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Topics - Charmyna

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Rules Discussion / Chant of Rage vs Chant of Rage
« on: December 11, 2016, 04:11:16 PM »
Is it possible to counter the opponents Chant of Rage with my own Chant of Rage?
Let's say my opponent plays Siren and I play Paladin. My opponent put a Chant of Rage on my Cassiel and put a Hate token on his Deptonne Berserker. Now, I play Chant of Rage on his Naiya and put a Rage Token on my Metatron. Since Metatron has a  Rage token and Chant of Rage does not mention whether the "hated" creature has to be an enemy creature, am I free to choose Metatron as the "hated" creature while using my Cassiels Action?
The reason I ask is not because I want to attack my own creature ;). I imagine a situation in which I use Metatron to allow the enchanted Cassiel to move in the direction that I choose by moving Metatron instead of the direction my opponent dictates by positioning his Deptonne Berserker.
This question might sound strange at first glance, but from my imagination it could become quite important in games once Chant of Rage is used heavily.

Offtopic: Sorry for being absent most of the time. I really love this game, so I will always come back from time to time when RL is opening up possibilities ;).

Spellbook Design and Construction / Tinker Bells Angel
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:32:25 PM »
Its been a while since I posted the Blasting Banker, but now I cant wait any longer to reveal the Tink Deck :). I played it quite a few times now. Its alot of fun and it always worked like expected even though some of my opponents exactly knew what was coming (like they played Wizard and included Purge Magic or Destroy Magic in their books):

[spellbookname]Tinker Bells Angel[/spellbookname]
[mwcard=mw1j08]1 x  Hand of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNJ12]1 x  Vine Tree[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ01]1 x  Enchanter's Wardstone[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j15]1 x  Mohktari, Great Tree of Life[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j22]1 x  Tanglevine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNC06]1 x  Kralathor, The Devourer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1c37]1 x  Thunderift Falcon[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC06]1 x  Guardian Angel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1c13]1 x  Fellella, Pixie Familiar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNC20]1 x  Vine Snapper[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNC10]1 x  Raptor Vine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e36]4 x  Rhino Hide[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE07]1 x  Rust[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e29]2 x  Nullify[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWE03]2 x  Falcon Precision[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e01]5 x  Bear Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e09]2 x  Agony[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e12]1 x  Divine Protection[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE06]3 x  Lion Savagery[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e03]2 x  Bull Endurance[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE03]2 x  Healing Charm[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e05]2 x  Cheetah Speed[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e28]2 x  Mongoose Agility[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNE01]1 x  Barkskin[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e10]1 x  Decoy[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e14]1 x  Enfeeble[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e32]3 x  Regrowth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE04]5 x  Enchantment Transfusion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q02]2 x  Bearskin[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q15]1 x  Leather Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNQ10]1 x  Meditation Amulet[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q09]1 x  Enchanter's Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNQ09]1 x  Wand of Healing[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q16]1 x  Leather Gloves[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q19]1 x  Mage Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i24]1 x  Seeking Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i28]1 x  Teleport[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i23]1 x  Rouse the Beast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i06]4 x  Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]6 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI06]1 x  Defend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i20]1 x  Purify[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

Link for Octgn Deckbuilder:

First, I want to thank Murphy for playing a similar Beastmaster deck (he plays many inspiring decks) and initiating my thoughts about this book! Also the name is his idea ;).

The standard opening is:

Round 1:
Mediation Amulet

Round 2:
Vine Tree (treebond)
Enchanters Ring
Rhino Hide on Fellella

Round 3:
Bulls Endurance on Fellella
Guardian Angel
Bear Strength on Angel. If your opponent saved alot of mana and might be throwing Fireballs at your Tree or Flameblasts at Fellella soon you might not need Bear Strength on the Angel. In that case an early Rhino Hide on the Angel or Divine Protection on Fellella might be better.

So the basic theory behind this build is that Enchantments in general have two weaknesses: Compared to casting a creature they cost alot mana and actions. For example, if casting a Steelclaw Grizzly you need 17 mana and one action. To get the same values (HP, Armor and Attack) by buffing a smaller creature with enchantments you need much more actions and/or mana! This tells us, that if the enchanted creature dies quickly after enchanting it, the enchant was just an action/mana sink. Therefore, you really want to make sure the enchanted creature survives long enough to make the enchants pay for themselves!
So what are the strength of enchantments? Well, you get the effect without a delay compared to creatures, and of course, the surprise element. Additionally, with enchantments you can buff a creature up to becoming an invincible dice throwing terminator!
So this deck aims at countering the increased action cost of enchantments by using Fellella. Additionally, it uses the meditation amulet to make sure there is enough mana to make use of the action advantage. Since its a nature deck, it got plenty of aggressive and, maybe even more important, defensive Enchantments to make sure the enchanted creature stays alive as long as possible.
I choose the Guardian Angel as my heavily enchanted creature because its base values are plain awesome! Inherent (undispellable) Aegis, Flying and Defence? Hell yeah! 12 life and 1 armor on top of that for only 12 mana, even better! Oh and if under pressure he can heal himself. The Angels defensiveness is unmatched by any other creature in the game. This is why its a formidable platform to spam enchantments on it! Just to give you an impression of what happens in most games: The Angel has Bear Strength, Lion Savagery, Cheetah Speed and Mongoose Agility. So thats 7 dice with piercing and theres not much to stop him from attacking. He also has Rhino Hide in case he gets attacked. If he actually gets attacked, there will be Bulls Endurance, Healing Charm and Regrowth on him quickly. For sure he has Enchantment Transfusion on him and sometimes Nullify to counter Purge Magic or Destroy Magic (since he usually has a couple hidden enchantments on him its not easy to seeking dispel the Transfusion). Actually, often Fellala or my mage got another Transfusion and Nullify on them to make sure Purge Magic fails.
This sounds as many actions needed for this right? Thats true, but it actually works better than I thought at first glance. Btw Fellella has Rhino hide and Bulls on her as well.
So in most games the Angel delivers his 7 dice Piercing attack each round, while the Opponent has a hard time to decide which target to attack. The druid and his tree are usually no good targets because they survive alot and can regenerate very quickly. If needed, the Vine Tree can be used to spawn a raptor vine or vine snapper which can guard the same round by using defend. The vine markers help alot to slow down attacking creatures and tanglevine casted by the vine tree can also be of great use for that purpose.
The opponent might attack Fellella, but the only way to give ranged attacks unavoidable is sniper shot, which many dont even include in their book. If they do, it still is mana and action inefficient. Anyway, with Rhino Hide and Bulls Endurance its not easy to kill Fellella. And if she gets attacked, there will be a healing Charm, Regrowth and maybe even divine Protection on her. At some point she might die, but then Enchantment Transfusion will make sure the invested actions and mana wont be lost. Usually, if the opponent focuses Fellella the Guardian Angel has plenty of time to cost the opponent enough mana/actions to make up for the possible loss of Fellella.

Some additional thoughts:

Kralathor can be very useful in this build: He can be spawned by the Vine Tree to save an action and you can spawn him in any zone by using vine markers, which might be good for a surprise attack at a valuable conjuration, an archer or a small creature that can be devoured easily. Rouse the Beast combined with Enchantment Transfusion and Hand of Bim-Shalla can be awesome to give Kralathor a 9 dice attack with Piercing (11 dice against Undead) just in the round he was summoned. This will hopefully give him the first growth marker and together with the transfused enchantments should make him nearly unkillable. In this phase of the game the Angel switches to a more defensive role.
Actually, sometimes it might be even better to cast Kralathor by your mage instead of the Vine Tree to surprise your opponent even more.

Here is a nice combo, which works for every mage:
If your Mage has two Armor and two Corrode tokens (or similar situation) cast and reveal Rust on your mage. That will remove the two Corrode tokens. After that use Enchantment Transfusion or Shift Enchantment to move Rust to your opponents mage or a creature you want to focus next. Mana and Spellpoint wise this might not be the best way to remove Corrode tokens, but action wise its really nice since you remove two tokens with only one extra action compared to casting Rust directly on the creature you want to focus next. With this druid its especially nice since Rust costs him only one spellpoint, Enchantment Transfusion is naturally needed in this book and you can use Fellalas action to use this combo as well.

Gorgon Archers can be nasty against this Deck because they weaken the Angel.  Btw the Angels defense shines against Gorgons, which is one of the reasons I favor the Guardian Angel over a Beastmasters Pet Falcon (which also works as a nice Tinker Bell Deck). Anyway, after eating some Weak tokens you can switch the enchants to Kralathor or a Raptor Vine and use the Angel only for defensive purposes (for which he doesnt really need any attack dice). If you are afraid of fighting multiple Gorgons it might be useful to put a second purify in this book (which is also nice against curse warlocks).

Divine Might (Edit I removed it in the latest Iteration): Considering how few etherial objects are played in most games it might be not worth including the Divine Might Enchantment. In the rare case you really want to get rid of such an object you could enchant Fellala with Bear Strength and Lion Savagery+Hand of Bimshalla (her attacks are ethereal) and use Transfusion to shift the enchants after you dont need the Ethereal trait any more. For now I included Divine Might into the book because it can be a nice suprise and helps destroying the etherial object(s) quicker as compared to the Fellala method. Still, if you want to change some cards, I would consider removing Divine Might.

Other useful spells to consider:

Retaliate: Great synergy with Melee+X from Bear Strength and Kralathors growth markers. It can also lead to Kralathor devouring even more creatures! Unfortunately, it costs the Druid 3 Spellpoints. Hence, I didnt include it (some of you might already know I'm really spellpoint conservative ;)). If you play a similar deck with the Beastmaster you might want to include Retaliate (and also Veterans Belt, which I find too Spellpoint costly for the druid considering he can be very tough even without it).

Any curse, especially Agony: You can use Fellella to cast curses while your mage does not need to move and hence is able to meditate. I found Agony the most useful curse considering the Spellpoints it costs. It excels against Creatures with multiple attacks per round. Therefore, it might be good to have two or more Agony in the book. Edit: I added another Agony and Enfeeble, because its too good against big and heavily enchanted creatures. If the Opponent tries to dispel it, just move it to his Mage or another big creature with Transfusion during the counter spell step.

Vampirism: This enchantment can be really nice if combined with Bear Strength and Lion Savagery. In general, im not a big fan of enchantments that cost 4 Spellpoints or more though, since dispelling them always gives the opponent a Spellpoint advantage (I think alot in terms of that!). Usually, I prefer including copies of 1 spellpoint enchantments instead of paying 4 spellpoints for Vampirism. For the Beastmaster Version of this deck Vampirism might be even better.

Hurl Boulder or Force Hammer:
Sometimes you really want to get rid of an annoying creature or conjuration. These spells can really turn the tide in those situations! With the Tinker Bell deck I feel like they are not needed though, because the Angels 7 dice attack and the fact that he has Cheetah Speed, Flying and Mongoose Agility if needed make sure conjurations dont annoy you for too long. Even most creatures die quickly unless they got a couple of defensive enchantments (in which case a Hurl Boulder would not do its job too good anyway).

Thats it for now. I hope you like this deck and enjoy adjusting it to your needs! It might also help to counter Watergate or Blasting Banker. I had some really nice games against a variation of Watergate Wizard in which this Tinker Bell Deck did really well. Against Blasting Banker I have no idea who would win, but it definitely will be an interesting match :P. Have fun and keep playing this awesome game!

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Bringing all mages on par!
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:15:53 AM »
It's no big secret that many see the Wizard as the strongest of all mages and I guess some if not most of us players would welcome a nerf to him or a buff to all others.

In another thread Laddinfance asked for feedback regarding this topic:

What do you think each non-Wizard mage needs to bring them up to competitive playability?

This sounds like a big enough topic that it should be its own thread. I'm kinda interested in responses.

So, lets gather ideas how to bring all mages on par!

Spellbook Design and Construction / The Blasting Banker
« on: February 18, 2014, 09:46:07 AM »
I can tell you this is one of the most fun and awesome builds I ever made! In the recent ten games I played it worked so perfectly I cant tell you how awesome it is.

So the basic idea is to use the Battle Forge and some Crystals + Moonglow Amulet to gain more actions and mana. The Forge then is used to cast many defensive stuff on the Wizard which in addition to defensive enchantments makes him nearly immune against most attacks.
To slow down the opponents buildup the Obelisk, Essence Drain and Suppression Cloak are used.
After all defensive stuff is set up the Banker starts getting rid of the opponents defensive enchants/equip and banking actions on the Opponent (Poisoned Blood+Mage Bane+Nullify) and on himself to increase the damage output when it comes to the Blast (Hawkeye, Dancing Scimitar, Fireshapers Ring).
After this preparation the Banker saved like 30-40 mana and the opponent should be left without any dragonscale hauberk or defensive enchantment (at least not in play).
Now the Blast starts: In a round the opponent has Ini, at the end the Banker casts a Fireball by himself and a Wizards Tower, which casts another Fireball. Next round the Banker has Ini and often is able to finish the opponent off with some more Fireballs/Flameblasts and with the help of the banked enchantments which prevent healing etc.
Its also important to note that a Mage Wand and/or Elemental Wand casted by the Forge really help this build since they allow to prepare for alot of the opponents defensive reactions (like the Banker has a Dissolve/Explode on the Mage Wand against a possible Dragonscale Hauberk, a Seeking Dispel and a Dispel in his hand and a Fireball on the Elemental Wand).
In all the games so far, after I started the Blast it was a matter of 2-3 rounds depending on how much defensive stuff the opponent had left.

I guess this build works so well because of the current meta. Neither high armor on Mage nor Interceptors are used that much - at least not in Octgn.
If you want to see the Blasting Banker in action, in this post you can find links to streams including audio comments:

Here is the book (its a Fire Wizard):

Attack Spells:
Surging Wave   1
Jet Stream   1
Acid Ball   1
Geyser      1
Fireball   3
Flameblast   2

Wizards Tower   1
Hand of Bim-Shalla   1
Mana Crystal   2
Battle Forge   2
Mordok's Obelisk   1

Nullify      4
Rhino Hide   1
Regrowth   2
Poisoned Blood   2
Enchantment Transfusion   3
Hawkeye      1
Essence Drain   1
Agony      1
Divine Protection   1
Magebane   1
Force Orb   1
Armor Ward   1

Mage Wand   2
Dragonscale Hauberk   3
Leather Gloves   2 (or 1 switching with Leather Boots)
Leather Boots   1 (or 2 switching with Leather Boots)
Veterants Belt   2
Fireshaper Ring   1
Moonglow Amulet   1
Wand of Healing   1
Suppression Cloak   1
Dancing Scimitar   1
Arcane Ring   1
Elemental Wand   1

Teleport   2
Dispel      6
Seeking Dispel   4
Dissolve   6
Minor Heal   1
(Might add an Explode in the future)

Darkfenne Bat   1

Here is the link where you can download my actual Blasting Banker build (might be a bit different from the list posted) for the Octgn Deck Builder:

Newest Iteration:

Attack Spells:
Surging Wave   1
Jet Stream   1
Fireball   3
Flameblast   2

Wizards Tower   1
Hand of Bim-Shalla   1
Mana Crystal   1
Battle Forge   2
Mordok's Obelisk   1
Enchanters Wardstone  1
Mana Syphon 1

Nullify      5
Rhino Hide   3
Regrowth   2
Poisoned Blood   1
Enchantment Transfusion   3
Essence Drain   1
Agony      1
Divine Protection   1
Force Orb   1

Mage Wand   4
Dragonscale Hauberk   4
Leather Gloves   1
Leather Boots   1
Veterants Belt   2
Fireshaper Ring   1
Moonglow Amulet   1
Wand of Healing   2
Suppression Cloak   2
Deflection Bracers   1
Eagleclaw Boots    1
Arcane Ring   1
Elemental Wand   1

Teleport   2
Dispel      6
Seeking Dispel   4
Dissolve   6
Minor Heal   1
Explode 1

Removed some level two out of school spells (Dancing Scimitar, Armor Ward) and included some more defensive equips/enchants - especially Eagleclaw Boots in case the BB gets trapped in a zone with two Walls. Added a 2nd Suppression Cloak since its just too good against creature builds and added a 2nd Healing Wand to help against Corrode Tokens.

Im thankful for any comment and if you tried this build/a similar one or played against it pls share your experiences :).

Rules Discussion / Mage Ward
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:12:10 AM »
Title is wrong! I meant Armor Ward!

Lets say you are Mage A and got a revealed Armor Ward on you and the opponent (Mage B) uses Purge Magic on your mage. To prevent loosing the Armor Ward, you reveal Enchantment Transfusion and move it to the opponents Mage (its the only legal Target besides your Mage). Now for whatever reason before you are able to move the Armor Ward back to your Mage you need to dissolve one of his equip (for example his Mage Wand with Purge Magic). Do you have to pay the extra four mana or not?
The text on the card reads:

"When an equipment object attached to this Mage would be destroyed by a spell or ability an opponent controls, prevent that destruction unless that opponent pays 4 mana."

The question is: Who is the opponent described by the text?
- Is it Mage B, since you are the owner of the card and he is your opponent regardless whether or not the enchant is on his Mage?
- Or is it Mage A (your mage) because he is the opponent of the creature the ward is attached to?

Strategy and Tactics / Funniest way to get rid of Nullify
« on: February 11, 2014, 04:12:28 AM »
I just thought what could be the cheapest way (in terms of mana, not spellpoints) to get rid of Nullify?
I say its Purify! Not only the name sounds similar, it also costs zero mana and the opponent has to reveal Nullify :). Sure, if your intuition was wrong and its not a nullify, you just lost an action and a spell. But, at least you know its not a Nullify and you payed zero mana for that info! Im not saying its the best move. Still, if it works you seem like the smartest guy/girl ever  ;D.

Edit: If youre a priestess, you get +1 life for that move as well! Holy sh.... Well, if your opponent pays two mana to reveal nullify, you do not get the life. But, thats even better since you payed zero mana and he four!

Rules Discussion / Only one Vine Marker allowed per zone?
« on: December 25, 2013, 02:34:20 PM »
In the rulebook you can read (p16, chapter 5):

"A zone may never have multiple conjurations with the same name attached to it."

According to the Necro vs Druid rulebook vine markers are classified as conjurations. Therefore it seems like you are not allowed to have several vine markers in one zone. Is this intended?

Same problem for Corrosive Orchid and Nightshade Lotus: Is it intended that you cant summon a 2nd Orchid in the same Zone? This effectively means that a mage is safe from the Orchids dissolve effect if he stays in a zone with an Orchid that used its marker already.

Hi everyone, I started live streaming/recording games again. Here you will find the links to the recent games and a brief summary of the game and what I learned from it.

New: Started uploading videos on youtube so you have the choice between different resolutions. Additionally it makes it easier to post comments to a specific video. I wouldnt mind some likes as well :P. If there is a youtube video available I will post it below the twitch link.

The order of these videos is not necessarily chronological. One reason is that in some videos I explain the idea of a new build at the beginning and I guess its better to start with those videos. If you want to see the most recently added videos pls go to the highlight section of my twitch side (some videos only have youtube links though):

The Blasting Banker vs Neotoni(Warlock)

Very quick game and all audio comments seem to be well understandable from what I tested (in some videos a part of some comments is missing). You also hear a brief explanation of the build at the beginning.
Neotoni increased his channeling to 11 with a Crystal + Moonglow Amulet and relied on curses+Explodes
to damage my mage. He used an Idol of Pestilance+Deathlock as well but in the end my higher channeling and the action advantage from the Forge got him I think.


The Blasting Banker vs Dinotim (Necro)

He used four Zombie Brutes for which he had to pay alot of upkeep thanks to my Obelisk. In the end the bloodthirsty on the Brutes backfired at him since he could not dissolve the Suppression Cloak quickly (partly because of Enchantment Transfusion+Nullify trick) and his zombies had to attack me (and couldnt destroy Enchanters Wardstone) even though they did only very few damage and he had to pay 2 mana for each attack.


The Blasting Banker vs Plattenspieler (Druid)



Here you see some more action of the Blasting Banker! Its a new build that relies on banked actions (many enchants on his/my mage before the real fight start) and on firespells for damage. Plattenspieler used Vine Tree, followed by Cervere, Raptor Vine and Oscuda. During the first round I banked hidden enchants on him, used Forge to lower the damage from his creatures and saved like 30 mana. After that I kept attacking him with firespells/zap, revealed ghoul rot and kept him from healing with poisoned blood+some nullifies. In the end that worked quite well even though I left his tree alive!!!
Take home message: It might not always be necessary to destroy the druids tree before attacking him. Btw banking actions+mana is just awesome :).

Blasting Banker vs Neotoni (Warlord)

He tried to kill my Battle Forge with Akiros Hammer quickly but needed two attacks. So I got some actions out of the Forge fortunately. Later he casted a Forge himself which I quickly destroyed with a lucky roll on geyser (Forge has Water+3!). At some point I casted a Darkfenne Bat to get a rot token on his Mage while he casted a sniper and Sir corazin. I managed to kill the sniper and get a Rot token on his mage after the third attack from the Bat. Unfortunately he had to go at that point.
I learned that the Bat is a nice as annoying for the opponent as i thought it would be and that I need a 2nd Forge, its too important for this build.

The Blasting Banker vs Oneirophage (Druid)

Tested a new build: It starts with a Forge and relies on banked actions (many enchants on his/my mage before the real fight start) and on firespells for damage. Since he casted a tree bonded vine tree I had to focus that down first. After that I needed to flee from his creatures (2 Grizzlies, Raptor vine+Thornlasher) while banking actions. That worked quite well since he didnt care enough for me banking.

The Pterosaur vs fiery Warlock (Neotoni)

New build: The basic Idea is to have some flyers to deal constant damage to the opponent, in this case flying Dinosaurs (= Pterosaurs). Since they have a ranged attack guards wont stop them. Another way would be to have flyers with mongoose agility (tried that in a later game but we could not finish it). Part of the idea is that since the creatures are flyers most of the opponents creatures cant attack them and since the druid is no easy target, thats in my favor. Problem with this build is: Its damage is slow and I dont have much to protect my Tree. In addition I cant afford to have many Teleports, so if I get tanglevined its difficult to get out of that (happened during the unfinished game). I think the main route for this build is to survive long enough to get rid of the opponents protections and then push him through a wall of thorns. Still thats a difficult task and I think the Blasting Banker is much more effective for this purpose.

In the match linked above, the build worked well because the Warlock tried to focus me down by banking mana and then using Fireballs. I cared about his high mana pool though and prepared accordingly. Therefore he could barely damage me over the curse of the game and at the end I had quite some banked actions (enchantments) on him and did not fear his damage at all so he conceded. I think this game shows that if you want to focus down the druid its not enough to bank mana. You need to get rid of his protections first and bank actions.

The Blasting Banker vs Murphy (warlock)

If you never saw the Blasting Banker before (IMO one of my strongest builds), you might want to start with this video since at the beginning I give a brief Introduction into the build. Later some of the audio comments arent easy to understand unfortunately. Still the beginning is.
Murphys build could be named the canine feast fest. He summoned three kinds of canines (and later he told me he had all canines in his book - quite cool ;)). His Dogs went after my conjurations and my Wizard while I used the battle forge to gain action advantage. Near the end his canines had a tough time barely scratching my pants eh armor and finally my Blasting Banker burned him into GG.


Druid vs Ranger (Priestess)

This time I tried to use cervere, a raptor vine and much later a grizzly. Unfortunately his Knight used his 7 dice attack to roll 10 crit damage against my cervere which had only a few damage before. After that it was a pain. For over an hour my only hope was that he does not protect himself well against force push+wall of thorns. Guess what? He didnt :).
What Ive learned: I should not use meditation amulet with this build and not attack that early if I dont have enough vine creatures to support the attack.


The Pterosaur vs Neotoni (Attrition Wizard)

He tried to get me with a couple Mana Drain Mage Wands. Because of the lost mana I had quite a few misplanned round. Still, after a while I dissolved the wands while protecting myself with the help of the Forge. So he could not do alot of damage. At the end I had a Raptor+Cervere and he conceded.


The Thorny Magician vs Gizzu (Watergate Wizard)

During the first few rounds he summoned Gate, Gremlin and Wizards Tower. I managed to push him through a Wall of Thorns twice in a round early on which resulted in 24 damage. In just the same round his tower attacked huginn with geyser and rolled 5 damage! Since I spend all my mana on wall/push/jet stream I had no mana left to reveal bull endurance on huginn and lost alot of mana and actions! Still, the damage on his mage was high enough to finish him off a few rounds later with surging wave and a boulder.
What to learn: Im not too sure :P. On the one hand, it might have been smarter to delay the push till I have enough mana to push twice AND reveal enchants on Huginn. Especially if huginn is in range of the Towers Geyser/Flame Blast. On the other hand, it`s really tempting to push twice if your opponent has no armor/enchants at all. Tough call ...


The even thornier Sporemaster vs Thelas (Air Wizard)

Long but very interesting game against a mana drain deck! Due to my former lack of experience against such builds I was quite surprised how much trouble it caused me (I should have known better still!). He used obelisk, essence and mana drain, as well as mana siphon to lower my channeling while I used two spores and the Forge to get an action advantage. Turns out I couldnt make use of that since I had no mana :P. Took me a while to recover from his mana drain and my very low mana pool for subsequent rounds.
Near the end I finally had enough mana and actions to (theoretically) push him through the wall of thorns twice per round and I really looked forward to doing so! I even had a stumble prepared to prevent his movement away from the wall after the first push. Great planning you think? Well, his Wizards Tower said "Nonono little thorny wall, this is no good place to idle around" and oneshotted my innocent wall with a lightning bolt. So, in theory stumble works pefectly fine. In practice, even though the opponent cant move, he might kill the wall easily ;) (I still think stumble can be great in some situations, dont get me wrong).
Well, in the end he conceded because he did not have enough dissolves to handle my regrowth belt + two mage wands. Still, it was an awesome, challenging game and I think with better rolls on his side it could have gone in a totally different direction!
I learned to be afraid of mana drain decks and next time I think I will put a dissolve and  force push on the spores instead of acid ball and push (or maybe not since I dont want to be too predictable ;)).

The Thorny Magician vs Jacksmack (Fire Wizard)
Due to problems with the connection the video was split in three parts - uploaded them on both youtube and twitch:


VERY close mirrormatch! He relied on Battle Forge, Wizard Tower and fire attacks while I summoned Huginn and Wizard Tower for some Force Push aktion. Important mistake on my side: I didnt care enough for his high mana pool which is always dangerous because it allows the opponent to deliver high burst damage for subsequent rounds. At that time I should have put some armor on my mage but did cast rhino hide on Huginn. Blame me! The game was open till the end, very exciting IMO!

Aggro Druid vs Jacksmack (Necro)
Due to problems with the connection the video was split in two parts:

Long game but IMO quite interesting to learn from my mistakes: Think I lost because first I moved two zones per round too often at the beginning. In round one I moved twice to south to reach his battle forge quickly. I decided to move to south corner instead of middle because I thought that way my Vine Tree is far away from his zombie spawning Mage and my druid can run back to the tree quickly if needed. In the second round I moved twice again to reach his newly summoned Graveyard quickly, but since I moved twice to south before, my druid still wasnt adjacent to the graveyard. Next time I should move the druid to the middle if moving twice (that way the druid could be adjacent to every zone at the end of round 2 and with the help of vine markers cast a vine snapper into the opponents spawnpoints zone and a raptor vine into the adjacent zone in round 3). Actually it might often be better to move only once in round 1 to not loose an aktion and cast tataree or harmonize (I still think its good to move twice if the opponent already casted his spawnpoint early on so you know where to move).
2nd mistake: I had no high damage attack spells in my book to get around his guarding zombies. I might consider putting one or two hurl boulders into the deck.
He relied on many spawnpoints + meditation amulet (Battle Forge, Tome, Graveyard). Interestingly I think he had no sources of healing besides regrowth belt and I think after this game (even though he won it) he considered putting heal spell(s) in his book. IMO at least one heal spell should be included in most spellbooks, especially if they include a mage wand as well.


The Thorny Magician vs Fapostol (Forcemaster)

The audio comments dont have loops now (actually there is a very short loop for a few seconds at the beginning).

Tried a "new old" build focused on the idea to push through Wall of Thorns. Huginn and Wizard Tower are the key. In this game the tower wasnt that helpful though because of the opponents deflect (bad for jet stream). Huginn was very helpful btw! Not a great surprise I guess ;).


The Thorny Magician vs Fapostol (Warlock)

We both summoned two mana crystals in Round 1+2 (the game before I realized im too short on mana too often). Besides that he used a battle forge and a deathpact slayer while I summoned Huginn and a wizard tower. In the end the action advantage due to those two cards together with the wall of thorns+force push combo worked very well.


Aggro Dudu vs Sike (Necro). 2nd game.

Sorry for the double audio comments - still figuring out best settings.

He summoned a ghoul and protective stuff early on (no spawnpoint!) while i casted vine tree followed by raptor vine and timber wolf. Later the vine tree casted a thornlasher for me which together with the damage potential from my creatures and a teleport wand gave me the ability to play around with his ghoul/mage and outdamage him.

Aggro Dudu vs Sike (Necro)

He started with a death ring and a plague zombie. Later he casted defensive stuff (dragonscale hauberk and cloak of shadows) together with Idol of Pestilence . I think the reason I won this game was that his zombie/idol and equipment did not help him that much against my setup (vine tree, raptor vine, vine snapper).


Aggro dudu vs Facebreaker (necro)

Sorry for the repititions in voice chat.
In the first, round he moved one zone and casted a graveyard into his middle zone. That made it easy for me to rush forward and cast a couple vine snappers (with rouse the beast) and a raptor vine right into his face :).
After my snappers destroyed his Graveyard early on, he attacked my vine tree. To protect the tree I teleported his zombie brute into my snappers zone and killed him just in the same round. A round later it was GG.


Strategy and Tactics / The fabled Watergate Wizard
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:58:14 AM »
In my experience, this build is even stronger than the Wizzly Grizard since it aims at higher channeling early game and still benefits from extra actions. Actually, some believe this build is unbeatable in the current status of the game and after many games they still do not stand corrected ;) (edit: they do now - I played without enough caution). Time will tell. Anyway, for sure it has an amazingly high chance to win against almost every other deck, especially non wizards:

gremlin   3
hydra   3 (edit: from the last couple of games I feel like i need one gorgon archer at least. So I advice switching a hydra for a gorgon)
huginn   1
gargoyle   1
purify   1
minor heal   1
teleport   4
force push   2
dispel   6
seek dispel   2
dissolve   6
shift enchantment   1
fireball   1
geyser   1
surging wave   1
jet stream   1
nullify   4
jinx   2
regrowth   1
bulls endurance   1
rhino hide   2
transfusion   2
harmonize   1
gate   1
fog bank   1
hand of bimshalla   1
Wizards Tower   2
mana kristall   2
renewing spring   1
arcane ring   1
elemental cloak   2
leather gloves   1
dragonscale Haube   2
Mage Wand   3
dispel wand   1
leather boots   1
regrowth belt   2
moonglow amu   1

Basic idea:
The gate to voltari saves actions and compared to other great spawnpoints (e.g. battleforge) it has +1 /+2 channeling. Unlike battleforge, your mage can move freely in each zone of the arena and still use the gate. Its also important to note that with the gate you save a full cast whereas with the BF you do save a quick cast only. Therefore, its easier to summon creatures while running away in case your opponent focuses your mage early.
The downside of the gate is that it can only summon arcane creatures. But gremlins and hydras (if supported with teleport) are really nice creatures and gargoyles/gorgon archers arent bad as well (still I dont use gorgon archers atm because in the majority of games hydras are the better way to go IMO). Hydras had a bad reputation lately because of agony, divine protection and weak. But against those, six dispels, a dispel wand and purify help alot. Therefore, you dont need to be afraid to summon hydras. Although, against gorgon archers it might be tricky with only one purify.
You might think that this build is too slow to win against someone who casts big creatures early or who rushes with strong attack spells. Its definetely not. Voltaric shield together with some early casted armor and regrowth let the wizard survive any onslaught and using the wizard to zap and guard (to protect gremlins) while spawning another creature with the gate and attacking with the wizard tower, really helps to kill small/medium creatures quickly and acquiring board control much quicker than you would think of such a slow opening. Actually, I had many games in which I casted two crystals in round two (after gate+harmonize in round 1), and still got board control quickly even though the opponent casted big creatures early. It is insane how much synergy you get from voltaric shield+zap+gate+wizard tower! Not to forget that gremlins are SO ANNOYING if not fighting on your side. Many opponents complained about them, because they live incredibly long for their low mana cost (especially if the wizard guards them) and with 3 dice+piercing they are something you dont want to ignore for too long.

The opening:

Round 1:
Wizard gate during first QC phase (I often cast it in my starting zone since I dont want the battle to start too early). Harmonize with normal action.

Round 2 and thereafter:
If the opponent uses a slow opening (i.e. two mana flowers or flower+battle forge), I cast mana crystals, moonglow amulet and wiz tower early to gain mana advantage. Otherwise I rely on the gate spawning 1-2 gremlins and cast rhino hide, leather boots/gloves and regrowth on my mage. The order of spells and how much defensive stuff I cast on my mage heavily depends on the opponents play style. But, I try to always have 1 armor at least before he attacks my wizard. Especially if the opponent has 16+ mana in one round, I try to have 2 armor on my wizard just in case he throws two fireballs/hurl boulders.
With the wizards basic attack+zap+ the attacks from the gremlin(s) you can dish out quite some nice damage and save mana to spawn a hydra next round. With 1-2 Hydras and teleport its often GG after a few more rounds.

Some thoughts about the spells:

Dispel: Six of these seem alot, but there are just too many annoying enchantments I want to get rid off, especially against a curse warlock. Cheap dispels is a noticable advantage of the wizard and I want to make use of that.

Dispel Wand: It might look as an overkill to have six dispels, three mage wands and a dispel wand. IMO its not. The nice thing about the dispel wand is that it can be used together with the mage wand, which is especially good if playing wizard since he does not need a melee weapon. Another benefit from the dispel wand is that you loose less spell points if it is dissolved as compared to a mage wand.

Mage Wand: Three mage wands are great since late game is often decided by who has more teleports/force push/dissolves/mage wands.

Dissolve: Six dissolves seems alot again, but equipment is soo great in the current status of the game, that you really dont want to run out of dissolves. Anyway, these dissolves are the main reason for being water wizard.

Huginn: Im not a big fan of him since the spells he casts are gone forever. Still, in this book there are plenty of incantations. Anyway, the main reason for playing huginn is him being my wizards life assurance in case the wizard gets teleported. Having an extra action to get through that jinx/nullify asap, is really important.

Renewing Spring: Im not too sure about this spells, especially since its level two out of school. Still, i think the healing is great and it cant be removed from the game too quickly (as compared to a mage wand with heal). It is the only way to remove corrosion markers (which will hurt this wizard alot) and it helps to remove weak tokens from the hydra after the purify is gone. Still, if you just keep removing those tokens while the opponents gorgon archer shoots on you, im not sure if that works well (although you would heal 5 each round on average, so your hydra wont die but you need to spend mana to remove the tokens). Therefore, I guess I would focus down the gorgon with gremlins/teleport into hydra/wizard tower-fireball before taking care of the weak tokens.

Some spells you might want to add:

Force hold: I know its a great spell to kill the opposing mage or to counter big creatures. But, if its dispelled, you loose four spell points while your opponent looses 0-2. Therefore, with this book I play force hold only if im sure it will put him under really really big pressure (like if used together with enchantment transfusion, jinx, nullify and 1-2 hydras). But, in most of my games, I managed to win without this trick and it really needs alot time for preparation. Anyway, a huginn with two force pushes is often as good as force hold, and having two more force pushes allows me to spend teleports/force pushes without mage wands for a longer time. Still, with a bit different playstayle, it might be worth to put in force hold or tanglevine.

Gorgon Archers: They can be great to slow down your opponent. The reason I do not play them atm is that they are too slow themself as compared to gremlin and hydra+teleport. In most cases I prefer to just kill the opponents creatures asap instead of weakening them. For example, if the opponent summons brogan during a round he has ini, its not too unlikely that I teleport him into my hydra this round for 4.5 damage. Next round I have ini for another 4.5 damage from the hydra and some damage from the wizard tower/my wizards QC. Therefore, if brogan is not healed, he often is dead before he could attack (and a QC nullify or jinx helps against the heal).
Btw against the necros nonliving creatures the gorgon archer wont do much ;). (Edit: As I wrote above, I put a gorgon archer in again. Against some builds its just too important to slow down the opponent, e.g. double grizzly Forcemaster.)

Wall of thorns:
Great to be used with force push. But I prefer to teleport the opponent into hydra(s) instead, since that is still efficient against targets with high armor and it costs less spell points.

I am eager to hear your thoughts about this build and hope you have fun testing/modifying it!

Edit: Just realized I posted this in Strategy and Tactics. Wouldnt mind if someone moves it to Spellbook Design and Construction ;).

Strategy and Tactics / It's all about spell points!
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:06:07 AM »
First, I know its not all about spell points. But, I will show that its really important to take them into consideration when making strategic/tactical decisions.
Let me start with a statement: A well played wizard cant be defeated in early or mid game. Voltaric shield together with some armor and cheap teleport/mage wand allows the wizard to escape every rush. Therefore, if you play a wizard yourself or if you play against a wizard, you need to be prepared for late game!
Btw, late game is a complex word. What exactly is late game? I would say it’s the part in the game when you feel like your options or your opponents options during planning phase shrink. Lets say, you or your opponent is about to run out of cards from a category that is really important for his strategy (with category I mean: creatures/enchantments/incantations/attack spells/conjurations/equipment).

So the question is: What matters the most during late game? Here are a few possible answers:

Having higher channeling.
This does matter for sure.  But, if you run out of cards (i.e. options), especially if you run out of creatures, your mana wont help you at all.

Board control.
Sure, it helps having more and stronger creatures than your opponent or lowering his channeling enough so that he can cast a costly spell every other round only. But again, if you run out of good cards while your opponent still has some nice options to choose from, you wont keep board control for much longer!

In my experience from over 300 games I think what matters the most are spell points. Let me give you a few examples to demonstrate what I mean. They will be somehow simplified but still they illustrate the point and things like this happen quite often in some variation:

Example 1: In school vs out of school creatures.

In your build (wizard) you focus on in school creatures. Lets say you have 4 hydras. Your opponent is a wizard too and focuses on out of school creatures. He has a grizzly and a grimson sniper. Both of you invested the same spell points, but you can bet, at some point during late game his two creatures will be gone while you still have 2 of your 4 hydras on the board. GG!
Well, someone might argue that the sniper and grizzly put you under enough pressure to pay for their spell points and will kill your wizard quicker than you can make use of your bigger creature pool. I don’t think so. Even with a sniper and/or grizzly its really hard to kill a wizard that has some armor+voltaric shield +regrowth on him and is supported by hydras/gremlins/gargoyles. In the end, the sniper/grizzly will die at some point without putting your wizard under enough pressure to finish him off. I had enough of those games.
What does this have to do with the topic of this thread? Its all about spell points! The grizzly/sniper costs twice as much spell points compared to the hydra. Therefore loosing the grizzly/sniper will hurt much more than loosing a hydra and at some point the out of school wizard will have no creature left while the in school wizard still has some.

Example 2: Equipment vs Dissolve.

Your opponent likes having more life. Therefore, he includes two sunfire amulets (which give +1 life each round) in his spell book for 8 spell points. You are a water wizard with 6 dissolves. During the game he will cast the amulet twice and you dissolve it soon. He will still get 2 or more life from it, but in the end he will have paid 8 spell points while you paid 2 (with mage wand even less). I cant stress enough how important this is! Two life, heck even six life, really don’t matter if your opponent spent six spell points more than you did! Late game is not decided by six more life (and, as I said, as a well played wizard or if playing against a formidable wizard you will reach late game for sure). Its decided by who has the better options to choose from.

Example 3: Essence Drain vs Dispel.

Your opponent casts essence drain four times during the game. You dispel all of them and some of those dispels come from a mage wand. You will have lost 8 or more mana, but your opponent will have spent 4-8 more spell points than you did. This is really in your favor! A reason I do not include essence drain at all in my wizard spell books. Another reason is that I prefer to just kill his creatures quickly. Therefore, an essence drain won’t pay off. A similar example is ghoul rot vs dispel. Although I have to say that ghoul rot is a much bigger threat than essence drain since direct damage hurts a lot more than lost mana.

Example 4: Mind Control vs Dispel.

Your opponent casts mind control four times on your hydra and you dispel it asap. Your hydra will be stunned a lot but in the end the Forcemaster will have paid 20 more spell points than you did. You will win late game!
But be aware: If the Forcemaster uses mind control+obelisk to kill your big creature, this can be a real problem. It costs you spell points as well and might put you under a mana disadvantage which hurts so much that in this case it’s the mana that matters, not the spell points. Therefore, against a FM a mage wand with dispel is quite useful. Mind control has to be revealed between action phases. The latest point he can reveal it is before the final QC phase. If you have enough mana, a dispel wand and no jinx on you, you can dispel the mind control before he can use it to kill your creature during next upkeep phase. You need to save quite a lot mana to do this and need a nullify on yourself to protect against jinx, but it can really be important to let your creatures survive this threat.

Example 5: Attack spells vs creatures.

Your opponent is a wizard that relies on attack spells instead of creatures. He cant focus you while you have a couple creatures out since killing a wizard with attack spells takes really long (if it ever works at all) and during that time your creatures will kill his wizard. Therefore, he needs to take care of your creatures first. But, on average he has to spent more mana than you did and even more importantly, he usually has to spent more spell points (if you dissolve his elemental wand and destroy wizard tower quickly). At some point during the game he will run out of attack spells while you have creatures left.

Something that is closely related to this topic is the question whether to have two distinct strategies or to focus on one strategy. For example, as a warlock having two strategies could be going the curse route while including some melee orientated enchantments/equipments. On the other side you could forget about melee and just put more curses into your spell book.
At first glance it might sound strange, but I believe its often better to focus on one strategy instead of having multiple. The reason is that if you go the curse route half-heartedly you wont reach the point at which your opponent runs out of dispels/purifies. Sure, you will be able to melee, but your opponent will be able to counter that without the need of dispels/purify (i.e. armor+guards).
Another example: You play an earth wizard. Is it better to have a turn to stone and a tanglevine or two turn to stone? Lets neglect that the latter costs more spell points for the moment. Often its better to have two turn to stone! The reason is that turn to stone and tanglevine have different counters (dispel and teleport). Therefore, if you have both spells, its likely that your opponent has enough cards to counter both. But, if you focus on one strategy (i.e. only turn to stone), it is more likely that you reach the point at which your opponent runs out of counters.

Let me summon up: If you think that your games will often reach late game, you really need to consider spell point cost when thinking about your strategy. Be aware that equipment with high spell point costs (e.g. sunfire amulet) will put you under a spell point disadvantage (especially if facing a water wizard which I am sure will become quite popular with Druid vs Necro). If your mage is not a wizard, mage wand will cost a lot too. Still, unlike sunfire amulet, I would advice to take one or even more mage wands into your spell book. They are just too good at conserving spell points.
Maybe even more important than high spell point cost equipments are big out of school creatures. If you have two or more of those creatures, you really don’t want to reach late game! Therefore, if playing a wizard, I think it’s best to take as few out of school creatures as possible since it’s the late game the wizard shines at!
For all other mages this discussion still is important. If you often play non wizard vs non wizard, it matters to think about spell points too.  Your games might be quicker as compared to playing against a wizard, but still its not too unlikely that one of you will run out of good options at some point. If you don’t want to be that player, during spell book creation make sure to check whether that out of school card really is worth the extra spell point cost. Maybe you can substitute it with an in school card for nearly the same benefit or maybe digging deeper into an in school based strategy is better compared to having a backup out of school strategy.

Spells / What do you think about Ballista?
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:46:25 AM »
I know ballista is a promo. Still, it might be good if we, the players, have a deeper look into it in theory as well as in real games before its released.
Compared to creatures in that cost range, Ballista does twice the damage but can attack every other round. So on time average it seems like it does the same damage. But, you need to consider that the Ballista starts with a load token. Therefore, the round after its summoned it does twice the damage of a creature!

Here are a couple of games in which I used a ballista focused opening:
The first one is me playing a Fire Wizard against a Warlord. I summoned 4 Ballistae until round 3 whereas the Warlord used Brogan. Even though I had quite some bad rolls and the Warlord had decent rolls against the Ballistae, the damage from the ballistae combined with the wizard towers utility was too much.

This one was vs a BM:
And one against an air wizard with Grizzly+Vamp:

Here is a really tough game against Fentum (Air wizard). He destroyed two ballistae quickly with wizard tower + fireball. After that he pushed me through wall of thorns twice (I couldnt do anything because he had ini next round). In the end I survived with 1 life left!
This video somehow shows that fire+2 is an important weakness of the ballista. Still, mana and action wise its inefficient to kill ballista with fireball since the chance to not instantly kill it isnt that small. Even if you oneshot the ballista, it might had the chance to shoot once depending on Ini.

A solution might be to start with zero load tokens or to make ballista unique. One ballista is only a minor threat since you can move into its zone to avoid its damage. But stacking ballistae really hurts - especially because of the nature of the ready marker mechanic. Therefore, a solution could be to change the ready marker mechanic for all conjurations (e.g. only one conjuration may be activated before or after a friendly creatures action phase).
If ballista is made unique (and no change to ready marker mechanic), this might not solve the problem forever. In a discussion with murphy yesterday he pointed out that at some point we might have a couple of really good conjurations that are all unique (e.g. Hand of Bimshalla, Temple of Light if there are more cheap temples in the future, Wizard Tower, Ballista). Even though these conjurations are unique they can stack with other unique conjurations leading to the same problem we started with.

General Discussion / What is Arcane Wonders attitude towards Octgn?
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:28:58 AM »
The topic says it all. Is Arcane Wonders fine with us playing via Octgn?

Since there are a couple of posts mentioning Octgn for quite some time and they didnt intervene, I guess its tolerated. Octgn helps promoting Mage Wars and I met many players who tried MW via Octgn first and then decided to buy it since its more fun in real life.

Spellbook Design and Construction / The wizzly Grizard
« on: August 19, 2013, 04:33:49 AM »
This is for those I promised to reveal my spellbook after Gencon. To catch the interest of all others, the statistics of this build are quite impressive: From over 35 games played via Octgn I won all (you can watch some of them here: http://www.twitch.tv/charmyna). The majority of opponents were experienced players and they used many different builds. Therefore, the success of the wizzly grizard build is not flawed by a local meta. Btw, its not only me who had such a success with this build – I told it to a friend who straightway started a win streak of over ten games. Actually, the earth wizard on fourth position of Gencon used the wizzly Grizard build with some minor changes to adapt to Gencon meta.

The strength of this build are:

-   The Battle Forge combined with cheap equipment (Arcane/Enchanters Ring; Leather Boots/Gloves) produces an early action advantage and allows to adapt very quickly to the opponents strategy (i.e. casting defensive equipment on the mage,  items that focus on gaining mana advantage or casting Mage Wand for agressive purpose)

-   IMO, the Grizzly is the best creature in the current status of the game (there are tougher ones and the Lord of Fire does more damage because of burn, but the Grizzly is much cheaper). The grizzly survives many hits, his quick attack does nice damage and his full attack is just awesome. Btw, the full attack forces your opponent to keep moving or pay for it otherwise. This reposition effect from the bear is just great! Especially if paired with a Gorgon Archer.

-   The Wizards inherent versatility (big Spellbook, voltaric shield, zap) allows adapting to the opponents strategy really well – especially if combined with the Battle Forge.

-   The Wizard Tower is just incredibly useful! Especially if paired with surging wave to slam, jet stream to push, hurl boulder to focus down a creature, geyser to remove burn tokens from the mage (!!!).

-   Golems in conjunction with some teleport spells or better a teleport wand have quite an impact on the game! They are good against most builds, but they really shine against a Forcemaster because of their Psychic Immunity (Charm/Mind Control can be annoying against the Grizzly). Therefore, being earth wizard somehow makes up for the wizards most important weakness: Lack of strong arcane creatures – Hydra is really bad after being weakened or being the target of agony!

First, I will show the list of cards and the openings. Then I will explain some reasoning behind these cards.

gremlin   1
gorgon   1
grizzly   1
golem   2
purify   1
minor heal   2
teleport   3
force push   1
dispel   5
dissolve   2

Attack spells
hail of stones   1
hurl boulder   2
geyser   1
surging wave   1
jet stream   1

nullify   4
jinx   2
falcon precision   1
bear strength   1
force hold   1
regrowth   1
cheetah speed   1
rhino hide   2
transfusion   2
harmonize   1
agony   1
turn to stone   3
wall of thorns   1
hand of bimshalla   1
Wizards Tower   2
mana kristall   2
battle forge   1

enchanters ring   1
arcane ring   1
elemental cloak   1
leather gloves   1
dragonscale Haube   2
Mage Wand   2
leather boots   1
regrowth belt   1

The openings:

The first round is always the same:
Mana Crystal
Battle Forge (preferably casted in the last QC phase to delay the time point at which the opponent notices the BF).

As I explained elsewhere (http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12881.0) it is very important to balance between increasing channeling and building up agressive/defensive stuff. Therefore, I use different openings depending on the opponents actions in round 1.

If the opponent casts two mana crystals or uses other spells that tend towards gaining mana advantage (e.g. Enchanters/Arcane ring), this tells me that I have enough time to spend the 2nd round for channeling actions as well. Therefore I cast the following:

Round 2 (channeling opening):
Battle Forge casts Arcane Ring
During main action phase I cast harmonize on my mage without revealing it yet (this is beneficial since during the opponents main action phase he doesn’t know that I increased channeling).
During last QC phase I cast a mana crystal (it gets the reduced cost from the arcane ring).
After the reset phase of round 3, I reveal harmonize (it will have reduced cost from arcane ring, since it’s a new round. But, I cant use arcane ring in round 3 again!).

Round 3 (channeling opening):
Battle Forge casts Enchanters Ring
With Full Action my mage summons a grizzly
The QC is used for a hidden enchantment on me or the bear (what enchantment and which target depend on the opponents actions. Good enchantments are: Rhino hide/Regrowth as defensive options, Nullify, bear strength, Cheetah Speed as aggressive options – Nullify is agressive since it helps the bear to not get sleeped or stoned and to deliver its damage).

If the opponent used his actions in round 1 for aggressive stuff, I will use a defensive opening. As an example, the opponent could move twice toward  me and spend only his QC for a mana crystal. This is dangerous since in round 2 he will be in range for two fireballs on my mage and he will have the mana to do it. Even if the opponent moves only one zone in round 1 but casts a hidden enchantment on himself (which could be a Chetaah Speed), he still might be able to throw two fireballs at my mage in round 2 or to push him through a wall of thorns. Therefore, I go for early armor since it is crucial in a damage race:

Round 2 (defensive opening):
Battle Forge casts: Leather Gloves
During QC Phase my mage casts: Leather Boots (let me emphasize how great Leather Boots/Gloves are - they are cheap and noone really wants to spend a dissolve+action to remove them)
Full Action: Gremlin

If the opponent really casts Fireballs on me in Round 2, I go the defensive route even further:

Round 3 (defensive defensive opening):
I use voltaric shield.
Battle Forge: Dragonscale Hauberk
QC: Elemental Cloak (this combo helps a lot against explode, since even after the equipments destruction my mage still has -2 flame on him against the explodes attack)
Full Action: Nullify
Alternatively, I use Nullify in the QC phase if I am afraid of the opponent casting explode before I can use my full action.

If the opponent does not cast fireballs on my mage in Round 2, I go the semi defensive route:

Round 3 (semi defensive opening):
Battle Forge: Enchanters Ring
Full Action: Grizzly
QC: Hidden Enchantment on mage or grizzly (same as mentioned above).

Now, let me explain why I decided to put in some cards:


Very tough and awesome damage if you compare to mana cost.

He is cheap but still tough. The extra Action Marker can be crucial for tactical play (if you have at least as much Action Markers as your opponent one of your creatures can act after the opponent Mage moved  - e.g. you can teleport a golem to his mage).

Gorgon Archer:
Good to slowly gain board control over time. The weak are great against all living targets. Usually I summone GA after the grizzly because otherwise its too easy for the opponent to focus down GA.

Really tough creature. Its nonliving, so it cant be healed. But, nonliving sometimes has a benefit as well: Poison Immunity. Therefore, weak from Gorgon Archer, cripple from Basilik, Rot from Darkfenne Bat wont work. Most Important: The Golem is cheap to put into the spellbook and is great as a backup in case the grizzly dies. In addition, the Golem is great to protect the Gorgon Archer or to deliver really nice damage if paired with a teleport spell every other round (you need to play well with initiative and you need at least as much Action Markers as your opponent).
Downside of the golem: Many useful enchantments require a living target (e.g. bear strength, falcon precision). Fortunately, the wizard tower+surging wave somehow make up for the missing falcon precision.

Attack Spells

All of these spells but the zone attack are meant to be casted by the Wizard Tower, since it saves an action and the spell wont be discarded after casting.

Hail of stones:
This spell isn’t really necessary in this book, but it helps a lot against Swarm builds (currently not many play swarm, but I guess it will change).

Jet Stream:
Great to push a creature into your Bear/Golem or out of the zone of your Gorgon Archer. Also this attack has +2 against flying which really helps to make up for the lack of flyers in this build. Jet Stream is especially useful against the Forcemasters Spores!

Surging Wave:
Its unavoidable and has range 2! Its best to use against a creature with a defence since the slam (chance : 10/12) prevents that creature from using the defence (e.g. the Forcemasters deflect). But, be aware of defences that are independent of slam (Dancing Scimitar).
Weaknesses: If the target is umovable (e.g. a Mage with Eagleclaw Boots), you cant slam it but daze it instead. This spell cant target flying units!

Mostly used for removing burns. This can be a life saver – especially if your mage has finite life trait which prevents healing!

Hurl Boulder:
Great spell for damage purpose. There is no trait but aegis that lowers the dice amount (as compared to -2 flame against fireball). Its especially useful against flyers, since the slam removes flying trait.
In addition, Hurl boulder is very useful to finish off a creature during the first QC phase thereby preventing the damage the creature would have caused that round otherwise. Actually, this is the reason why there are two Hurl Boulder in this book. With only one Hurl Boulder I would be afraid of using it with the mage since it will be discarded thereafter and no big attack spell would be left for the Wizard Tower.


It might look strange to have five dispels in a spellbook. The reason is that a curse warlock is a great threat against this build since the curses damage gets through voltaric shield + armor and the finite life counters regen. Therefore, it is crucial to have enough dispel+purify to get rid of all ghoul rots and poisoned bloods (magebane and curse of agony is a minor threat since its less damage/round and can be healed easily via regen+Hand of Bimshalla).

IMO almost every spellbook needs this at least once! Its really helpful to reduce weak/rot/cripple and it shines against a curse warlock since you can remove both, ghoul rot and poisoned blood (and maybe some rot), with spending only one action!

Maybe the best spell in the current game. Its really useful in combination with Golem or Gorgon Archer or to counter wall focused strategies. If the opponent drops a Deathlock a teleport on the grizzly can be crucial to shut it down quickly!

Minor Heal:
Many think its better to summon a new creature instead of healing one that is nearly dead. I guess in some situations that’s right, but for this build its expensive to put in a 2nd grizzly in case the first one dies. Anyway, if the grizzly has a couple of enchantments on him, its much cheaper to heal instead of summon a new one. Additionally combining Mage Wand with Minor Heal allows the mage and the Grizzly to survive being  heavily focused for several rounds.


Turn to Stone:
Really great enchantment to slow down builds that rely on big creatures (e.g. Lord of Fire, Angels, Grizzly).

Rhino Hide:
One of the best enchantments. Its so cheap and you can wait with revealing it until you get a benefit (its possible to reveal it after the roll dice step and before the apply damage step).

Awesome spell if you need to build up defensive stuff quickly. If you have enchanters ring, you need to spend only 1 mana in the current round! The other 4 mana can be spend from the mana of the subsequent round since the upkeep phase happens after the channeling phase. This allows you to cast Dragonscale Hauberk (with the Battle Forge) + Elemental Cloak + Regrowth in one round even if you only have 13 mana!


Do I have to say anything? Wizard tower and Hand of Bimshalla are just awesome. Wall of thorns is great in combination with Force Push. The Battle Forge is a key element of this build and two Mana Crystals are very useful if your opponent starts with a slow opening.


Dragonscale Hauberk:
From all attack spells Fireball and Flameblast have the best Damage to Mana ratio. Therefore, IMO it is more important to reduce their damage potential compared to reducing the damage potential from other spells (e.g. Lightning Bolt). Its even more important since there is only one incantations that destroys an equipment while doing damage (explode) and thereby producing an action advantage. Since explode is fire damage, the combination of Dragonscale Hauberk and Elemental Cloak really helps to reduce the opponents damage output! All this are reasons why two Dragonscale Hauberks are included into this build.

Leather Gloves/Boots + Arcane/Enchanters Ring:
Very cheap but still useful equipment. They shine if casted by the Battle Forge since them being so cheap allows your mage to still cast two spells in that round and gaining an action advantage early on.

Regrowt belt:
Very useful since it can be casted by the Forge thereby saving you an action in mid to late game. This item somehow counters Ghoul Rot/Magebane without the need of your mages action! Often its better to cast a Regrowth Belt compared to a heal, since with all the armor this mage survives long enough to make good use of regenerate.

If you like this build, pls give it a try and let me know how it worked out for you!

General Discussion / live streaming (and recording) MW
« on: August 13, 2013, 01:10:16 PM »
If you are interested in watching games live, I will stream my games if the opponent is fine with it (recorded games can be found here as well):


If you have any questions about my strategy and build feel free to contact me here in the forum or in Octgn.

League / Tournament Play / The first Octgn Mage Wars league just started
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:11:24 PM »
Hope you have fun with the league!


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