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Topics - Sabor117

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Spells / Using Adramelech, Lord of Fire
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:58:10 AM »
So me and my flatmate have been playing Mage Wars for about half a year now and are getting to the stage where we think we mostly know what we are doing. There are a few things that we are both a little uncertain about.

I personally enjoy playing as the Warlock, he just suits my style, but I have to say that I feel that the Adramelech, Lord of Fire spell seems ridiculously underpowered and useless. I mean, in comparison to the Beastmaster's Steelclaw Grizzly, Adramalech has:
  • 1 less health
  • The same amount of armour
  • Uses less attack dice with both the full and quick attacks
  • And the absolute clincher is that despite all that he costs a whole 7 mana more!!

So basically one has to wait a whole extra turn to get this guy, because you won't have much more than 11/12 channeling, and apparently his "sweep" attack makes him worth dealing less damage and having less health. He seems vastly underpowered and tends to just get nuked down pretty quickly in my experience. As far as I am concerned his mana cost is either way to high or his health ought to have been higher to compensate.

However, that's just in my view, and so I'm hoping that someone out there can explain to me how to properly utilise the guy, and so prove that he might actually be worth his ridiculous mana cost.

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