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Topics - cbalian

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Custom Cards / Runelord/Glyphmaster
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:35:15 PM »

The Runelord would very simply have mastery over making any type of rune or glyph.
Rune glyph would manifest itself in game basically in the form of Conjurations/Enchantments (basically like trap cards for zone runes, or buff enchantments for glyphs).
Pro:  Highly versatile (multiple school of magic, primarily elemental)
Con:  VERY Enchantment focused, which has positional and dispellable limitations

Although it might sound a little similar to the Elementalist idea, it really isn’t since it isn’t spell (incantation/creature) focused, it is rune enhancement focused.

I’m not exactly sure on school of magic and points but just to toss something out there it would basically be something like:
Primary school – Arcane *
Secondary school(s) - Single cost for all elements Enchantment spells only
I don’t really see a need to make anything triple cost unless you think there should be?

*Arcane would make sense because of enchantment control and Enchanters Stone.  * I think that is name of it.

Some general ideas for how this works and plays out in game…

Runes – conjuration/traps (think fire trap like, but expand the options)

* Lightning runes – small damage plus stun any enemy walking on rune (trap)
* Water runes – small healing (regen) for any friendly creatures on rune (zone)
* Wind/Air runes – grants flying to non mage friendly creatures on rune (buff)
* Earth runes – hinders/slows enemy movement (trap)
* Fire runes – small damage plus burning any enemy walking on rune

You get the idea – they basically work like traps but they aren’t 1 time use they are “runes” that the Mage casts on the zone so they have a persistent effect.
Runes would work like conjurations – so they can be destroyed (like Caltrops).  Also for balancing issues so it isn’t too powerful maybe for the Mage to maintain the rune effect it would cost 1 mana per upkeep per rune (this would eliminate having 20+ runes floating all over the arena).  You would have to ‘select’ which ones to devote your magic to maintain and which are no longer needed and they would disappear/wink out.

Glyphs – enchantments (think Bear Strength, but you can’t cast these on people you cast glyphs on Equipment to enhance it’s effect or give it other magical abilities.)

* Wind/Zephyr boots – Boots of the Zephyr (yes I borrowed that from EQ Next), it would grant the wielder of those boots the ability to temporarily fly by spending 1 mana (same as Necropian Vampiress fly ability) – I think flying mages is too powerful hence the temp limitation
* Earth glyph – can be cast on chest slot equipment – strengthens and toughens the item enchanted granting +1armor & +1toughness
* Water glyph – can be cast on any ring slot equipment – water glyphs imbue the item with magical regeneration granting +1 regen +2 fire resist
* Lighting glyph - can be cast on a weapon slot equipment - lighting glyphs imbue the weapon with a lightning damage proc (2 dice damage & 8+ effect stun chance)

You get the idea.  I’m trying to think of clever ideas to ‘combine’ a couple effects for each glyph, but not make them too strong.  All the enchantments in game now mainly do ONE thing (+2 regen, +2 armor, etc) so I like them doing more than 1 thing but to a lesser effect because you could mix and match runes to great effect and more versatility vs the mage you are fighting and situation you are in.

-Since there are limitations glyphs (enchantments) are carved/imbued into the equipment itself so it does NOT require mana per upkeep to maintain the effect similar to maintaining zone runes.

Limitations (purposefully built in for power balance):

You are enchanting EQUIPMENT not creatures.  I think eventually the game should let you equip CREATURES not just equip mages (why can’t I give my angel a sword which gives it an attack ability choice or equip it with armor?) but regardless it limits it because if the equip is destroyed it destroys both.  I am trying to give a wide range of flexibility without being too powerful so working within magical limitations.  I am also trying to make equipment be more versatile and valuable, imbued boots or a sword with a lightning proc would be a bigger deal if it was disolved.

The other limitation is simply that conjurations and enchantments can be destroyed dispelled.  Again I'm not intending the arena to get cluttered with persistent effect cards, plus thematically that wouldn't make sense, and gameplay wise would be too powerful, so this provides I think balance but also adds a fun element with more variety.  There are TONS of ways you can go with runes and glyphs, I only tossed out a couple ideas.  The other fun thing is any mage could use them (just like most other cards not in their primary class) but would just cost them more, so it would add fun options to ALL the mages so if you have a favorite mage you can use these on them too!

Rules Discussion / Rule on friendly vs all creatures?
« on: July 27, 2013, 08:28:22 AM »
My friend and I are going to play a Beastmaster vs Beastmaster game this weekend.  I was putting together my spellbook and if the card says "All" creatures does that mean All creatures (including my opponents creatures)? 
As opposed to I have other cards that specify "Friendly" creatures. I assume by friendly it just means MY creatures.

For example:

Tooth & Nail
All animal creatures melee attacks gain the Piecing +1 trait

If I cast that does it give his animals piecing too since it says all animals not just friendly animals?

Mohktari, Great Tree of Life
All friendly Living creatures in Mohtrari's zone gain the Regenerate 2 trait

If I cast that it would only allow MY living creatures to regenerate but not his.

Strategy and Tactics / Push Wars - Wizard vs Forcemaster
« on: July 26, 2013, 06:54:40 PM »
OPTION A: Wizard Tower Jet Stream 4 + Huginn Force Push 6 = 10 mana per push/pull
OPTION B: 2 Thoughtspores w 2 Force Push 6x2 = 12 mana per push/pull
OPTION C: 2 Thoughtspores w 2 Jet Streams 4x2 = 8 mana per push pull
OPTION D: 1 Thoughtspore w Force Push 6 + 1 Thoughtspore w Jet Stream 4 = 10 mana per push/pull

I'm still pretty new to the game so up until now I've never really made much use of walls.  They intrigue me and I want to but hadn't really fit them in yet.  All the talk in the other threads about using Wall of Thorns and pushing mobs through it for damage though kind of has me wanting to try out that tactic.

In those posts they mention the Wizard pretty exclusively, Wizard Tower conjuration + Huginn Familiar doing the bulk of the pushing grunt work mainly with Jet Stream.

However here is my question...what about Forcemaster set up doing the pushing? 
Is the Wizard better set up to push mobs through walls or could the Forcemaster be a viable alternative option?

I haven't played EITHER deck so here are my considerations and comparisons I'm mulling over:

* Jet Stream vs Force Push
** PUSH - Jet Stream has a 'chance' to push 4+ roll, Force Push is guaranteed
** Direction - Jet Stream has to be in an opposit direction, Force Push you can choose * this is important in a later question about set up and use
** Damage - Jet Stream does 2 additional dice of damage more than Force Push
** Mana - ?? Am I reading correctly if I'm pushing someone through a wall with passage attacks -
Jet Stream would cost 4 mana and
Force Push would cost 6? 
Since Jet Stream doesn't say it costs extra to push through a wall does that mean it is Free (or no extra) to do so?


Thoughtspore 0 armor 7 life No defense - Flying *spellbind* lvl 1-2 Attack OR Incantation spells
Huginn            0 armor 5 life inf defense 6+ - Flying no spellbind lvl 1-2 Incantation spells only
Wizard Tower 3 armor 7 life No defense - non Flying * spellbind * Attack spells only

Thoughtspore could cast Jet Stream OR Force Push (and flies - so the line of sight of the wall wouldn't be an issue it could see over the wall so Thoughtspore could push OR PULL something towards it if on other side of wall)

Huginn could cast Force push but can't cast Jet Stream (same flying benefits as noted above, except that Jet Stream can't pull anything through a wall just push it through)

Wizard Tower could cast Jet Stream but not Force Push (doesn't fly, so would have line of sight issues, can't 'pull' anything through a wall - also doesn't move, doesn't fly so kind of situational and things have to line up, where as Thoughtspore and Huginn both fly so could move around (if needed to adjust and no LOS issues).

SPELLBINDING - Thoughtspore and Wizard Tower both have Spellbinding so can keep casting the same spell over and over (thus saving having to use up a bunch of copies of the same spell)  Wizard tower can change spell, thoughtspore once bound can't switch spells.  Huginn - non spell bind so spell gets used up each cast and must be replaced.

So now that the considerations are in place, the tactical question of 'which is better'?

Would it be better to have 2 Thoughtspores push/pulling mobs through a wall, force push or jet streaming
Would it be better to have 1 Wizard Tower Jet Streaming and Huginn Force Pushing

I am kind of liking the Thoughtspore pushing idea because 2 Thoughtspores with at least 1 having force push I think would be good because they wouldn't even need to be in or around the mob they are pushing through the wall, they could be 2 spaces away and do it and their location wouldn't matter (thus making them somewhat safer, not 100% but a bit better off)

But the Wizard Tower and Huginn are probably more difficult to kill than a thoughtspore.
Mana wise to set up is negligable 2 thoughtspores cost you 16 mana * Wizard Tower + Huginn costs you 18

With 2 Force Pushes and 2 Thoughtspores you are much more likely to be able to make a wall push attack work, you lose out on 2 extra dice of damage from Jet Stream

2 Thoughtspores 'seem' like they would be more vesatile since they can move and the Wizard Tower can't, and they can fly so don't have LOS issues like Wizard tower

-- Other considerations:
If I used the wizard I would probably toss in a Whirling Spirit (or 2) which have a 50% chance to push for Free and do 4 dice.  Having 1 Whirling Spirit on each side of a Wall of Thorns seems like a possible route also and would save me some mana.  Since the push on Whirling Spirit doesn't mention extra mana to push through a wall I assume it is mana free to do so?

Poison Gas Cloud might be good with the Wizard too, a Cloud on each side of the wall to do extra damage and 'hinder' them from running 2 spaces away - out of range of my push/streams

Stonegaze Basilisk might be good with the Wizard too, ranged attacking from 2 spaces away and crippling opponents on either side of wall might come in handy since they would be restrained.

If I used the forcemaster instead I "might" toss in a Force Bash in the mix.  Would cost 11 mana so more costly but 'incapacitating' 2 creatures while pushing 1 of them through a wall seems kind of fun.  The more incapacitated stuff the better IMO, less likely to be able to fight back to mess up my pong match.

I'm a HUGE fan of Gorgon Archer + Stonegaze Basilisk combo (that has won me several games) so kind of leaning towards the wizard for that additional option

But I can see some fun options with the Forcemaster and think flying spellbind mage wands are always fun (plus you can have multiple out).  I usually use Thoughtspores to just fly around and put everything to sleep as soon as it is summoned so the opponent can't do much while I kill the mage, but having a more active roll for little spore buddies seems like a fun way to go too.

- as usual I rambled a bit here, sorry.  That is why I moved the main question to the top (it was actually 3/4 of the way down if it seems out of context it is a little).  :P

I've been doing all kinds of varied deck builds, like fire themed, or air wizard, or all flyer decks or whatever weird set up depending on the mage played.  What I'm trying to do is come up with a "base" or standard spell set that I put in EVERY (or almost every) book with a set of the basics.  Like nullify, dissolve, armor sets, defenses etc etc.  The purpose of this is I could have pre built spell books already ready to go with the said spells and spend like 60-70 points for the basic "must haves" then I can spend 50-60 points on creatures/spells random mage specific stuff for various "fun" builds strategies.

I guess that was a very long way of asking for advice on what you all think are some of your "MUST HAVE's" either your favorite spells or spells you put in most of your books.  I realize it varies by Mage etc but in general what cards do you use the most?

Rules Discussion / What happens if Nullify cost is not paid?
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:11:09 PM »
I know I have to REVEAL Nullify if an enchantment or incantation is cast on me but can I CHOOSE to pay the 2 reveal cost?  And IF I choose NOT to pay the 2 cost that would mean the Enchantment would NOT be Nullified and get through?

So basically I'm asking if the Enchantment will still stick on me if Nullify cost isn't paid.  I know nullify gets destroyed and discarded either way, but does the Enchantment cast on me get destroyed too if I don't (or can't pay) the cost?

I'm asking for 2 reasons:
Reason 1:  If I cast an enchantment on myself that I want to land, I'm assuming Nullify will block me from enchanting myself too?  And if I really want to enchant (or incantation) myself can I just destroy nullify without destroying the enchant/incantation?

Reason 2:  Whenever I cast a mage wand my friend always seems to toss an enchantment at me to trigger Nullify so he can then destroy the wand.  But let's say he casts Bear Strength on me, can I just not pay the mana cost and destroy Nullify but let the Bear Strength land on me?

Strategy and Tactics / Too much defense?
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:43:10 AM »
Too much defense?

I was going to go with a melee heavy build (with my mage doing a lot of up close attack damage) and wanted to give them adequate defenses to be in the fray of battle, but looking for some advice.

I put in the following to protect my Mage:
7+ (Any) Reflex Boots
7+ (Any) Deflection Bracer
7+ (Any) Cobra Reflexes
8+ (Ranged) Force Orb
8+ (Melee) Force Sword
8+ (Melee) Dancing Scimitar
0+ (Any if counter) Forcefield

I’m thinking that might be too many deflections?  I wanted a back up copy or 2 in case something is dissolved or dispelled but I probably don’t need 7 considering you can only use ONE deflection per attack.  If you had to drop 1 or 2 of the above cards which would you drop?  Also I only have 2 Armor (from a cloak) so I’m leaning towards dropping either the boots or bracer and adding a +1 armor boot/glove.

Looking for some advice on strategy.  I've never played the ForceMaster yet and I'm having a hard time deciding.

Is it better to:

Option A:  Use avoidance effects to not get hit at all (or as little as possible) via multiple deflects, forcefield -or-
Option B:  Not use forcefield, but use Circle of Lightning and allow small hits to go through and risk not being able to deflect

So basically the question comes down to if you had to pick ONE would you put Circle of Lightning in your deck or Forcefield?

I normally play a Wizard or Preistess so I generally hide out while my spells and creatures do the damage for me but this build of me being IN the fight has me nervous (it isn't my play style I guess).  And it seems counterproductive to put both Circle of Lightning AND Forcefield in.

And since I've never used Forcefield is it even that good of a card?  10 mana reveal cost with +2 mana upkeep seems a LOT of mana drain for 1 card.  I mean the 3 hits is great to start but after that it can only absorb 1 hit each round for 2 mana upkeep cost correct?

I wish you could "choose" to use the forcefield, like have it absorb a hit if an attack made it past your deflect roll or something.

Armor vs deflect
I figure a balance of armor + deflect is good?  Like when is it better to have armor vs to deflect a hit.  Deflect sounds good to absorb an entire hit but since it is a maybe I like armor too.

So I put 3 armor in and 4 deflect.

Can you use deflect on a spell or is it just for physical ranged/melee attacks?  Like if he tosses a lightning bolt at me and I have a deflect (that works on range) can I try to roll to deflect the lightning bolt?  I know spells that specify "direct damage" I can't deflect for sure, but regular other attack spells you can?

Rules Discussion / Multiple Conjurations in zone with Zone Exclusive
« on: June 16, 2013, 07:43:43 AM »
My friend that I play likes to hide out in his spawn point a lot so I've been trying to think of ways to flush him out from his corner amassing swarms.

Question 1:
Am I correct to assume that a "Zone Exclusive" conjuration just means you can't have other zone exclusive conjurations.  What I did is toss Poison Cloud conjuration on top of his spawn point.  I can put my conjuration in the same zone as his conjuration correct?

Question 2:
Does summoning a creature to the arena (whether it be via spawn point or via mage) count as "entering the zone"?  Or does someone have to actually walk into the zone to trigger traps and caltrops etc.  I was just wondering if I can toss poison clouds, caltrops, and hellfire traps all on top of the opponents spawn point and it would trigger when a creature is summoned?  Well cloud doesn't trigger until beginning of round but I think you get what I'm trying to do to keep him away from his corner.  And maybe that new pit trap card too?

Rules Discussion / Rule clarification for multiple defenses
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:29:02 AM »
Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm still pretty new to the game.

Question 1:
If you have multiple defenses, like Deflection Bracer + Cobra Reflexes can you use them BOTH on one attack or do you get only ONE defense roll PER attack?  Or a Bracer and a Scimitar or maybe even if you have 3 defenses can you use all 3?

Question 2:
If you are the Forcemaster and have a Deflection Bracer and a Force Field can you choose to use the deflection bracer and if the defense roll fails the attack would hit your Force Field or if you get attacked does it automatically hit the Force Field?  Was just thinking of a way to save FF counters if that is possible?

Rules Discussion / Strategy for protecting your wands
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:37:43 AM »
I am fairly new to Mage Wars (played 6 games so far) LOVE it.  I am really liking the wands as I tend to go a bit more spell heavy than creature heavy in my decks.

My question is I'm looking for advice on the best ways to protect the wands from things such as dissolve, steal equipment etc.  In relation to that topic I have a few specific questions that will help my game in other areas as well.

Q1.  If you put (2) two different must reveal face down enchantments on yourself do you HAVE to resolve them BOTH if you are targeted or do you get to select?  For example can you put a "Reverse Magic" PLUS a "Nullify" both face down on yourself, or would that be really dumb because you'd have to resolve BOTH of them if you get targeted by something that would trigger.  And IF you do have both on you (to try to draw out someone to use a seeking dispell) but they target you with a Dissolve instead can you PICK which one triggers first (ie pick to Reverse Magic and the Nullify would just get wasted).

Q2.  Does Nullify block ALL incantations or enchantments cast on you (including positive effects, or just negative ones)?  For example...I was using nullify to hopefully nullify one of the dissolves I knew he was going to cast.  But I think nullify says it blocks any incantation OR enchantment cast on you.  So he cast a "Hawkeye" enchantment on me first then dissolve.  So I guess the real question is does the Hawkeye enchantment (even though it is positive) trigger the Nullify and the Hawkeye and the Nullify are both discarded?

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