what I mean?

I didn't know there was a game called "The Burrito Stand on the Corner".

Huh. Learn something new everyday.

General Discussion / Re: Is anyone else a little concerned...
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:34:11 PM »
While my group and I want shiny new mages I'm more excited for Battlegrounds. I know (from my own point of view) I have a bunch of mages still to master. I've played almost all of them to some degree but I'm nowhere near fully comprehending them all.

A few people in my playgroup are a little burnt on straightforward arena combat. We've experimented with variants but having new, tested scenario designs will kick it up a notch - at least for my group.

New goals and objectives means new ways to play what you know. And what you know may not be nearly as effective.

I, for one, welcome our new Battleground Overlords.


General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:28:03 PM »
Thank you for your vote of confidence.

Also, I love the DND adventure games.

I bought Drizzt last week. My friend had Ravenloft. Now... I've ordered Ravenloft & Ashardalon. My friends have as well. And we're going for all of the Dungeon Command stuff as well.

It's a good thing we don't obsess or anything.

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:08:06 PM »
But in all seriousness - my group says take your time. We're big fans of things that are properly done. Many of us used to play heroclix and wizkids didn't always rarely never seemed to playtest anything which resulted in nasty broken pieces that sucked the fun out of the game.

So if it takes you guys longer to get a good, balanced game going then so be it.

In the meantime we just discovered the D&D Adventure Games and we're playing around with how to use Mage Wars as the combat system for it.

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:04:16 PM »
I'm working feveriously on the finishing touches of Battlegrounds. We'll have spoilers as soon as is humanly possible. I want to show everyone Battlegrounds, trust me. I'm sorry that the speed of our progress is making you sad, and I want to fix that. It's what I'm working on right now.

And there's the problem. We don't play this game to be humans. We're humans in every day life.

Instead why not put a little more effort in and give us spoilers as soon as is Dwarvenly possible? Or as soon as is Orcishly possible? But no Elvishly. If we rely on the elves you'll just sit around drinking wine and lamenting for the lost era when everything was better and way cooler before the other races showed up.

Damn hipster elves.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - 14 Organizing Play
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:53:19 PM »
As usual, I enjoyed it. It spoke to me.

I started playing in January with me and a core set. My friends at our shop took an interest and we soon had 4 people playing regularly. I signed up for Ambassador program a few months later and established Wednesday nights as "Mage Wars Wednesday". Now we have 18 people who play with 6-8 regulars on Wednesday nights (Although October has brought some impact with people moving, school, work changes etc). People in the area have heard about us and they're starting to make their way to our venue. We have a steady, growing group and it's fantastic.

It's taken a fair bit of work and fortunately our venue owner is very supportive. He loves the fact that we've diversified his product mix and he knows Mage Wars sells consistently now.

Next steps - tournaments and continued growth!

The advice int he podcast is spot on - Low key, non-aggressive works. Don't insult other people's games (heck, we play those games too!). Once you explain the simplicity of the game it starts to take hold. I have a background in technical marketing, technical sales, technical education and presentations so I'm used to explaining things to people at different levels and that's certainly helped. But even without that just explaining why you love the game brings people in.

Love this game.

General Discussion / Re: AW on DFW Nerd Night (Pics of upcoming stuff)
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:20:36 PM »
Awesome. Can't wait for this stuff!

And hellllooooo siren. I think you'll be seeing a fair bit of table time.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 13 Horticulture 101
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:17:16 PM »
What i meant is that i cannot cast 4 corrosive orchids into one zone :)

That happened I. Our first Druid game. I, unfortunately, was the force master. Between that and trusting the other players interpretation of stuck I lost. Probably should have checked the rules myself during the game instead of after. But at least I really learned those rules the hard way.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 13 Horticulture 101
« on: October 23, 2014, 05:10:46 PM »
My biggest problem is finding the time to try all of the things I want to try.  ;D


I'm in the same boat most days ;-).

I found myself playing a different mage every session earlier this year. And while it was fun, I was always gravitating towards similar strategies. So I took a step back, realized I was really intrigued with the Adramelech Warlock and decided to focus on her. The past month or two I've been playing her starter (which I think is a good starter BTW, nice job) and forcing myself to take a different approach each game. My friend is focusing on the AC warlock. We threw in the Straywood Beastmaster so we didn't have perpetual Warlock v Warlock matches.

It's worked well. I have a good feel for her and I'm playing around with different book ideas. Although I must admit to dusting off and playing my Wizard the last couple of games. It's been fun but, for some reason, people don't like playing against the Wizard. Weird, I know.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 13 Horticulture 101
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:34:43 PM »
This was another great episode. I really enjoy these. My biggest problem is finding the time to try all of the things I want to try.  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Archmage Expansion
« on: October 11, 2014, 08:40:23 AM »
Yes, Bryan was talking about the "Sorcerer". The Sorcerer is a ways off yet, but it's a mage who's flavor I'm really looking forward to. Summoning elemental creatures, possibly Jinn has me all kinds of excited. However, gotta stick to the present  ;).

Djinns... Nice :)

Indeed, though my personal goal is to have a mage that summons terracotta soldiers. But that's even farther off.

That sounds cool. You can get to that right after I get my Sharktopus. :D

Just wanted to chime in and say I really enjoyed this episode. Thanks!

Events / Re: South Florida - Mage Wars Wednesdays!
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:29:42 PM »
It's that time! Mage Wars Wednesday at GXE in Pompano Beach. Bring your books and enter the Arena!

Mayhem and destruction begins at 7pm.

Storage & organization! I enjoy finding storage & organizing stuff almost as much fun as the games I play. Never mind the fact that I'm always slightly disorganized because I'm always reorganizing...

Here's what I've been using for Mage Wars since I started earlier this year.

Bag - I had an old 17" laptop bag lying around. Turns out it is the perfect size to hold the arena board. I can also fit four loaded spellbooks, four status boards with magnet noteboards, a plano box containing all dice/tokens/markers, rulebooks and some other misc stuff. This is the bag (or close enough to it). I do hope to get the roll up playmat someday but this works pretty well for now. I can grab it and go to run events at my venue.

Tokens/Markets/Dice - I use a Plano 3600. I have all of the markers, tokens & dice from 2 core sets and every expansion in there. Still room to go.

Extra Cards - I just use plain, white card boxes. I don't sleeve my extras. I currently am sorting then my type, then school, then alphabetically.

That's about it. My Mage Wars is stuff is always ready to go. If I need more than four books and/or extra cards for deckbuilding I throw them in a backpack. That way I can carry the extras on my back and the play stuff over my shoulder. Works for me.

I'll post some pictures of my setup when I remember to take the pictures.

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