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Messages - Elessar

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: AW on DFW Nerd Night (Pics of upcoming stuff)
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:14:13 AM »
Love that art!  Surely that top picture will be the cover art for PvS. 

General Discussion / Re: Lets Level Up Episode10
« on: September 09, 2014, 09:39:12 PM »
^  Some excellent points.  I have nothing substantive to add to the above comment except to second the motion on the floor. 

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 8 Enter the Pope
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:19:43 PM »
Love how the shaman sounds.  Illusionist sounds interesting, but maybe not my ball of wax.  As for the sorcerer, arcane + dark sounds like a killer combo but I'll be interested to see how they balance that.   

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Adramalech warlock and the gate to hell
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:33:58 PM »
I wouldn't say worthless, but its value is highly situational.  I'd definitely say that it's only worth consideration in the hands of the female warlock.   The card could probably use some tweaking, but I don't know what that would be. 

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Adramalech warlock and the gate to hell
« on: August 03, 2014, 02:37:01 PM »
Fair enough.  The wording could certainly be clearer. 

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Adramalech warlock and the gate to hell
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:01:49 AM »
I had someone using the new warlock open the gate on me yesterday.  Didn't do much to my warlord (Elemental Cloak helps) but it did a number to my army.  And yes, the potential to burn so many creatures probably justifies the cost but only in similar circumstances (i.e., when used against non-burnproof, creature-heavy books). 

It takes a certain amount of planning and luck to use right.  My opponent dropped the gate and killed my soldier that was in the zone because he (rightly) anticipated that I'd try to Conquer it.  Next turn, he (with initiative) opened it with his first full action before I could get another soldier into position.  It was a well-executed play.

Regarding Pentagram - I don't think so.  I know the text of the card says "whenever you summon" as opposed to "whenever your Mage summons," but the official codex supplement doesn't address it and I feel like they would have issued an errata (like they did for Garrison Post) if they intended for Gate to Hell to work in a similar fashion. 

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Academy Expansion
« on: July 10, 2014, 09:16:14 PM »
Nope.  It was more like LoW said above, streamlined rules for beginners, lower price point to lower barrier to entry for casual gamers with the ability to play with just 2 spell books (no board) in about 20-30 minutes.  It honestly sounds a lot like a Mage Wars version of MtG with your Mage slinging spells and creatures duking it out in the red zone.  Supposed to be fully compatible with the full game (though maybe not the other way around), so I would probably pick it up for the kids if nothing else.

A MW version of MTG?  I . . . could actually get behind that.  That was kind of my impression too after watching the video. 

Right, they had that some of that awhile back. My theory was more hope and conjecture based on the fact that they're introducing new spells. It'd be interesting if they did release a bunch of novice utility spells.

Translation: I want novice arcane spells for the warlord. :)

Yes please! FiF helps him immensely, but if he has to pay more than everyone else for stuff that's mandatory for all intents and purposes, he's still at a disadvantage.

I'm not so sure about dispel and teleport still being mandatory for him, Harshforge could be a sufficiently useful alternative. I think it's too early to tell.

Hmm, fair enough.  Just personally, I don't think I'd want to run him without at least 2 dispels.  Time will tell.   

Mages / Re: Mage suggestions
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:54:49 PM »
Weapons master: he is trained in the war and arcane schools. Solo mage, like forcemaster, would have very little creatures( floating bows, swords, shields, etc.) and would have many pieces of exchangeable  equipment witch would be cantrip. His theme is power through energy weapons. One special ability is his melee attacks would be ranged 0-1, still having the melee trait.

I like the idea.  How about this?  Instead of a "weapon" equipment slot and a "shield" equipment slot, he has two weapon slots and could use them both as a full action.  I.e., dual-wielding. 

Or maybe a trait on his mage card that gives him extra dice when using a two-handed weapon?  (Which would make the orc warlord's hammer actually useful). 

Spells / Re: Gurmash, Orc Sergeant
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:49:06 PM »
An idea that I had for him was to bring him out fairly early so he can build up some mana and then focus on getting your dwarf warlord decked out with tons of equipment and enchantments (if you're into that sort of thing) and maybe get a creature or two on the field.  Then charge in with the warlord and wreck shop and have Gurmash follow at a safe distance to buff him further with some command incantations.

I've had limited success with it so far, but haven't quite found the right tempo.   

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Academy Expansion
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:42:22 PM »
Nope.  It was more like LoW said above, streamlined rules for beginners, lower price point to lower barrier to entry for casual gamers with the ability to play with just 2 spell books (no board) in about 20-30 minutes.  It honestly sounds a lot like a Mage Wars version of MtG with your Mage slinging spells and creatures duking it out in the red zone.  Supposed to be fully compatible with the full game (though maybe not the other way around), so I would probably pick it up for the kids if nothing else.

A MW version of MTG?  I . . . could actually get behind that.  That was kind of my impression too after watching the video. 

Right, they had that some of that awhile back. My theory was more hope and conjecture based on the fact that they're introducing new spells. It'd be interesting if they did release a bunch of novice utility spells.

Translation: I want novice arcane spells for the warlord. :)

Yes please! FiF helps him immensely, but if he has to pay more than everyone else for stuff that's mandatory for all intents and purposes, he's still at a disadvantage.

General Discussion / Re: Syren vs. paladin, next spoilers?
« on: July 07, 2014, 08:48:09 PM »
Terrain has been taking a while to get the balance and feel of this new sub type of cards to be correct. I can not give out the count of the total amount of terrain but if all goes well we will have several water and a few non water type.

Awesome!  I have to admit I wasn't expecting multiple types of water terrain, although it makes sense now that I think about it. 

I'm just spitballing here, but I could imagine swampy terrain that hinders creatures or deep water terrain that prevents conjurations from being built on it. 

I could be way off the mark on those, but if terrain is something that will dramatically affect the characteristics of a zone, I can see the difficulty in balancing it. 

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: June 22, 2014, 10:24:31 PM »
There's a lot to work with there.  I really like some of these ideas. 

Mummies, sure.  (All with Flame +2)  8)
Scarabs / carrion beetles.  I like the idea of an insect swarm. 
More ghosts or spirits.
By the time we get an alt. necro, terrain should be in the game.  How about sand dunes or sandstorms that obscure your creatures from the enemy until it's too late?  We already have fog-type stuff, sure, but sand would be more thematic.  Or if we wanted to keep it in-school, how about black mist?  Maybe an ability could be to spread it similar to the druid's vines? 

Here's a question: do you think we'd get the alt. druid in the same set?  And what would the alt. druid look like? 

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Player Questions!
« on: June 22, 2014, 09:53:46 PM »
To what extent has fan speculation been accurate regarding past and future expansions?  On that note, any hints about future expansions? 

There's a perception that the wizard is quite powerful, perhaps overpowered in the current state of the game.  Do you agree, and if so, how could the issue be addressed?  E.g., giving the wizard a triple-cost school or schools, beefing up the other mages to parity, etc. 

The artwork for the female wizard features an owl.  Any chance she'll get an owl familiar?  (My girlfriend loves owls, and this would be a big selling point.) 

Thanks - love the show.   

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