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Messages - Weltenreiter

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:42:25 PM »
Re-setting up the game ?

Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:00:48 PM »
Thx for the info. :)

Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:59:59 AM »
Good luck and have fun to both  :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Restrained and climbing
« on: April 16, 2014, 09:56:41 PM »
Yay thanks.

Two things to add:

One. I don't think there actually was a serious call for the situation to work. Drumming up a rules discussion over "weak rules" to graciously let fall in one's disfavor due to common sense probably just a backup face saving scheme incase of loss, like keeping track of lucky dice rolls.

Two. Climbing being available in the first place to kickstart this discussion/situation is gw's damn fault anyway for insisting to play wallpush cheese as main strategy. J'accuse! (Local metas are weird things)

Thanks for the clarifications, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

(And I didn't want to disrespect anyone with the onerous comment. Coming from WoW et al, anything that would make me even think about "hey, I should get out some Teamspeak/Skype for this" is onerous in my book. Especially WoW. :P)

2-3 folks in Kiel/Neumünster area (north germany / SH) here.
Too bad everything one reads about is always south of the Elbe, usually far south of it. Bah I say.

If you have short to answer questions about OCTGN feel free to ask them here. If youre looking for in-depth discussion about common play conventions maybe the rules subforum is the best place to ask?
Thanks, I'll stay here and try to keep em brief. ^^

Mechanical questions are mostly about handling Enchantments.
- Is there a better/built-in way to cast them other than moving the face down planned ones over and manually subtracting 2 Mana?
- How does one suppress the reflex to double click for casting/processing one gets from casting other cards? That reveal can be awkward. >.<
- Is there a way to actually attach enchantments to their targets? For now, I can only find drawing a box around them to activate them all, then moving that group. Every. Time. I'm pretty sure I saw group movement without the box in some video or other though, so maybe I'm just missing something.

Convention question:
Usually you know/expect full well that you're facing a nullify/block or defense etc and are deliberately trying to draw that out, so will wait for flip/noflip confirm before proceeding in relevant situations. What if you forget? Just roll back to fix it, ignore rolls, and too bad about any inadvertently revealed information?

Semi-mechanical follow-up to that:
Also, any user-friendly way to communicate these things with button press chat outputs (like the "is done" ctrl right) or HUD displays or something? With chatbox being active killing the game interface, the whole affair seems incredibly onerous imo.

Spells / Re: Reanimating restricted creatures
« on: January 08, 2014, 03:21:23 PM »
Alright, figured but wanted some extra opinions. Thanks. :)

Spells / Reanimating restricted creatures
« on: January 08, 2014, 11:42:00 AM »
Since reanimating entails taking control of the card, I take it I can not (successfully) use reanimate effects on (Mage) or (School) restricted creatures?

Just wondering. Maybe Zombie Huginn is considered different enough from Huginn that the Mind Control FAQ bit doesn't apply, but ultimately it's just Huginn with a condition marker and some damage, so it probably does.

Hi there, new poster here.

So me and gw (RL friend, also new poster) have been mucking about with OCTGN because we live in different towns and mostly figured things out (this thread sure helped with that).

Still got a few questions both about interface mechanics and maybe moreso about common play conventions. Where should those be asked?
This thread doesn't really seem the right place for potentially in-depth discussion, looks like it's mostly about reporting for duty?

Not quite sure what other subforum would best hold it (or if OCTGN discussion is even kosher at all in the rest of the forum).

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