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Topics - Koy

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Let's all take a moment of silence...
« on: February 14, 2013, 05:46:51 PM »
As the 2.0 rulesbook is out, gone are the days of outrage at the infamous color cube scandal of 2012.  *sniffle*  Goodbye color cube scandal... how well we miss thee.

General Discussion / Core Spell Tome 2 - mythological creature?
« on: January 04, 2013, 07:49:29 PM »
Greetings fellow magi,

I recently tried Mage Wars from a chance mention I read about it on a BGG forum, and fell in love instantly!  Easily the best game I've played in a very long time.  I haven't been this excited/obsessed about a game since opening my first MtG alpha cards back in the mists of undergrad prehistory.  

As I start to recruit people to play with me, I am quickly needing more and more cards to support multiple training decks, and "real" play decks.  I would love to buy a couple of core spell tome 2s, but I can't find them anywhere.  I am in Alaska, and while we do have a local game shop, they haven't quite bought in to support the game yet.  This isn't unusual for Alaska, and Amazon is our best friend up here.

That being said, it is nowhere to be found on Amazon!  Quite surprising, to be honest.  Is this still in a limited print run?  Can we expect more to hit the market?  I suppose I could just order a second box, but even if I did that I'd like to get a few Core Tome 2s...

Secondary question - about this rumored expansion coming, are there any details of when it releases?  Will it also be so hard to find?

Thanks to anyone that might be able to help answer the questions, and my thanks to the AW team for making such a GREAT game!

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