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Messages - Paleblue

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:29:46 AM »
Contrary to forum belief, the Warlord is a perfectly good mage.  Just don't play him like an inferior BM.

The problem is a lot of people think this how you play the Warlord because that is how he came packaged.

I think the vassel promo cards make a huge difference to the Warlord game. I don't own then, no idea when they will come out, but would love to have them!

Many people think BF is OP? Never heard much complaint about BF to be honest. Powerful card, but predictable.

Rules Discussion / Re: Galvitar and Battle Fury
« on: June 25, 2013, 12:28:02 AM »
Treat the Forcemaster like a Hydra, something that you don't want to start your turn next to, but is susceptible to some of the same counters (Agony/ Armor/ Avoiding).

Hmm that is rather crappy that toughness is useless against the TOL.

I don't think Forcehammer is a reliable method to destroy the temple - at best you break even, worse your down mana. I have come up with a few different strategies with Mages I play which I think will be effective, need to test them though and I will post results later.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Too much defense?
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:07:51 PM »
In the current game because attaining reliable piercing attacks is difficult, I would lean heavily towards armor. Whereas its very easy to produce unavoidable attacks / disable the opponent so they cannot dodge.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The best defense is a good offense
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:48:05 AM »
I think it all comes down to experience. Once you have an in depth knowledge of the game and good experience under your belt you can determine whether or not control or aggression is the best move on a game by game basis. If I can get away with Arcane ring and two mana crystals with my wizard I'm happy to do so. Like wise if i need to ramp up aggression I will do that too.

The player who wins is the one who can be flexible and plays better than he's opponent. I realise that some builds are more prominent at the moment, but each have a place- after all the winner of the origins tournament used a spawn point..

I don't think that either should be nerfed yet. I'm sure that we will adjust our strategy to be able to defeat the build (would be great to get some more suggestions about how).

Who knows we might get armor in the future with -holy on it which would work nicely.

Do you have any thoughts on how to counter the Temple strategy you mentioned? I have played against something similar and  I have considered that it might be best to teleport the enemy priest to your side of the map where a basilisk (to try keep them pinned) and a hydra can beat them down. This would avoid the shots from the TOS if it was already placed.

Something such as;

Turn one Hydra
Turn two Basilisk (move the hydra one space)
Turn three move and teleport enemy priest to your side (into hydra space).

Problem of course is they still have Bim Shalla for support and if they wait to place the TOS they can dump it onto your head after the teleport.

Anyway back to the original topic, I think some of the suggested cards look great!

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:31:50 PM »
I'm happy with the new amount of cards and alternate Mages. Of course I would like more cards, but I think there is a solid amount for a mini expansion such as this.

Is this a confirmation that we saw all the new cards?:). Or you say you would be fine with it? For me it would be good either way, but still some info would be great from the proud owners of the expansion.

Haha sorry mate it was just my opinion, I'd say I'am a ways of getting my grubby hands on it!

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:45:40 PM »
I'm happy with the new amount of cards and alternate Mages. Of course I would like more cards, but I think there is a solid amount for a mini expansion such as this.

General Discussion / Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:30:13 PM »
I tend to agree that warlord is struggling at the moment. But there are a few cards in the new expansion which I think will help and also the dice tower promo ones look good for him as well. I'm sure he will have his day in the sun soon!

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:05:32 AM »
Great way to push someone against the arena wall for an additional 3 dice making it very mana efficient (or through a wall). Failing the push you will probably slam them, which is great.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: May 27, 2013, 10:44:58 PM »
I also agree, something seems wrong with the cost compared to Gray Angel. I mean sure you can sack the Gray Angel to heal, but chances are with intercept + health regen + aegis + a defense dice your going to absorb a lot more than 6 dice with Guardian Angel.

Hello, i haven't played any mage wars games at any league level before (not many leagues in Sydney, Australia). As i have only played a hand full of games i have not been able to test many mages, but i build this earth wizard build which is a creature heavy build as far as the wizard goes. Could you please give me any advice if there is anything obviously missing from this deck. see below for the deck build and play info.

Hi Nitrodavid. Slightly off topic, but have you see the Mage Wars guild for Sydney over on the BGG forum? Its quite early days but we are getting regular games going around the place. Take a look here;

Apologies if your already aware of it, you might have a different name on BGG.

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