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Messages - dani20

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I think it would be a very good idea. As I've started to play less than a week ago, it would have been quite useful for me to have some extra explanation nearby. It isn't hard to search for traits in codex, but some examples would be good, especially for people with little experience in boardgames.

Some general strategies for each mage would also be great for beginners. Even the Apprentice spell book has fewer spells, there are a lot of cards for a new player to choose from. I still have trouble opening my games; I can't decide which spells should I play first. Of course there are games online to watch, but some general tips and strategies would be better.

Off topic / Re: What other games do you like?
« on: May 08, 2014, 02:50:52 AM »
I also play Dungeon Command and miniature games from D&D (Castle Ravenloft etc.). I would like to play Paizo's Pathfinder, but I don't have a group of interested players for now. I used to play M:tG, but lately it required bigger and bigger investment of time and money, so I quit some time ago. Now I am a very happy Mage Wars player and it consumes almost all my free time, so I can't play anything else really :)

Off topic / Re: Hello everybody! New players here :)
« on: May 07, 2014, 12:40:47 AM »
Thank you for all your answers.
Yes, I should watch the little ones, they like to play with fire :) As for me, I like animals, but the wizard seems very interesting, too. Anyway, I'll play more to get a better feeling of them.

Off topic / Hello everybody! New players here :)
« on: May 06, 2014, 01:28:01 AM »
Hello everybody!

I just bought the core set this weekend and I already can say it is a great game :) Of course I watched a lot of videos and read through the rules online; also tested it a little on octgn, but playing the real game was great. Though I only played a few apprentice games (beastmaster vs. warlock) with my 12 yo daughter, we had a lot of fun. I look forward to test the other mages and the full spellbooks. Too bad we're quite busy and can play only on weekends...
Well, that's it... I just wanted to share my joy for playing such a good game :)
[Also please excuse my English; it's not my native language ;) ]

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