Arcane Wonders Forum

Mage Wars => Rules Discussion => General Questions => Topic started by: Oneig Atyff on December 06, 2012, 06:19:46 AM

Title: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Oneig Atyff on December 06, 2012, 06:19:46 AM
Sorry, but I have more questions that didn't fit in really in other topics.

1) First about Equipment, the rulebook say :
When you cast an equipment spell, it becomes attached to
your Mage. It will move with him and is considered a part
of him, unless destroyed. Place the equipment on your side
of the table near your Mage status board. Either player may
examine the equipment attached to a Mage at anytime.

So if a enchantment is attached to an Equipment, does it is in the Mage ?
If I spell a Harmonize on my moonglow amulet and if my opponent send a dissolve, it dissolve the amulet so the Harmonize is discarded correct ?
If my opponent send a Purge Magic on my mage, does the Harmonize attached to my amulet is discard ?

2) The other thing I have not fully understand is the Magebind section it say :
This enchantment is a little tougher to attach to a Mage. If this enchantment
is attached to a Mage, the reveal cost is increased by X. This adjusted reveal
cost is used for all purposes in spells, abilities, or effects which refer to the
reveal cost of this spell.

If I'm correct the Magebind applies only when a extern factor ask to reveal the enchantment ?
If I'm revealing ma own Harmonise after playing it does I have to pay 4 ou only 2 mana ?
(Sorry, but English is not my native language so... This part is not very clear for me.)

3) Counter a chain lightning.
If I have a reverse magic on my mage and my opponent spell a chain lightning
 how does it works ?
Do my opponent declare every target before doing damage and if my mage is in the line I can cast my counter spell ?
Or do he resolve every attack one after an other and when he arrive to my mage I declare the counter ?
If I counter in the middle of the spell do I only choose for the rest of the attack or does it nullify all ?

4) And last but not least, the gain of life.
Rules say this about mana supplie :
There is no limit to
the amount of mana a Mage or object can have.

But nothing about the life part, does it mean I'm blocked at 41 PV with the priestess ability ?

Thank for every answer you will give me.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Shad0w on December 06, 2012, 07:17:24 AM
Quote from: "Oneig Atyff" post=5010
Sorry, but I have more questions that didn't fit in really in other topics.

1) First about Equipment, the rulebook say :
When you cast an equipment spell, it becomes attached to
your Mage. It will move with him and is considered a part
of him, unless destroyed. Place the equipment on your side
of the table near your Mage status board. Either player may
examine the equipment attached to a Mage at anytime.

So if a enchantment is attached to an Equipment, does it is in the Mage ?
If I spell a Harmonize on my moonglow amulet and if my opponent send a dissolve, it dissolve the amulet so the Harmonize is discarded correct ?
If my opponent send a Purge Magic on my mage, does the Harmonize attached to my amulet is discard ?

2) The other thing I have not fully understand is the Magebind section it say :
This enchantment is a little tougher to attach to a Mage. If this enchantment
is attached to a Mage, the reveal cost is increased by X. This adjusted reveal
cost is used for all purposes in spells, abilities, or effects which refer to the
reveal cost of this spell.

If I'm correct the Magebind applies only when a extern factor ask to reveal the enchantment ?
If I'm revealing ma own Harmonise after playing it does I have to pay 4 ou only 2 mana ?
(Sorry, but English is not my native language so... This part is not very clear for me.)

3) Counter a chain lightning.
If I have a reverse magic on my mage and my opponent spell a chain lightning
 how does it works ?
Do my opponent declare every target before doing damage and if my mage is in the line I can cast my counter spell ?
Or do he resolve every attack one after an other and when he arrive to my mage I declare the counter ?
If I counter in the middle of the spell do I only choose for the rest of the attack or does it nullify all ?

4) And last but not least, the gain of life.
Rules say this about mana supplie :
There is no limit to
the amount of mana a Mage or object can have.

But nothing about the life part, does it mean I'm blocked at 41 PV with the priestess ability ?

Thank for every answer you will give me.

1: If an object is removed from play all things that are attached to it are removed. Another example would be if a creature dies all enchantments that are attached also go to the discard pile.

2: Magebind applies when the enchant is revealed by choice or by force. Remember that you can always choose not not pay the cost when it is revealed

3: Chain Lightning: Each target is done one by one as the spell resolves.

Here is the text on Reverse Magic:
When this cresture is targeted by an incantation or enchantment spell controlled by an opponent, you must reveal Reverse Magic during the Counter Spell Step. You take control of that spell. Redirect it back to the caster, who now becomes the target of the spell. If the spell cannot target the caster, it is countered. Then destroy Reverse Magic.

So you would need a Reverse Attack to Stop the Chain Lightning. Byran Did a long write on how Reverse Magic works. You can find it in the spoiler. [spoiler]
Quote from: "Arcanus" post=4662
Hello all,

We have recently updated our attack rules to be sure that attack actions and sequences are clear, specifically for handling Reverse Attack.  

The short answer is that Reverse Attack only bounces back the very first individual attack or strike.  It will not affect additional strikes or attacks.  

This is also realistic;  The Reverse Attack is a force bubble that bounces the first attack back.  After that attack is bounced, it is destroyed.  SO, successive attacks or strikes, after the first one, are not bounced back.  As much as possible, we try to make Mage Wars realistic and intuitive, unless it overly adds complication.

Creatures with doublestrike or triplestrike are very effective against Defenses, because only the first attack or strike is affected.  Block and Reverse Attack are also a Defense and work the same way, which keeps them consistent.

Now, here is the long explanation, in case anyone is interested!   :)

An attack action is a creature action (quick or full) used to make an attack. Sometimes the attack action will be an individual attack, or it might comprise multiple separate attacks (also referred to as "strikes").  Each individual attack in that action is called an attack sequence.  

For example, double strike, triplestrike, and sweeping are one attack action (always a full action), but have multiple attack sequences.  Some attacks do not follow all of the steps of the attack sequence.  For example, the second attack sequence of a Doublestrike attack action, skips the Declare Attack Step and only has 3 steps.

Defenses, like Block and Reverse Attack, only affect one attack sequence.

When an attacker (which we will call Creature A) attacks the creature enchanted with Reverse Attack (which we will call Creature B), Reverse Attack must be revealed during the Avoid Attack Step. If the Reverse Attack effect occurs, the remainder of Creature A's attack sequence is canceled, and instead Creature B must immediately make an identical attack sequence targeting Object A. This reversed attack sequence is then resolved as normal.

If Object A's original attack action consisted of multiple attack sequences (doublestrike triplestrike, sweeping, etc.), Object A picks up the series of attack sequences where it left off after reversing the first sequence.

I hope that helps clarify!   :)

4: Life and Mana - You are not limited by the number on the bored but thsoe were found to be the avg max most people would have.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Oneig Atyff on December 07, 2012, 05:47:11 AM
Thanks for the answer.

But you didn't completely answer for the first question :

When you cast an equipment spell, it becomes attached to
your Mage. It will move with him and is considered a part
of him,

So if a enchantment is attached to an Equipment, does it is in the Mage ?
If I spell a Harmonize on my moonglow amulet and if my opponent send a dissolve, it dissolve the amulet so the Harmonize is discarded correct ?
If my opponent send a Purge Magic on my mage, does the Harmonize attached to my amulet is discard ?
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Drealin on December 07, 2012, 11:02:01 AM
Also does attaching Harmonize to your Moonglow Amulet bypass the +2 for attaching it to your mage, or do you still pay the +2 because your mage is wearing the equipment?
If you don't pay the extra then this could make me reconsider, and add the Moonglow Amulet to my spellbook.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Hedge on December 07, 2012, 02:45:46 PM
Shadow missed this part. Harmonize will not work with the amulet.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: theduke850 on December 07, 2012, 08:51:59 PM
I don't think I even realized you could attach enchantments to equipment.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Klaxas on December 07, 2012, 09:15:40 PM
you can attach enchantments to equipment, but harmonize can only add to a channeling value.  moonglow amulet (and mana floawer, mana crystal) do not have a channeling attribute.  they only add to an existing channeling attribute as well.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Shad0w on December 08, 2012, 02:29:21 PM
Quote from: "Hedge" post=5060
Shadow missed this part. Harmonize will not work with the amulet.

He never asked if it would work just what happens when it booms. :lol: :P   BTW the reason it does not work is because the moonglow gives the mage channeling. The moonglow itself does not have channeling.

Sniped by klax that is what i get for not reading ahead. :lol:
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Mathias on December 16, 2012, 04:58:54 PM
I have still some questions left about the reverse magic/attack:

1) Teleport and Reverse Magic.
After the caster has paid in step 1 and the defender has paid 5 mana reveal cost for reverse magic:

1.1) Does the defender has to pay additional mana to use Teleport?
1.2) If the attacker has spend 9 mana to Teleport 3 squares, does the defender has
to move a creature also 3 squares?
1.3) Assuming 1.2 and ignoring 1.1: if attacker spent 9 mana, can the defender Teleport
a creature just 2 squares?

To sum up: is a reverse magic, reversing the spell as intented by the attacker or do you
reverse the possiblity a spell holds within?

2) Chain Lightning and Reverse Attack

2.1) Again, if you use a reverse, do you have the pay mana to cast the spell?

2.2) If you reverse Chain Lightning, what(?) is reversed? The chain of lightning or just one bolt of lightning?

Imagine the attacker has five creatues and the defender has five creatues in one zone.
In between the Attacker and Defender is an empty zone.

Attacker calls a chain lightning and the defender reverse magic. Wil the Attacker + creatures in the Attacker zone take all damage?

Or is the first attack reversed and will the four other jolts hit the creatures of the Defender?
This last case feels a bit unnatural because the next strike has to be to a creature adjacent.
Since the Attacker was HIT, I feel it has to bounce in his zone.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: pixelgeek on December 16, 2012, 08:19:23 PM
1.1) no
1.2) Yes. The mana paid determines the zones moved
1.3) I don't have the card in front of me but I don't recall it saying "up to" in the definition of the number of zones moved so I would say that you have to move three

2.1) No, the spell is already cast and paid for
2.2) Do a search, I think this that already been answered
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: Mathias on December 17, 2012, 09:02:18 AM
I did a search first ofcourse.
Bryan gave some deep review about sequences and such.
Still I want to know about the 'chain' of chain lightning when it is deflected at the oppenent.
Title: Re: Several other question (Equipement, Magebind...)
Post by: pixelgeek on December 17, 2012, 09:21:28 AM
In lieu of a reference or statement in the cards to the contrary I would assume that they entire spell reverses and then acts as normal. So the entire "chain" would be set off.