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Topics - phillipsjr2

Pages: [1]
Not to be too sensationalist, but he is powerful. In his base spellbook with no modifications he tore my finely tuned beastmaster to shreds. Suffice it to say having the facebook equipped, plus a graveyard, using the meditation crystal to generate mana while using your spawn points to generate creatures, feeding zombies to the ever-growing zombie who gets to 10 attack + bloodthirsty 1 immune to non critical attacks 24 health... I know it's 6 turns to set up, but while you hang back and turn him into an unbeatable machine for almost no resources (1 mana a turn to summon a 4 point zombie after the engine is set up)... you also build up the rest of your unfathomably powerful army.

In my opinion the sheer power resides in one rule: resilience. Every zombie in that book has effectively an armor stat of infinite, and are NOT overpriced by any stretch of the imagination for what they do. I'd love to be argued against here: it was a little disheartening to so rend my opponent to shreds with this mage!

Just curious for items like the Sunfire Amulet if you'd continue to gain life after you moved your black cube all the way to the top, and if so what the best suggestion for keeping track of it is. Thanks!

I know that revealed enchantments you destroy a second copy, but is this true of face-down enchantments such as nullify that would be used once and then discarded?

Rules Discussion / A question on guarding and defenses
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:18:22 PM »
If a creature has a defense and is guarding, does it still get to counter-attack if the defense is successful?

General Discussion / My only complaint about Conquest of Kumanjaro
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:20:05 PM »
4 Feral Bobcats in the Beastmistresses deck? Really? Who has that?

Are these buildable with what's included in the box, or do you need cards from the base game to construct them? Any chance you can make these 2 mages and the 4 that come in the base game pre-built decks?

General Discussion / Creating the perfect set for my gaming group
« on: June 27, 2013, 05:39:12 PM »
So, I basically just want to have one set of Mage Wars that I use to play with my friends. I'd like to construct a deck for each of the 6 mages that remains static and that we can play with week to week. I don't mind making alterations here or there to vary up gameplay, but as the owner I'm the person most invested in the game and no one is interested in heavy deck-building or theorizing. To that end, are the preconstructed decks adequate and balance for us to play with on a week to week basis, or will I encounter problems with them?

Note: my gaming group is pretty intelligent and competitive, so imbalances between decks or exploits with combos will probably be picked up on rather quickly. My ideal would be to create 6 decks that all have a fighting chance against each other. I'm not opposed to buying either or both of the spell tomes if this is necessary for me to achieve that goal.

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