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Messages - Cavie

Pages: [1] 2
League / Tournament Play / Re: Looking for Players in Denver, CO Area
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:17:24 AM »
Trying to revive this thread in hopes to find more people playing in the Denver area.  I'd love to get some live gaming with this great game.  Please pm or post here.

Rules Discussion / Re: 1st & 2nd Edition Rulebook Differences
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:22:14 PM »
Thanks Arcanus,

This helps.  I've been doing a little comparing from book to book but with out reading it ALL and comparing it would still be nice to see the list you mentioned.  I have noticed the major differences - no walkthrough, and the more detailed section on the mages which is a nice improvement.

Rules Discussion / 1st & 2nd Edition Rulebook Differences
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:01:58 AM »
I'm wondering if anyone knows the exactly what has changed from 1st edition rules to the 2nd edition.

I can see some of the obvious changes but don't want to print the entire 'new' rulebook if I don't have to.  At the same time I don't want to miss something.

Maybe the new edition will come in a future expansion but meanwhile does anyone know which pages have been altered?

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 18, 2013, 02:57:42 PM »
So basically the new pages in the new rule book?  

That works for me if that's the case.  I was just trying to decide if I needed to print out those pages (the updated) from the download or wait until I get the expansion.... Thanks.

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:58:25 AM »
Anyone know if the new 2nd Edition Rulebook (posted here on the site) is included with the Frocemaster vs Warlord expansion?  (maybe that's been covered already   :blush: )

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: spellbooks - hard to use
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:01:42 AM »

This is really the only component issue I have with the game.  Everything else is top notch imo.

I've read a few solutions people have come up with on BGG but the best one I found was this:  The 4x4 Ultra Pro binders.  

Even though you are spending a little more money on your game the advantage is their side loading pockets.  These books have increase my loading/unloading time quite a bit, they also can be loaded front and back on each page.

The other positive to buying these is I now I have my original set (even though they are a bit more finicky for getting cards in and out) and 2 more books for multi player  :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: January 06, 2013, 09:05:52 PM »
Quote from: "Arcanus" post=6201
Both of those spells did not make the cut for the Forcemaster vs. Warlord expansion. They are great cards, and the choices were tough.

They will appear first as a promo card either with Tom Vasel of Dice Tower, or in Organized Play, and then most likely make the next expansion (Necromancer vs. Druid).  

Just to be sure:  We are not collectible and don't want to be collectible!  We might release a card early as a promo, but will still make the card available for everyone!

Thanks for that info Arcanus. I really appreciate the fact that this will not be a collectible game. Everything I have experienced with this game from components, rules and even website have been top notch!

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:46:04 PM »
How soon?  I need them NOW  :lol:

Thanks for the quick replies.

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:21:54 PM »
So currently, Purify is the only spell that can remove Rot & Weak (poison) conditions, correct?

General Discussion / Re: Wizard Voltaric Shield and a few other ?
« on: January 04, 2013, 08:15:47 AM »
Quote from: "klempad" post=6142
That brings up a good point:
Would it be reasonable to assume that the Wizard gets to choose which damage points to cancel? I.e., can he cancel critical damage so that his armor (if any) could help with the rest?

Check out THIS thread.

Sounds like the Wizard's armor takes damage first, then the shield takes it.

General Discussion / Re: Wizard Voltaric Shield and a few other ?
« on: January 01, 2013, 08:53:16 PM »
Quote from: "Rafpaz" post=6050
Hey guys - new player here. After playing our first game several issues came up:
1. Is the Wizard's Voltaric Shield subject to critical hit rules just like armor?
2. Once revealed, does the Circle of lightning have any upkeep cost?
3. Can my Stunned Feral Bobcat role defense despite the fact that It is stunned?
4. I see that there is an open discussion on conditions and I will look into it, but this was easily the most confusing part of our play through. What is the manna cost on the bottom (grey circle) for ?  can I pay that and anull the effect, do I wait it out and pay that at the end as an additional penalty for being afflicted? Is it an additional cost for spells attempting to dispell or anull the effect?
Any responses will be greatly appreciated - the game is great

I'll do the best I can here - I'm quite new myself so if I screw up something here, hopefully someone else more knowledgable can correct me.

1.  The way I understand the shield is that it absorbs 3 damage from an attack, critical or non-crit.  It can NOT however prevent direct damage such as that received from something like a non-attack spell (i.e. Drain Life) or a condition such as Burn.

2.  The only thing I remember on Circle of Lightning is Magebind +2 and that it creates a Damage Barrier.  Don't have the card in front of me but I don't remember an upkeep on there.

3.  You said you got this one figured out.

4.  I'm still not 100% about condition removals and hope to hear from someone else here.  The way I'm understanding the mana cost at the bottom of the token is that if you want that condition removed you must have a spell (like Purify for poison types) or ability (like the Priestess) that allows you to do that and then you pay the mana cost on the token to rid of the condition.  Otherwise I think certain conditions are removed after the criteria is met (ie. roll a 0 on Burn, or 'after acting' on Daze).

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:07:49 PM »
So to clear up one more hitch in my mind - to remove conditions such as Stun & Daze you not only have to wait until the end of that creature's action phase but then also have to pay the mana cost listed on the token (ie. 2 mana for Daze & 4 for Stun)?

League / Tournament Play / Re: Looking for Players in Denver, CO Area
« on: December 30, 2012, 07:43:28 PM »
Pm on the way :)

League / Tournament Play / Re: Looking for Players in Denver, CO Area
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:56:40 PM »
We're on opposite ends of town but maybe we can find a midway point?  I know Barnes & Noble in the Denver West area off 1-70 has spots to play - at least a while back they did when I went to a game group night.  I'd be willing to meet if we can coordinate it.

Rules Discussion / Re: Traits List
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:02:25 AM »
Thank you!  B)

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