Hello everyone!
We are on our final vote for two new creature cards! There have been a ton of ideas thrown around so I thought I would gather them up. We'll be leaving the polls open for 2 weeks, then go straight to playtesting. We are looking for names and quotes so feel free to share them here or email us at Arcaneduels@gmail.com. Here are some thoughts on the two creatures below.
Holy Or Dark Level 5 Creature! The idea behind this card is that it joined the side of demons. Both the Dark and Holy side can take this creature since it has been on both sides.
Card 1 - Pretty basic concept here. Gate to Hell is a very unused card so hopefully this one makes it more viable. I would vote for this if you plan on taking Gate to Hell. I'm unsure if Holy has many uses for it though.
Card 2 - This helps both the Priest and the Adramelech Warlock a lot. Not removing burns can be very powerful with cards like Magma Golem. It might also make Combustion more of an option.
Card 3 - A solid card, Adramelech Warlock probably benefits the most because setting things on fire and demon creatures combo very well with this.
Card 4 - This gives more of a stronger solo creature card. It works well with both sides in it's own way.
War Level 4 - There have been a few ideas!Card 1 is designed to be a tough of nails, slow advance creature. it's not supposed to be easy but also does not have a lot of damage in one action, but can produce a lot in a melee attacking round.
Card 2 is a great Warlord card. We are a bit worried that formations may make this card too strong as is, but it uses his giant shield concept to help advance troops.
Card 3 is similar ideas to card 1. It's less straight forward, but great for attacking into guards. It does not have the Vigilante trait so that may cause problems. If you do succeed in the defense (or use defensive enchantments) you still gain the guard marker. It also goes well with cards like Temple of Dawnbreaker.
Card 4 is more of a leadership card. It is designed to be heroric in that it can help friendly soldiers retreat or advance without worry of enemies around it.
Keep in mind if any of these cards appear overpowered, we will be balancing them down stats wise during playtesting. When you cast your vote, the overall concept/Traits will be preserved, but if you see high stats and decide the power card is just better, it will probably be nerfed to be balanced out.
Card 1 Option 1 --->
https://ibb.co/9ypbqrdCard 1 Option 2 --->
https://ibb.co/JvMYwjkCard 1 Option 3 --->
https://ibb.co/85RTfnvCard 1 Option 4 --->
https://ibb.co/vsMQSsXCard 2 Option 1 --->
https://ibb.co/ZLSjDwhCard 2 Option 2 --->
https://ibb.co/NFT9w4dCard 2 Option 3 --->
https://ibb.co/y5shQk8Card 2 Option 4 --->