Arcane Wonders Forum

Mage Wars => League / Tournament Play => Topic started by: nancyhutch on July 21, 2014, 12:31:44 PM

Title: Are Promo cards legal for tournament play?
Post by: nancyhutch on July 21, 2014, 12:31:44 PM
Are promo cards used for tournament play? What about if they have been released  later as part of expansions?
Title: Re: Are Promo cards legal for tournament play?
Post by: Shad0w on July 21, 2014, 01:15:30 PM
Promos for major events are not legal unless they have been printed in a set that is legal for that event.

For example Gencon will use

Mage Wars Core Set
Forcemaster vs Warlord Expansion
Conquest of Kumanjaro Spell Tome Expansion
Druid vs Necromancer Expansion
Forged In Fire Spell Tome Expansion

If you use the Spellbook Builder ( you can see if a card is legal for an event.

At a local level it is up to the T.O. or Judge to announce if they are allowing promos or not for each event. I tend to let players know as soon as I announce an event if I am allowing promos or not. 95% of the time the answer is no.

PS: This has been asked and answered before please try to search before posting next time.  8)
Never mind I just searched and it did not show up.  ???

Title: Re: Are Promo cards legal for tournament play?
Post by: silverclawgrizzly on July 21, 2014, 02:08:08 PM
At the normal events we host in my area: Yes go ahead. If we gave you a promo card at a previous event then you're certainly welcome to use it. If you pre-ordered an expansion and got the promo cards then obviously we want you to use them.

At my super big deal charity tournament later this year? Nope. :)